Serbia: Does It Now Realise That ‘Law Implementation’ Is A Serious Issue ?

Update on the situation of environmental protection in Serbia.

Serbian Link – Ekoloski bilten:  Ekoloski_bilten_broj_108,_20._jun_2011.


Dulić je istakao da će, kroz niz obuka i seminara, inspekcija, gradjani i privreda naučiti koja su njihova prava i obaveze u oblasti zaštite životne sredine. On je ocenio da će biti neophodna i efikasnija sardanja inspekcije, policije, tužilaštva i sudova,”jer jedno od uskih grla” u primeni propisa i dalje predstavlja neefikasnost sudstva.

*** Dulic pointed out that through a variety of lessons and seminars, inspectors, civilians and trade organizations will learn what are their rights and duties in the field of environmental protection.

He pointed out that it is imperative to establish collaboration in-between the inspection bodies, police, prosecution office and the courts, AS one of the main problems is in law implementation and that is followed by non efficiency of courts.  ***

Šef Delegacije EU u Srbij Vensan Dežer kazao je da je EU u poslednjih 10 godina u oblast zažtite životne sredine u Srbijiuložila 500 miliona evra i da je cilj novog tvining projekta da poboljša najsloženiji deo procesa zaštite životne sredine, a to je sprovodjenje zakona.

*** EU representative in Serbia Vensan Dezer said that in the period of last 10 years EU invested 500 million euros in the field of environment protection and that the aim of this twining project is to improve the most complex in the process of environment protection which is –

LAW Implementation !! 

LAW Implementation !! 

LAW Implementation !!  ***

See lots more photos and our past campaign posts at:

Serbia: Pictures of Some Dogs Rescued By Slavica.

Slavica has sent through some pictures of dogs who are staying with her.



Look at Mondy, he is ok, was born 1996.- we found him behind the highway .

Now he had  lipoma –  subcutaneouse benign tumour .


Look at Bisa , female , we found her before 10 years when she was 
shot by hunters. Now she had an operation – like Mondy : benign tumour



Bubica, female, was operated, breast tumour – not cancer.



Stafi was rescued from Novi Sad city pound  , he was on death row .


This is Stafi in his room.





Serbia: ‘Lizi’ – Rescued After 2 Days On The Road After Being Hit by a Car – Her Story (and Donation Link).

This is the story about Lizi (Njanja).

Lizi on the road as she was found

Milan Calic, who is running the shelter “Riska”, traveled to the south of Serbia and on the road found a dog, who was hit by the car. He found out that the dog was lying there for 2 days. Of course, Milan took the dog to shelter “Riska”. 

At the vets waiting for treatment

We have found the donor for her operation. DVM Jugoslav Vasic operated both legs, but he insisted that there is no need to  X-ray her spine. 

Unfortunately, not even 15 days after the surgery, could she stand on her own. We consulted the other vet DVM Milan Matic. X-ray was taken and we found out that the spine was hurt and that she is pregnant. DVM Milan Matic said, he can operate the spine but he needs a MR. MR was taken under the anesthesia. During that, an accident occurred and Lizi was without oxygen longer period of time and she got blind.

Then she was sterilized and 10 days after her spine was operated. Unfortunately, our Lizi, who is now blind, can’t stand on her back legs. Also her muscles atrophied. We are taking her again tomorrow on X-ray.

Post treatment

What more can I say. She eats very well and she is full of optimism. It would be great if we could find someone, who would take care of her because I believe, that with the right treatment and perhaps a wheel chair, she could walk again. 

She has a chip and she is vaccinated against rabies.

Kind regards,

Help Animals
Zlata Korjenic

Contact info:

If you wish to send some financial help for Lizi, then click below thank you;

Donation info:

“Sterilisi svog ljubimca.
Ne kupuj kucne ljubimce.
Usvajaj ljubimce iz azila ili sa ulice i spasi jedan zivot.”

