Germany: If You Go Down To The Woods Today – You May Come Home In A Body Bag ! – And A German Government Who Do Nothing But Bow To Hunters.



January 2013 – German hunters have been out as usual killing everything that they are able to – this even includes shooting many (human species) people who have been out simply having a walk in or around the forests and the fields near their homes; the only problem being that they (people enjoying the countryside) were on the other side of the fields of crops and could not been seen by the hunters.  The hunter, with out even verifying ‘his target’, assumed instead that they, the humans taking a walk,  were wild boar or other natural and wild animals which were ‘game’ for their guns, and indiscriminately fired into the crops hoping for a kill – another to add to their useless tally.  Sometimes they have hit humans, sometimes they have killed them.  In Germany, a walk in the forest – if  you go down to the woods today – can see you returning home, in a body bag.

But German legislation does not care about walkers being shot at, maimed or even killed by hunters– Merkel does not care – she bows continually to the pro-hunt lobby at every turn whilst ignoring the rights of normal citizens who wish to enjoy nature.  Many of these citizens have been threatened by hunters whilst simply out walking; the hunters declaring that people ‘should get out of their area’, whilst at the same time using tactics such as threatening to shoot the citizens dogs if they do not obey what is said by the gun waving hunter – get out and stay out – I am here to kill and that is what I intend to do.

It is a very sick society, but unfortunately one that the German government bows to and does nothing to fight for its non-hunt citizens – in fact Merkel supports the pro hunt lobby and detests everything Green and Eco.


The Bayerische Staatsforsten“ – the Bavarian forestry administration – has just issued a magazine with the title “Waldjagd” (Forest Hunt).

Other relevant publications concerning hunting in the Bavarian forests – offers, conditions, hunting and animal welfare etc.

So typical, this glorification of hunting, especially in this magazine. Bavaria ..

hunter bullet
Wolf im Westerwald erschossen

Germany dead wolf

Below – Page of large German hunting publication (Wild und Hund – Game and Dog)

German fox 2,7398/

The German Red Fox Award“ is a prize awarded to members of the German furriers industry for designs using German fox fur.

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German Fox

Rich Bitch …


… Poor Bitch

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scare housescare housescare house

The competition is part of the Duesseldorf trade fair “Jagd und Hund” (Hunting and Dog) from Tuesday next week through to February 3rd. It is heavily supported and sponsored by the local Hunting Association and the publication mentioned above.

They want to push for more German fox fur being worn as fashion and to revitalise a traditional industry – that is also heavily supported by the German ministry for Trade at the Hong Kong Fur Fair (German Pavilion) every year.

Sadly, most article comments reflect a support for this ..

The lettering of the title is of especial interest .. This particular font is not used anyone in modern German writing. It was used up to, say, the 1940s – the time of the Nazis.

Indeed, the current German hunting legislation was formulated by “Reichsjaegermeister” (Reich’s hunting master) Hermann Goering.

A fact that fills many hunters, especially the older generation or those with a right-wing tendency (of which there are many among the hunters), with pride.


A word to describe someone who hates animals but was unable to find one. What is the word that describes an animal hater?
by kazzzy on December 30th, 2007


I found “Misothery”, meaning a hatred and contempt for animals and animal-like aspects of nature. Misothery manifests itself in the form of animal exploitation, environmental degradation, etc. (from:

Apparently it’s a word coined by animal rights activist Jim Mason. An interview excerpt:

Q. You have coined a term called “misothery”. What does this mean and is it related to misogyny at all?

A. The word misothery (miz OTH uh ree) is coined from two Greek words, misos, “hatred”, and ther, “wild beast” or “animal”. Thus it means, literally, “hatred of animals”. More broadly, it means hatred/contempt/despising of animals/animality/nature. It is very similar in construction, meaning and use to the more familiar word misogyny, which comes from the Greek root words misos and gune, “woman”. There are all too many examples of misogyny, of course. Maybe one of the most common is an attitude expressed in one of Norman Mailer’s works: “Most men who understand women at all feel hostile toward them. At their worst, women are low, sloppy beasts.” Plenty of other examples can be found in X-rated pornography and some of the writings of the Marquis de Sade and the philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer. These are hateful attitudes; they indicate strong contempt and loathing.

