India (Delhi): Appeal to Find ‘Tipsy’ – Reward Offered



Please see if you can find Tipsy.

A reward is being offered for safe return.  Picture and contact details follow.

Thanks – SAV.

tipsy's sitting profile


Dog Missing poster

Contact Details on Poster Above.

Serbia: Abandoned Dog Loyally Waiting For a Year in Same Location for His Owner to Return to Him.


Abandoned dog waiting in same place in Belgrade for his owner to come back to him.

stray dog serb

A dog which has been abandoned by its owner in Belgrade has been waiting loyally for him/her to return to collect him for a year now.   Such is the devotion, trust and love of an animal for its owner – what a pity that some humans cannot be as loyal to their animals in return.  – SAV

Jelena asks if people can please leave a comment on line (in the newspaper); see below.

Please leave some comment on the article about a dog that has been abandoned in Belgrade and has been waiting in that spot for a year now, for his owner to come back. Ask the newspapers to start an action to find the owner, to see if he would take him back although he doesnt deserve this faithful dog.

 The dog is getting weaker, spending days in the sun and rain, still hoping so much!

 To post a comment, please go to the small wording ‘Komentara’ to the right hand side of the photograph.  Comments can be left in any language; in fact, it would be useful for many different language messages or comments to be given. 

Ireland: Pig Abuse Investigation Undertaken and Exposed by ARAN


Congratulations to our good friend John  Carmody and all the crew at ARAN for their excellent work on this investigation – please read on ! – SAV

ARAN Web Site –



Photo: ARAN

Animal Rights Action Network <> has just released
heartbreaking undercover footage obtained directly inside an Irish pig
breeding facility in Ireland.

The footage is today front page headlines in The Irish Sun.

The horrific footage shows cruelty to pigs, including a grown adult pig,
which, in the video appears to be prolapsing, (her insides hanging out from
her anus). The pig is repeatedly hit forcefully over the head, crushing her
skull as she screams in pain, whilst continuing to be violently hit with a
sledgehammer by the employees at the facility
. One employee that works
there, claims this way of killing the animals is an every day occurrence and
is the normal way to do so at the facility-although not legal by any
standards-this way of killing the animals helps to save costs without
calling for a vet to ‘humanely’ kill the pigs that the facility feels they
cannot sell onto slaughterhouses in Ireland and abroad.

During the investigation many baby piglets have been found dead with their skulls all bashed in, ironically killed in the very same way. This way of killing pigs
that are unwanted violates Irish animal welfare laws.

ARAN has furnished the Department of Agriculture in Dublin with the findings of the investigation, after a lengthy meeting with department officials nothing yet has came
about. The Gardai (the Irish police – SAV) are now investigating the matter further. Irish media outlets have also came out supporting our finding’s.

Some other footage obtained inside the facility include:-

* Workers were seeing smashing the head of a live grown adult pig whom
appears to be pro-lapsing with a sledgehammer, the animal continues to take
the blows of the hammer whilst screaming in pain, before she eventually
drops to the ground and convulses, all this been watched by employees of the

* A Truck full of dead baby piglets whilst another grown pig lies dead
for up to two days as stated by the investigating employee.

* Dead piglets lie among live piglets.

* Grown adult pigs confined to tiny farrowing crates, the pigs cannot
move whilst their piglets gather around.

“Every time we pull back the curtain on slaughterhouses or their animal
factories, we reveal atrocities that would make most people lose their
lunch,” says Stephan Wymore for ARAN. “The horrendous abuse documented at
this facility clearly violates Irish animal welfare law, and we’re asking
that these people and this company be held accountable

If you would like to help stop this cruelty, please consider sending ARAN an
urgent donation today to help us get footage inside of other
slaughterhouses, fur farms, circuses, laboratories, bloodsports and much
more. ARAN is devoted to establishing rights for all animals.

Thankfully, because of loyal and kind supporters, who send us donations, we can go on to help expose all this needless suffering and cruelty, but we can do much more
if we get your donation today!

Establishments such as this pig breeding facility would rather you not send ARAN a donation, we need not wonder why.

Thank you,

Animal Rights Action Network

Ps, ARAN would like to thank everyone who supports our work either through
sending donations, attending our peaceful and eye-catching events, helping
with letter writing, phone calls and emails, organizing local events in your
area, helping with ARAN’s campaign work and much more – together we are all
truly doing something big to help bring about a day where no animals will
have to be cruelly killed or tormented for human use. ARAN appreciates all
your support for our work here in Ireland.


Burgos Pig Hell 

In remembrance of those who died there. 

Lifeless and wrinkled in hell they died, a result of mans dominion. 

The rain came down from the glimpses of sky on the bloodied bodies in the barn. 

As pink piglets cried, just left to die the hammers drained life from them.

The men they pulled and kicked and swung the implements of torture

The piglets destined for your plate were beaten till their skulls cracked.

Lets buy a pig upon a spit ,the kids will love  the crackling.


What price your ham and pudding man, what price your breakfast rasher?

The sick were bludgeoned and abused as others watched in horror.

Why can’t you see the horror here, why can’t  I see my mother.


My eyes are filled with blood now, my legs are bruised and broken.

My brothers are already dead, I hear my mother choking.

The hammers thud it hits the ground as blows smash up her body.


My body’s cold, I see my mum, they’ve thrown her on the others.