Serbia: Prijava 28.12.2010. Dulic Suzana, klevete i ostalo

Osnovno javno tuzilastvo,Subotica


PU  Subotica



Predmet : krivicna prijava protiv g.Dulic Suzane


-zbog  toga sto je omogucila  ubijanja velikog broja pasa i macaka u  Subotici , u suprotnosti sa zakonima ,

-zbog klevete  drustva Prijatelj   iznoseci u javnost  izjave da je zbrinjavanje napustenih pasa i macaka  hobi  ove organizacije  , 

-zbog prevare i obmanjivanja javnosti  sirenjem laznih informacija  kojima huska javnost protiv  drustva Prijatelj  i nanosi mu stetu ,  i protiv legalnog prihvatilista u Titogradskoj,53  koje ispunjava  sve zakonske uslove  jos od 2004. godine huskajuci gradjane protiv  organizacije i protiv zivotinja  navodeci gradjane da se zaloze za ubijanje  zivotinja i  da podrze njene nezakonite  namere da izmesta  zivotinje – lazuci da  ce prema njima biti postupljeno zakonito , a znajuci da nema za to inicijalne uslove   ,

– zbog  izrade nezakonitih podzakonskih akata  i davanja Skupstini grada na usvajanje kao da su zakoniti   u sta je Skupstina grada  vec tri  puta poverovala ,

-zbog postupanja po nezakonitim opstinskim odlukama od Sl list grada 63/2003 i 33/2008,  cime je omogucila  nezakonito  trosenje  novca iz gradskog budzeta , cime je        omogucila sticanje protivpravne dobiti  firmi JKP `Cistoca i zelenilo`  u kojoj radi njen suprug i  privatnoj firmi VS `Veterinar` vlasnika  g. Grge Tikvickog , svog kucnog prijatelja i partijskog kolege .


Dajuci  izjave medijima , g.Dulic Suzana ,clan Gradskog veca za komunalne delatnosti i zastitu zivotne sredine , namerno  je oklevetala organizaciju Prijatelj  koja koristi adresu organizacije EPAR , tako da su njene klevete pogodile obe organizacije , i organizaciju Prijatelj i organizaciju  EPAR-OIPA Srbija,  lazuci javnosti da je zbrinjavanje napustenih pasa hobi   udruzenja gradjana Prijatelj  , dok je istina  da je   zbog nezakonitog postupanja grada prema gradjanima, javnom novcu- preko 60 miliona dinara ,  i  napustenim psima  (Odfluka Ustavnog suda  Sl gl RS 9/2010), drustvo Prijatelj  bilo primorano da  2004. godine  registruje prihvatiliste  i vrsi zbrinjavanje ovih zivotinja,  jer  grad  do 3.5.2006.  nije imao  objekat ,a od tada ima samo za privremeni smestaj u kojem ih  ubija sto je u suprotnosti sa zakonom i predstavlja krivicno delo koje je grad  cinio  sve do juna 2010. godine  po nezakonitim opstinskim odlukama  ciji je  odgovorni autor g.Suzana Dulic i g.Matilda Seker  , i  Suzana Dulic  je odgovorna   za postupanje po nezakonitim podzakonskim aktima   ( Odluka Ustavnog suda  Sl gl RS 9/2010 )a  grad  je postupao , a  i dalje postupa  nezakonito ,jer  je ubijao najmanje  1x nedeljno , i  jer i sada ubija najmanje 1x mesecno pse i macke  , dok je njihovo ubijanje u Srbiji zabranjeno ( Zakljucak Ustavnog suda IU 27/2010 ) ,  a istovremeno grad odvaja  za finansiranje nezakonito obavljenih poslova  :


4,2 miliona dinara, plus x dinara -2004

4,2 miliona dinara ,plus  1 milion din  , plus 15 500 eura  ( 1 eu=88 din ), plus x dinara- 2005. godine

4,2 milina, plus x dinara – 2006. godine

4,2 miliona, plus 7,6 miliona, plus x dinara – 2007 godine

5,2 miliona,plus x dinara – 2008. godine]

5,2 miliona,plus  5,8 miliona, plus 15 miliona, plus xx dinara – 2009. godine

4,2 miliona,plus  x dinara – 2010.


Uvereni smo da  je grad  kupio  i vozni park  zoohigijenskoj sluzbi , kao i jos   neke sume koje treba da sadrzi Analitika odobrenih sredstava  za poslove hvatanja i unistavanja pasa i macaka lutalica ( nakon sto im se obratio Ustavni sud , 2008. su licemerno samo promenili terminologiju , a sustina je ostala ista  sto je Ustavni sud  konstatovao i osudio  –  rec unistavnje, zamenili su  recju zbrinjavanje ),  za koje moraju postojati stvarni racuni .