I coined misothery because I could find no word in the English language to express the similar sort of strong, negative feeling about animals, animality and nature. The word “speciesism” is too mild, as it means merely discrimination or inequality of regard. Similarly to “sexism” and “misogyny”, sexism is discrimination, un-equal treatment; misogyny is strong hatred and contempt for women. “Speciesism” connotes unequal regard for animals; “misothery” connotes vicious, strong, deep hatred and contempt for animals. For example, just look at “animal” in any dictionary: One meaning is “an inhuman person; brutish or beastlike person”, someone who is horribly cruel and violent. Other examples of misothery are our traditional attitude toward wolves, rats, snakes, cats, bats and other species who challenge us or threaten us in some way – or so we believe. (I say traditional because these attitudes are slowly changing in some places.)

Misothery arose in the first place as early agriculturalists learned to demystify and control the forces of nature–by clearing forests, damming rivers, irrigating crops, selecting seeds, and–above all–enslaving animals and controlling their lives. In that early stage, they still had the leftovers of the Paleolithic-era regard for animals as ensouled beings who represented the spirits and powers of a greater, more mysterious natural world. Animals were more or less sacred. As agriculturalists took over nature, they had to bring animals down off their pedestal, so to speak. They were needed not as gods, but as property and commodities. The old beliefs in the animal powers had to go in order to make way for animal slavery. As with any form of slavery, the slavers had to reduce the status and strip away the dignity of the enslaved. Thus misothery begins to be seen in the art, legends, myths and laws–the culture–of early agrarian societies. By the time history begins c. 3,000 BC, misothery (and misogyny) are overtaking and displacing the earlier views of animals (and women). (from:


Here (the one above and those below) are some very recent photos obtained from contacts across Germany which show the indiscriminate killing of wildlife by hunters.  Killing which includes, fox, deer and wild boar.  These animals once shot, are simply discarded into ‘disposal bins’ which are located throughout Germany to take the body of any animal.

There is no point to any of this apart from the German hunters wanting go into the frenzy of mass kill, like hunters everywhere !

Beautiful animals killed for no reason by ‘hunter mentals’ who have noting better in life to do other than take it from other living beings.  Those who then simply discard their days activities into the bin – Job Done !

This is Germany 2013 – A good place for mass animal killers (including the current government); but a very bad place if you happen to be a civilised human out enjoying the countryside, just the same as a fox, deer or wild boar going about finding food and simply trying to survive.

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hunter bullet

Old SAV links associated with German hunting:


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hunter bullet

Iran: Iranian Space Agency (ISA) to send monkeys into space.


space monkey 1
The National Anti-Vivisection Society (NAVS) has called plans by the Iranian Space Agency (ISA) to send monkeys into space in the coming weeks a pointlessly cruel and retrograde step in space research.

 Recent news reports have stated that a number of primates are currently in quarantine and an unknown number will be sent into space at the beginning of February, during a 10-day period when the Iranian Revolution is commemorated. One article refers to a failed attempt to send a monkey into space in 2011 although no further details of this mission were given.

The use of primates in research will not enable the ISA, as it has claimed, to “examine human factors in space”. A critical review of research on primates has found that results can be “irrelevant, unnecessary, even hazardous to human health and to have little or no predictive value or application to human medicine.”

The ISA’s decision is at odds with the European Space Agency (ESA) which has distanced itself from the use of primates, previously commenting that “ESA declines any interest in monkey research and does not consider any need or use for such research results”. In 2010, NASA also abandoned plans to carry out radiation experiments on squirrel monkeys.

 NAVS Chief Executive Jan Creamer: “If Iran continues with this mission, they will be taking a huge leap backwards for space research. Manned space missions provide a wealth of data, the benefits of which are incomparable to the use of animals. To press ahead with sending a monkey into space would be inexcusable.”