Oh let me die, the earths no place for anyone but humans.

Little  piglets we just ask for life , why use us for your pleasure.


Bernie Wright.


Following the discovery of Burgos slaughter house and pig breeding factory, Cootehill, Co Cavan Ireland. In remembrance of the victims that were beaten to death by sledgehammers to supply the demand for dead flesh by humans. -May 2009

take care – Bernie





The Anti Fur Society can be found at  and they have now produced an excellent and very detailed database of fur designers and traders.  Click on the link at the end to see the current listing.

Note – this list is constantly being updated and can be added to with your support and information.  Full details on the web site.



Pictures: Anti Fur Society

Spain: For ‘Heritage of Spain’ and ‘Cultural Capitals’, Read ‘Approval of Animal Abuse by President Tudela’


Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2009 11:54 PM

Subject: URGENT – San Fermin Festival and Shaving of Wild Horses candidates to Intangible Heritage of Spain – Please protest

** ACTION ** – Please send emails of protest in your own language to:

International Bureau of Cultural Capitals

President Xavier Tudela
Ronda Universitat, 7
E – 08007 Barcelona

Phone: +34-934123294
Fax: +34-934126871






Dear Friends,

We just discovered today that two barbaric festivals that are held in Spain every year are candidates to Intangible Heritage of Spain. We are talking of S. Fermin , Pamplona and “Rapas das Bestas” a festival where wild horses are gathered and shaved by force.

For more information about this last one please see:

Another video from 2007 and slide show

President Xavier Tudela

These candidacies are being promoted by the International Bureau of Cultural Capitals, from all the candidates that entered in the competition 10 will be chosen as Intangible Heritage of Spain.

In this moment there are 13 candidates and the deadline is 31st of May. After this date they will proceed to vote. It’s very important that you protest without stopping.

We cannot allow that festivals of torture can be accepted as Intangible Heritage of Spain. We want to point out also that if these two candidates win, the next phase will be to be considered as Intangible Heritage of the World by UNESCO.

President Xavier Tudela

Let’s not forget that since 2005 bullfighters have been trying to promote bullfighting as an Intangible Heritage of the World.

If they succeed with this, they are half way there.


** ACTION ** – Please send emails of protest in your own language to:

International Bureau of Cultural Capitals

President Xavier Tudela
Ronda Universitat, 7
E – 08007 Barcelona

Phone: +34-934123294
Fax: +34-934126871

For the Animals

Maria Lopes
International Movement Against Bullfights

Nepal: Government Presented With First Ever Animal Welfare Petition (For the Donkeys)

GOOD NEWS UPDATE – 27/05/09 – Nepal Donkey Petition.



See our post of 12th May:

The news of 27th May is that the Nepalese Government has now been presented with ITS FIRST EVER PETITION FOR ANIMAL WELFARE !

Thanks to everyone who signed the petition for the donkeys.  We now hope that the government will act.  YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE.



Dear friends,

Thanks you for signing the Stop Donkey Misery in Nepal petition on!

Last week we handed over the petition and more than 1000 signatures to the Ministry of Agriculture. It was the first time in the history of Nepal that the Ministry received a petition related to animal welfare. We believe the petition will have an impact, especially when we keep on lobbying and pressurising. For now we will close the petition.

You find more info about our work with abused donkeys on

Thanking you for your support,

Lucia de Vries

Volunteer Director Animal Nepal


Over 1000 signatures to ‘Stop donkey misery in Nepal’ submitted to the Agriculture Ministry

Animal Welfare Network Nepal (AWNN) on May 19, 2009 handed over a petition signed by over a thousand people from all over the world to stop donkey abuse to the Joint Secretary at the Ministry for Agriculture and Cooperatives, Dr Hari Dahal. The petition titled ‘Stop donkey misery in Nepal’ was signed by 1036 people from countries like Nepal, India, US, UK, Italy, Australia, France, Germany, Norway, Mexico, Canada, South Africa, Netherlands, Belgium and others.

Pramada hands over donkey petition

Pramada hands Over the Donkey Petition

The purpose of the signature campaign is to raise awareness to stop cruelty on working animals like donkeys. The petition demands concerned authorities and donkey owners to introduce a care system for these animals that suffer from malnutrition, open sores, lacerations, and general neglect.

Members of AWNN also urged the Joint Secretary to implement the Animal Transportation Act and wished to participate in drafting of the Animal Welfare Act. Mr Dahal was positive about these concerns and expressed commitment to take initiative on monitoring the execution of the Animal Transportation Act or the Pasu Dhuwani Mapdanda 2064. AWNN Chairperson Pramada Shah, after handing over the petition hoped that the ministry would cooperate in raising animal welfare issues and that the Animal Welfare Act would soon be drafted.

Established in 2008, AWNN is a network of six genuine animal welfare organisations that work to increase the effectiveness of animal welfare in the country. AWNN’s vision is to create a cruelty free society in which all creatures can live in peace.

Uk: Spindles Farm Horse Cruelty Trial – RSPCA YouTube Footage


Spindles Farm horse cruelty trial (UK) – RSPCA YouTube film footage

Please see our previous post on this issue at

Well now we have access to the footage taken by the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) when they first arrived at Spindles Farm.  It can be viewed at the following:


Our good friends who sent the footage declared:

“The Grays should be dropped from a plane into an erupting volcano ! “

Yes; they took the words right out of our mouths !