.Dozvoljen nacin kontrole brojnosti populacije pasa i macaka je : sterilizacija .


Ova  dugogodisnja krivicna dela  gospodje Suzane Dulic i saradnika  , omogucena  njihovim sluzbenim polozajem u gradskoj upravi ,su indukovala  ponasanje  novog zastupnika Prijatelj-epar  (  28.10.2010. je promenjen zastupnik na nezakonit nacin ) , koji je i sam na mesto zastupnika  dosao  na nezakonit nacin ,  i to nakon  sastanka sa g.Suzanom Dulic i sardanika   tj. nakon laznih obecanja datih od strane Suzane Dulic  i saradnika  i  koja je  grubo  izmanipulisala gospodju Branku Bojanin  dajuci joj uslovljena obecanja koja zatim nije ispostovala nego je prevarila  g.Branku Bojanin i novo rukovodstvo Prijatelj-epar.


Na ovaj nacin  stvarajuci laznu sliku , Suzana Dulic svesno i sa namerom blati ugled nevladinog sektora , u ovom slucaju je  potpuno izblatila organizaciju Prijatelj, koja  8 godina obavlja poslove  za koje grad daje pare   firmi u kojoj je zaposlen suprug gospodje Suzane Dulic :JKP`Cistoca i zelenilo` i davao je  450 000 dinara mesecno za poslove hvatanja i unistavanja pasa i macaka lutalica  i onda kada je toj firmi  Resenjem republicke veterinarske inspekcije  od 2.9.2004. do 3.5.2006. bio zabranjen rad na ovim poslovima .


Takodje  g.Suzana Dulic krsi ljudska prava , postupa u suprotnosti sa nalozima Zakona protiv diskriminacije  nezakonitim podzakonskim aktima -opstinskim odlukama  i ignorisanjem  ljudi koji  godinama  bezuspesno zahtevaju zakonito postupanje gradske uprave,g. Suzana Dulic i g. Matilda Seker   odrzavaju  situaciju u kojoj  pojedinci bivaju eksploatisani  , a drugi  istovremeno sticu protivpravnu dobit  ,

 eksploatacija  nastaje zbog uverenja da  se prema zivotinjama ima postupati zakonito u interesu gradjana i zivotinja , dok pomenuta lica nipodastavaju  , omalovazavaju i  ignorisu  tudj   licni novac koji je  ulozen za  dosadasnjih  8 godina zbrinjavanja napustenih pasa u legalnom prihvatilistu ,  dajuci javnosti lazne informacije da ce   `grad zakonito postupati ` –  a grad   bio gonjen cak  i od Ustavnog suda – jos uvek bezuspesno   , i da ce  grad  uzeti pse   u  cije zbrinjavanje do danas je ulozen  ogroman licni novac gradjana  za koji ovi gradjani imaju racune , i 4500 eura  a potom jos 1000 eura  od OIPA  organizacije  u prvim godinama  izgradnje  prihvatilista , i to je novac koji  g.Dulic  Suzana  i sar  ima nameru  nedozvoljeno prisvojiti  tj s njim   nedozvoljeno raspolagati , a  zna da  grad nema ni  inicijalne uslove  za zakonito postupanje prema napustenim psima i mackama   i  da ih nikada nije imao ,  i zna da   javnosti  svesno i s namerom :  govori lazi .


Prilazemo- vidi atachment , jedan od  brojnih clanaka , slicni su  u svim srbijanskim  medijima,  koji su preneli  klevete i lazne informacije javnosti  kojima g. Suzana Dulic  zeli da zastiti  svoj  i svjih bliskih saradnika :dugogodisnji nezakonit rad  utemeljen na  lazima radi pribavljanja protipravne  dobiti  jednoj javnoj- u kojoj radi njen  suprug ,  i jednoj privatnoj firme  , a  sumnjamo da ni njoj  nije  sve ovo `dzabe`, ali za  to  trenutno  mi nemamo direktne dokaze stoga  iznosimo samo  svoju sumnju, a na organima je da  ovu sumnju  provere  uporedjivanjem  zakonitih prihoda i  materijalnog statusa ove gospodje  .

