Beyond Meat Burger-meatless happy!


At the Beyond Meat Burger nothing is ever part of a cow. It looks like meat, tastes (more or less) like meat, but is not made of meat. But from pea proteins, potato starch, coconut oil and other ingredients, all have one thing in common: they are not of animal origin. The bloody look is helped by beetroot.

Ironically, in America, the stronghold of the barbecue culture, the meat substitute Burger has begun a triumphal procession.


It is served not only in the 400 branches of TGI Fridays between Alabama and Wisconsin. For a few days now, the Dunkin ‘breakfast chain, which has now removed the donuts from its name, sells Manhattan sausage sandwiches without meat. And in the refrigerated shelves of the Whole Foods eco-chain, there is also minced meat that was not produced in the slaughterhouse.


Beyond Meat founder, Ethan Brown

The company seems unstoppable, according to the Beyond Meat founder and CEO Ethan Brown, everything is going great:

Again, the company had to correct its sales expectations for 2019 upwards. Compared to the previous year, revenues are now expected to increase by 170 percent to $ 240 million.
Just since the IPO, the global number of outlets has increased by over 20,000, Brown reported. The concern voiced by analysts that Beyond Meat may not be able to keep up with production sounds like a luxury issue.

“Fake Meat Will Save Us,” a New York Times commentator shouted to his readers: “Industrial agriculture is the coal industry of food production” – that is, a dying industry.
Not only does the production of a single beef burger devour two and a half thousand liters of water. Unhealthy food is more lethal “than unprotected sex, alcohol, drugs and nicotine consumption together”.


Many farmers in the US do not like it. They urge the legislator to prohibit the new competition from using the word meat for their goods. So far without success!


For more…at:


My comment: In the past, vegetarian diet was more of an intellectual edge. Soon meat eating is only for the decadent elite as slavery used to be.
A hopeful product that seriously alleviates the suffering of animals and effectively helps to save the environment.

The Beyond Meat Company understands marketing, we have to recognize it.
A brilliant idea in skillful hands just so it can work.
And it works.

Best regards to all, Venus


Italy: News and Actions From OIPA.


Stray dogs in Azerbaijan are constantly threatened to death by the Executive Authority and the Toplan’s personnel. The money allocated from budget to solve the problem does not go to the destination; it is not used for its intended purpose. Moreover, the executive power department hires people for extra charge for mass shot in the night. And the crazy thing is, the government does not want to accept assistance from local animal rights defenders. In her role of representative of OIPA Azerbaijan, Ilhama Nasirova came up with a list of ten requests to the Azerbaijani public authorities, please sign this petition! Let our voices unite! They must listen to us!

Sign the petition:


July 3, 2019 was a historic day in Chile. The Chamber of Deputies’ Committee on the Environment and Natural Resources approved a draft law on the abolition of greyhound racing. The bill in question is intended to amend the law N°20.380 on animal protection, with the specific aim of prohibiting and punishing the organization of greyhound racing. The Commission accepted the request of those who speak out for the weak. We all keep our fingers crossed that the draft law will definitely become law soon! Meanwhile, please sign this petition to the Chilean Parliament to ask to abolish ASAP dog racing!

Read more at:


In Egypt, animal control is under the jurisdiction of the ministry of Agriculture. Egyptian institutions’ way to tackle the stray dogs issue is very simple: to kill ALL free roaming dogs. The problem is that the country has not yet adopted an Animal Protection Act. In the last 60 years, the Egyptian population has been brainwashed into believing that dogs mean rabies and impure animals and that they are dangerous for human life. This indoctrination led many people to take their own action against free roaming dogs, poisoning and shooting at them. Animal rights activists are at the end of their rope. They tried to make the institutions understand the futility of killing dogs in order to reduce stray dog population. After decades of killing of animals what are the results? Dogs have not disappeared; actually, their number is constantly increasing.