In the words of Soviet cosmonaut Valentin Lebedev, who set a world record for time in space, “The existing knowledge received from past experience of long time space flights is quite enough right now to predict their influence on people”.

National Anti Vivisection Society
Millbank Tower, Millbank, London SW1P 4QP
Tel: 020 7630 3340
space monkey 2

space monkey 3

UK / Netherlands: (UK) Live Export Policing Goes Over £400,000 in 18 Months – (NL) New Film Released Re EU Long Distance Live Animal Transport Investigations.



Rams 25 Aug 2

UK – Ramsgate animal export demos ‘cost £400,000 to police’

Officers have policed a series of protests since live exports moved to Ramsgate

Policing protests against live animal exports from Ramsgate has cost Kent Police more than £400,000 over the last 18 months, the force has revealed.

A report to Kent’s police and crime commissioner, Ann Barnes, showed there were 15 arrests and two police officers injured during demonstrations in 2012.

Ms Barnes said policing the protests was a “no-win situation”.

But Councillor Ian Driver, who is one of the protest organisers, said he believed police costs to be nearer £1m.

The issue of the export of livestock has caused controversy in Kent for decades, beginning in Dover.

Dover Harbour Board halted the trade in April 2011, prompting the move to Ramsgate which is owned by Thanet District Council.



‘Beyond peaceful protest’

The report, prepared by Chief Constable Ian Learmonth, said the primary role of Kent Police was to facilitate the lawful export trade and the right of people to protest peacefully.

But it said that events at Ramsgate in the latter half of 2012 went beyond peaceful protest.

Ms Barnes said if police deployed too few officers and someone got hurt they would be blamed, but if there were too many it would be considered a waste of money.

“They are in a bit of a no-win situation,” she said.

Councillor Ian Driver said he believed the full cost of policing was nearer £1m

“They have to put enough people there to make sure everybody is safe and to allow the trade to continue.

“Whatever we say, it is a legal trade. The protesters can’t stop it, Thanet Council can’t stop it and it has to be policed.”

But independent councillor Mr Driver disputed the police figures.

“The chief constable doesn’t count all the logistical support for policing the demonstration,” he said.

“He is not counting the cost of the intelligence gathering work and nor has he counted the legal costs to the police force.

“My figure is more like £1m that has been spent.”

Mr Driver also said that of the 15 arrests, five were “nothing whatsoever” to do with the protests.

“Of the other arrests only one person has gone to court, who went to appeal, and Kent Police’s case was thrown out,” he said.



VC1 18 Jan

Lesley last 4

Lesley last 5

Photos – VC – KAALE –


And also, the EU is failing animals in transport – (Yet) another investigation shows.

One day possibly, the EU will actually do something positive for all the money it takes from member states.  Animal transport is a huge issue within the EU, and we call for improvements and changes to be introduced immediately.

** WARNING ** – The following video link shows extreme animal suffering.  This is the reality of long distance animal transport in some parts of the EU, and also from the EU to non member states such as Turkey.

(EN) Dearest donors and friends,

Today we are releasing a new film, that we made together with the Animal Welfare Foundation and Compassion in World Farming, to the media in Europe and Turkey. As you know, we use our reports, photos and videos to lobby and educate the European Commission, to complain to the Member State officials and to train the police so that more livestock trucks in violation are stopped and sanctioned.
But we hope that by sharing video- footage with animal-welfare campaign groups and with the media, we can get the world to know about these animals that become dehydrated, exhausted and scared during these difficult journeys.

The film has video scenes taken from our most recent investigations at the Turkish border, but also of EU animals going to other countries far away.
As usual, we are calling for an end to live export. Sadly, with the economy not doing well, most EU countries and even the European Union are promoting expanding the trade in live animals…I am afraid we will not win this fight but we must continue to make people aware.  One day, this will all stop.