 Rukovodstvo Drustva  Prijatelj  koje je vodilo ovu organizaciju do 28.10.2010. i koje je izgradilo  ovo prihvatiliste , obracalo se od 2003. godine  gradskoj vlasti svake godine  veliki broj puta – i bilo je primorano , ne iz hobija ,nego iz nuzde  da zastiti gradjane i zivotinje  izgradnjom i legalizacijom prihvatilista koje  grad zbog aktivnosti g.Suzane Dulic, Matilde Seker , Koledin Dobrivoja, Vlade Dragina  i danas  nipodastava , premda  je ova organizacija  ustvari  bila primorana  od 2003. godine obavljati poslove grada  o licnom trosku pojedinaca , i legalizovati prihvatiliste  dok je gradski novac  koji je  izdvajan za ove potrebe gradjana  ,bio zloupotrebljavan godinama  kao i danas.


Prilozicemo  u pisarnicu OJT Subotica  kopije svih  relevantnih dokumenata ,  od ogromnog broja  dokazne  dokumentacije,  za sve svoje navode u ovoj prijavi  i po potrebi prikazati ih javnosti ,  ako javnost bude zainteresovana , jer  ova dokumentacija nije tajna .


EPAR-OIPA SRBIJA/Alijansa za zastitu prirode,prava zivotinja i prava ljudi
24000 Subotica,Matka Vukovica,9


Serbia: ‘Medy’ Has Been Saved From Death, But Needs a New Home and Food Urgently – Can You Help With A Donation ? – Details Below.


This is an urgent appeal to get Medy a new home and get plenty of food inside her.

Three legged Medy`s former owner was an old lady who has recently sadly died.  The local Shinters put Medy into Kragujevac city pound with the aim of killing her.  A lady named Zvezdana has rescued her instead – Medy is very thin and as you can see from the pictures, her current house is far too small.

In fact it is so small that Medy cannot even get into it !

Medy needs a new house urgently.

If you can help by making a donation towards a new house and food for Medy, then you can give via Western Union. 

All you need to have is the name and address of the person who will collect your donation; this is:

Zvezdana Radojcic,

Negotin, Badnjevo bb


Western Union can be found at

Just use the drop down to select YOUR country (where you live and will donate from).

It is very easy and donations can be made by telephone using many cards for payment.

You will be given a specific code for your transaction.

Please e mail Zvedana at the following, telling her you have donated; also provide her with the specific code you have been given by Western Union.  

E mail to

Zvezdana will then visit any of her local Western Union facilities, where she will give proof of who she is, give the specific code number  and then will be able to collect your donation.

Thanks in advance – SAV.

Please try to give for Medy.



Serbia: Backa Topola Latest (15/04/11) – French Organisation ‘Respectons’ Have Now Taken Overall Control; Aim To Rehome Dogs In Europe – Shelter Improvements To Be Undertaken In Meantime. Donation Information Provided At End Of This Post.

Subject: Shelter Oaza – Extreme urgency

Dear friends,

The initiative ‘Respectons’, alerted by the Brigitte Bardot Foundation, would like to direct your attention towards a tragic event in the shelter of Etela Merk, in Backa Topola, Serbia. In March 2011 the shelter was consumed by fire – Mrs. Merk sadly died in the blaze, as did a number of her animals.

The initiative Respectons was well familiar with this shelter, which, for some time, had done poorly. Respectons assisted with sterilisations, food, medical supplies and foreign adoptions.

Today the situation has deteriorated considerably, and the dogs must be rescued. Respectons, in cooperation with the Brigitte Bardot Foundation, is seeking a solution.

On April 1st 2011 27 cats have been taken into the custody of the Serb initiative Help Animals.

30 cats had died in the blaze and several of those had later been eaten by the dogs after the fire. There are between 280 and 300 dogs still on location now – they are not sterilised, and the Serb Republic is charged with finding a solution.

A small local initiative has taken 48 dogs to the shelter Kacha in Belgrade – this shelter would like to adopt these dogs out to France eventually. Every day several dogs die in the abandoned shelter of Backa Topola. The dogs are on their own some 22 hours a day; this leads to fighting resulting in injuries or animals being killed. At the same time people take new dogs to the shelter – it is unlocked and therefore open to anybody – all the time, keeping the number of animals at a stable high. It is anarchy.

The buildings are burnt-down, food is distributed all over the place – it looks like a dump. The amount of food, though, seems to be sufficient due to the help from France.

One person, being paid by French donations, brings food every day using his half-starved horse. There is no road to the shelter – it can only be reached on foot or by horse, as the land is very uneven.