Read more at:


On July 6th, over a thousand people, including citizens, associations and animal rights activists, gathered and marched peacefully on the streets of Parma. All united on one single goal: the liberation of six macaques that will be subjected to an awful experiment that will make them blind, conducted in the Universities of Turin and Parma.The target of the protest was the research project called ‘LIGHTUP – Turning the cortically blind brain to see’, that is to say, vivisection procedures on macaques. On July 11th, OIPA held a public debate on the outright brutality of animal testing, organised together with other associations. Several scientists took part in the debate. They showed that animal testing is totally anachronistic and ineffective and cannot be justified on scientific grounds

Read more at:



The Western Balkans are not yet a safe place for stray dogs. Their number is high and they are unwanted by large portions of the local population. However, at the same time there are several NGOs working to improve animal welfare in the region. Thanks to their hard work and commitment, national and local institutions are beginning to understand the importance of CNVR programs and some collaborations have been established in the last few years between NGOs and the institutions. What we are trying to do in the Western Balkan region is not just only a rescue program for single animals. In our view, it is far more important to change the mentality of citizens and the legislation on small animals and stray dogs’ management.

Read more at:


OIPA on Facebook
OIPA on Twitter
OIPA on Care2
OIPA on Youtube


International Organization for Animal Protection
NGO affiliated with the UN Department of Public Information and the UN Economic and Social Council



Sheep Ship Now Departed UAE and At Sea Under Own Power.

Update – 30/7/19 1630GMT.

The Al Shuwaikh which is destined for Kuwait on 3/8 has now departed Jebel Ali which is near to Dubai in the United Arab Emirates.

As it is currently underway using its own power and is travelling at 12.7 knots.

It arrived at the port at16-35 local time on 29/7.

We will track as always to see if she makes for Qatar or Bahrain before getting to Kuait.




Palm Oil produced in the lab?

Image result for smiling orangutan

Palm Oil produced in the lab?


Green startup C16 Biosciences has developed a lab-grown alternative to palm oil. Palm oil—an industry that is estimated to be worth $88 billion—is used in a number of everyday products such as food, clothes, shampoo, cosmetics, and fuel and is associated with deforestation of rainforests in Costa Rica and Indonesia to make way for palm tree plantations, releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and destroying habitats for people and endangered wild animals along the way. Using synthetic biology, C16 was able to create a sustainable, environmentally-friendly alternative to palm oil using yeast, that grows in tap water, and feeding it a feedstock or carbon source to multiply. Given the wide use of palm oil in products, the company is concentrating its efforts to replace the use of palm oil in a portion of the market, starting with the skincare and cosmetics industries. “Fermentation is a well-proven commercial process that has been used for centuries to convert raw materials into consumable commercial products consumed by billions of people every day,” C16’s website says. “We believe that brewing palm oil like beer is the best and most likely path to developing a truly sustainable palm oil alternative.”

Image result for palm oil devastation


The Palm Oil Problem

Palm oil is everywhere: it’s in our food, clothes, shampoo, and even the fuel that powers our cars. But this $61 billion industry has drastic environmental and societal costs: rainforests from Costa Rica to Indonesia are destroyed to make way for oil palm tree plantations, releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and destroying habitats for people and endangered wildlife along the way.

But palm oil doesn’t have to be a problem. There remains an urgent need for consumers and companies alike to switch to environmentally conscious, sustainable palm oil products.

Image result for palm oil devastation


C16 was founded with the objective of creating a sustainable, environmentally friendly alternative to conflict palm oil. By offering producers, refiners, traders and consumers of palm oil an opportunity to invest part of their production into bio-based oils and sustainability efforts, our aim is to reduce the environmental footprint of palm oil production and protect precious natural land, wildlife and resources in the process.

Our Technology

We’ve developed technology to brew a sustainable alternative to palm oil from microbes.

Fermentation is a well-proven commercial process that has been used for centuries to convert raw materials into consumable commercial products consumed by billions of people every day. We believe that brewing palm oil like beer is the best and most likely path to developing a truly sustainable palm oil alternative.

Our palm oil is sustainable — it doesn’t involve deforestation, endangering precious animal species, or forcing inhumane labor practices. The result is a world where consumers can enjoy the products they love without worrying about the dangerous practices involved in making them.

Image result for rainforest



Romanian Sheep Transporter Ship – 30/7 – Currently Moored at Jebel Ali, UAE.

Update – 30/7/19 1330GMT.


The Al Shuwaikh which is destined for Kuwait on 3/8 is currently moored at Jebel Ali – near to the Jebel Ali Industrial Area; Near to Dubai in the United Arab Emirates.


As it is currently moored it is doing 0 knots speed.