To view the new film, please click on

We would be really pleased if you could set it on your Facebook pages or other social media that you use. Passing it to friends and contacts by email as well.
Thank you for all your support and for caring,

(NL) Beste donateurs en vrienden,

Vandaag hebben wij een nieuwe film aangeboden aan de Europese en Turkse media  die we samen met Animal Welfare Foundation en Compassion in World Farming hebben gemaakt. Zoals jullie weten gebruiken wij onze rapporten, foto’s en video’s als ondersteuning om de Europese Commissie te informeren en hun kennis te vergroten, om klachten te sturen naar officiële vertegenwoordigers van de lidstaten  en om training te geven aan politie zodat zij meer veetransporten die de wet overtreden kunnen aanhouden en bekeuren. Maar wij hopen dat door het delen van ons materiaal met wat meer campagne gerichte dierenwelzijnsorganisaties en de media, wij de rest van de wereld kunnen laten zien hoe deze dieren er aan toe zijn: uitgedroogd, uitgeput en angstig tijdens deze vreselijke transporten.

De video bevat beelden van onze meest recente bezoeken aan de Turkse grens, maar ook van EU dieren die naar andere, nog verdere landen gaan. Zoals altijd verzoeken wij om een einde te maken aan deze transporten. Helaas, mede als gevolg van de economische crisis worden deze transporten door de meeste EU lidstaten evenals de Europese Unie, gepromoot en wil men zelfs uitbreiding van de export van levende dieren….. Ik ben bang dat we deze strijd gaan verliezen maar we moeten bezig blijven om de mensen zich bewust te laten worden van wat er zich afspeelt. Ooit zal er een einde aan komen.

Om de video te bekijken klik op

Wij zouden het op prijs stellen als jullie de beelden op jullie Facebook pagina zetten of andere social media die jullie gebruiken. En geef het door per e-mail aan jullie vrienden.
(DE)  Liebe Spender und Freunde,

heute veröffentlichen wir für die Medien in Europa und in der Türkei einen Film, den wir gemeinsam mit der Animal Welfare Foundation und der Compassion in World Farming erstellt haben. Wie Sie wissen, nutzen wir unsere Berichte, Fotos und Videos zur Lobbyarbeit und zur Aufklärung der Europäischen Kommission, für Beschwerdeschreiben an Mitgliedsstaaten und für Schulungen der Autobahnpolizei, damit mehr gesetzeswidrige Transporte gestoppt und geahndet werden können.

Wir wollen unser Filmmaterial mit anderen Tierschutzorganisationen und Medien teilen, damit die Welt von den Tieren erfährt, die auf diesen schwierigen Exportrouten unter Durst, Erschöpfung und Angstzuständen leiden.

Er beinhaltet Filmmaterial von unserem jüngsten Einsatz an der Türkischen Grenze, aber auch von Tieren aus der EU, die in andere ferne Länder exportiert werden. Wir fordern auch diesmal das Ende von Lebendtierexporten. Da die Wirtschaft aber schwächelt, fordern die meisten EU-Länder und sogar die Europäische Union den Ausbau des Handels mit lebenden Tieren…Ich befürchte, dass wir diesen Kampf nicht gewinnen können, aber wir müssen die Menschen weiterhin darauf Aufmerksam machen. Eines Tages wir dies ein Ende haben.

Klicken Sie bitte auf um sich den neuen Film anzusehen.

Wir würden uns wirklich sehr darüber freuen, wenn sie unseren Film auf ihre Facebook-Seite oder auf andere soziale Netzwerke, die sie verwenden, posten. Oder ihn einfach per E-mail an Freunde und Bekannte weiterleiten.

Vielen Dank für Ihre Unterstützung und Ihr Mitgefühl!

Lesley Moffat, MSc Ethology
Eyes on Animals
Director and inspector

Web site =

Vietnam: You Did It ! – The Vietnam Bears Can Stay At Animals Asia’s Sanctuary !

viet nam flag

AA woo hoo saved from eviction

Vietnam bears can stay!  Vietnam bears can stay!  Vietnam bears can stay!

You did it folks !! – this is your victory – well done to everybody who wrote, e mailed and complained.

Some really excellent news from Jill – please read below.