This situation of complete anarchy cannot be allowed to continue. Indeed the owner of the shelter and Land on which it stands would like to sell the property. The plan of the shelter Oaza in Serbia, which is being supported by Respectons and the Brigitte Bardot Foundations, is to take on 30 of those dogs from Backa Topola in the near future and shelter them in “Park no 12” (???).

If there were a means to fence in more land it would be possible to house another 70 dogs, which would bring the number of rescued dogs to 100.

The only solution would be to distribute the remaining dogs between Germany, Belgium and France and close down Backa Topola – which never has functioned properly in the first place. It is not possible to continue to run this shelter because of its location, the lack of proper access and of competent personnel.

Mr. Pizurica, head of the veterinary authority of Vojvodina, who was contacted by our vet Mr. Strecko Radojic, has confirmed that the county of Vojvodina cannot take over the administration and running of the shelter due to shortage of funds – there is not even sufficient money for sterilisations. Only 30 dogs, of the several hundred residing in the shelter, are actually sterilised.

He and his team stand ready to assist with a possible transfer of the dogs abroad and will draw up the necessary paperwork for the first 40 dogs as well as all following. He will do the necessary rabies vaccination and microchipping, and he hopes that the shelter can be emptied as soon as possible. Patrick Sacco will also be on location next week to help with the next transfer.

There are currently 27 dogs in „Park no 12“, who will be distributed to other parks of the shelter. After that 40 dogs can be transferred from Backa Topola. The transfers will be arranged in groups of approx. 40 dogs – depending on successful adoptions abroad.

Note – SAV have NO access to this map referenced:

See map of the shelter in attachment

Whole area (blue zone)

150 meters of wire mesh (70 meters already existing) (A)

1 flight of stairs to be built of concrete (flank of a hill) (C)

1 Portal (C) to be installed

1 cover for well (B)


9500 €

Sight protection from road (A) to be installed over wire mesh


1200 €

10 niches (Kennels??) (D)

2.20m by 1 m with 3 doors (6 dogs) – for 60 dogs


3500 €

Ditch and canalisation for fresh water coming in and waste water going out


500 €

1 mast with electric cable for lighting

(not urgent)


Total = 14700 €

Also taken into consideration must be the rising amount of food needed (+100 dogs) as well as the wages of employees. Raise 3 wages of currently EUR 330.-  by EUR 50.- or take on an additional employee?

The search for homes in Germany, Belgium and France has begun now. It is important to note that every adopted dog needs a European pet passport, a serological test done and needs to undergo sanitary examination. This will amount to approx. EUR 120.- per dog (adoption fee?).

The initiative Respectons asks you for your assistance with this rescue effort.

Patrick Sacco travels to Serbia next week to start organisation and coordination of the work. We count on you and thank you in advance for every help you are able to render.

Direct donations to Respectons can be made via the following link to aid with their current on-going work at Backa Topola:

For those who want to send money to help the dogs saved from the fire in Serbia, please find attached a file with the bank references.


Thank you very much in advance.
Best regards,


Past SAV links associated with this issue:

Serbia: Backa Topola – Donations Can Be Made Directly To The French Organisation ‘Respectons’ Who Are Working At The Facility. Donation Links Provided In The Following Post.

Here (11/04/11) is the latest regarding Backa Topola.  The French organisation ‘Respectons’ is providing help and support for the animals from BT.  If you wish to donate money to the BT campaign to help the animals, then this would be a very good route to take. 

It would seem that Paypal CAN be used on the Respectons site.

Financial donations can be made directly to Respectons as an alternative way of giving money. 

Please click on ‘Faire un don’ on their website ( to make a donation. 


The following is a message from Zlata at ‘Help Animals’ in Belgrade:

I just want to inform you, that the French organisation contacted me and they want to take 30-50 dogs from Backa Topola.

Help Animals has been cooperating with this organisation for years and we have had some joint actions.

They also finance “Oaza”, shelter for dogs in Belgrade.  The dogs will be placed in this shelter, where they will be prepared for fostering in some EU countries. They also work with the Foundation BB.

They need help in preparing these dogs to be transported, for example Titer antibodies.

 It would be nice to support this action.

Here is a contact address

If they succeed in fostering the first group of dogs, then they would continue to take the dogs from Backa Topola.

Kind regards,
Help animals
Zlata Korjenic