It arrived at the port at16-35 local time on 29/7.



Canada`s activists: “we are here to show the truth”!



On July 19, 2019, thirty Toronto Pig Save activists rushed into Fearmans slaughterhouse in the midst of a massive heatwave in Southern Ontario, Canada.


Upon arrival, the activists found dehydrated and exhausted pigs inside idling transport trucks and were there to bear witness to their suffering and offer water to the desperate pigs.

They also found a child being ordered to electrocute pigs off of the truck and into the slaughterhouse.

If these were dogs in the trucks, what would you do? It is true that these activists trespassed onto the grounds of the slaughterhouse and it is true pigs are seen as property by animal agriculture, but laws that protect unjust industries and exploit and cause unspeakable suffering to innocent animals deserve to be broken.

We are here to show the truth and to help end this injustice.

Farmed animals are one of the first victims of global warming. They suffer in the extreme heat in transport and the exhausted pigs are then killed. This is why we need to go beyond meat. Today’s heat was brought to you by meat!

The only way for this animal torture to stop is when we stop paying for it!!


From my experience in participating by “Save the Movement” in my city:

Most truck drivers with the loaded pigs gas when they see the activists. The police, who only comply with their duty to attend, does not attack. From the slaughterhouse operator to the truck driver, the anger is great: “We have to work and you disturb the work process”!

Who drives pigs with electric shock in the truck and out of the truck, of course, has no inhibitions to run over people!

One thing is extremely embarrassing in this video: the loyalty testimony of the black employee in the slaughterhouse.

200 years ago, his ancestors lived as property slaves in a colonized African country.
They were dehumanized and treated as hand goods.


Today, he serves a slaughterhouse operation for 10 euros an hour and believes he belongs to the ruling class, and therefore violently treats activists.

Other rights in this slaughterhouse does not know this black man.
Except to beat animal rights activists fighting for the liberation of animal slaves.

What other activists did 150 years ago for the liberation of human slaves.

My best regards, Venus


To the tiger`s day…



Today is International TigerDay!

But there is no reason to celebrate: Tigers are hunted mercilessly by poachers,  these beautiful big cats are among the endangered species.

In addition, the palm oil industry, which is responsible for clearing forests, has catastrophic consequences for the habitat of the tiger and for the worldwide biodiversity.

We have to do something about it before it’s too late!

Do you know these four startling facts about Tiger?
✴️ 4,000 € – 22,000 € – that’s how much a tiger in the EU costs
✴️ 1,412 – so many live captive-bred tigers were exported from the EU between 1999 and 2016
✴️ 8,278 – that’s the number of illegal tiger products (such as tiger soup cubes, teeth and claws) seized during the same period
✴️ 3,900 – so few tigers still live in the wild (the exact number of captive tigers is unknown)


private tiger farm in Thailand

Tigers are threatened with extinction. The world has already lost over 90 percent of its tiger population, because there are only about 3,900 of the animals in the wild.
In 2010, there were still an estimated 3,200 tigers in the wild in 13 states of Asia.

One hundred years ago there were more than 100,000 animals. Currently only five subspecies live, three are already extinct and one has not been spotted for decades.

About 20,000 tigers now live in captivity, most of them in zoos, tiger farms or privately owned.

Our investigators have discovered that tiger dealers operating in Europe are ready and able to sell and transport tigers to Asia. In countries where the demand for body parts of tigers for medicine is still associated with massive suffering for the animals and the decline of the wild population. In addition, China wants to allow the use of tiger bones and rhino horn of captive-bred animals in hospitals (!!)

Almost everything that comes from the tiger is considered a valuable ingredient in traditional Chinese medicine.

For example, powder from tiger bone should accelerate healing processes, relieve rheumatism and help against malaria (!!!)
On the black market alone, the backbone of a tiger costs up to 700 euros.

We must stop tiger trade. We can not allow that anymore! Call on the EU Commission to ban the trade in tigers!

Let us finally stop the #RuthlessTrade and together we call on the European Commission to prohibit the unscrupulous trade in tiger ➡️


Please sign the Petition:

For more…at:


My comment for this day is only a video, from PETA.

Which again proves the sad fact that we, the human animals,  in terms of animal morality still live on the trees!


My best regards to all, Venus