Recent SAV links and actions on this story:


Dear Mark,

It’s with great, great pleasure (and butterflies in my stomach) that I write to you of Prime Minister’s Nguyen Tan Dung decision to save Animals Asia’s sanctuary in Vietnam from the eviction threat that has been hanging over us.

We have just been informed by the Vietnamese government that the Prime Minister has concluded that the rescue centre’s operation should be maintained, and that construction on the project’s second phase should continue – honouring his original agreement with Animals Asia.

This decision ensures that the 104 bears living at the centre will keep their home, 77 of our local Vietnamese staff will keep their jobs, and Animals Asia, which funds and operates the centre, will be able to continue with plans to expand the sanctuary.

We have renewed faith in the Vietnamese government’s commitment to work with Animals Asia to end bear bile farming.

From the Animals Asia team, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for everything you have done to help us win this battle. We share this victory with you because it was your voice and your support that got us here.

We remain strongly committed to ending bear bile farming in Vietnam – and we’re counting on your support to help the many bears still suffering on farms.

With much gratitude and bear hugs,


Jill Robinson h.c.
Founder and CEO

Further stories from the past:

Below – The original stop eviction campaign header; now replaced by Woo Hoo Above !!:

stop eviction banner



Animals Asia Elephants

We have just had the following URGENT ACTION request from our friends at Animals Asia.

Take a look at the disgusting conditions in which this animal is being kept.  Do you want another six elephant calves torn from their families in the wild to end up suffering like this purely as a simple ‘attraction’ at a Chinese zoo ?

– If not, then please contact the Zimbabwe authorities to protest about them possibly allowing this by using the e mail links given below.

Time is very short – there are just a few days left at most –


Thank You – SAV.


We need your help urgently. Within the next few days the Zimbabwe authorities will decide whether to transport four to six elephant calves, captured from the wild and removed from their families, to zoos in China.

One of four Zimbabwe calves sent to Chinese zoos in November 2012 has already died due to the stress of capture, transport and captivity.

The standard of animal care at Chinese zoos remains far from satisfactory with facilities unable to provide for the needs of these baby elephants.

These animals were born in the wild and they belong in the wild.

Please urgently email the Zimbabwe environment minister, and the national parks authority using the contact emails below.

Please politely request that the elephant calves are not sent to China and the authorities work with conservation organisations in Zimbabwe to rehabilitate these orphan calves back into the wild.



Minister Nhema, Mr Edson Chidziya, Mr George Pangeti and Dr Hilary Madzikanda

I am writing to express my deep concern about the transfer of wild-caught elephant calves from Zimbabwe to Chinese zoos.

Elephant calves have a very close bond with their mothers and with their female relatives. The removal of calves from their herds in the wild into captivity is devastating. The young elephants suffer severe, unrelenting stress, which affects their physical and psychological development. Many calves die.

The standard of animal care at Chinese zoos remains far from satisfactory, with facilities unable to provide for the behavioral and physiological needs of these animals. Following the transfer of four calves in November 2012, one has already died at Taiyuan Zoo. The others are likely to become ill soon.

It is my understanding that more wild-caught elephant calves are awaiting transportation to China. I respectfully appeal to you to stop the transfer and to work with Zimbabwean conservation organisations to rehabilitate these calves back into the wild.

YOUR NAME and Nationality


**Send mails to**:

Minister Nhema
Minister of Environment and Natural Resources Management

Mr Edson Chidziya
Director General
Zimbabwe Parks Authority

Mr George Pangeti
Zimbabwe Parks Authority

Dr Hilary Madzikanda
Chief Ecologist of Zimbabwe Parks Authority

The decision will be made in the next few days, therefore please send your email as soon as possible and please ask your friends and family to do the same.

Help us show the authorities that the world will not tolerate such gross exploitation of wild animals.

Thank you,


David Neale
Animal Welfare Director

Animals Asia New

Romania: **Exposed** – The Mass Dog Catcher and Killer, From Brasov, Romania. Contact Your MEPs and Ask Them TO Take Action – Now !


Exposed – the Jekyll and Hyde (Barbulescu Flavius) Mass Dog Killer from Brasov, Romania.

Brasov 3





Portraying himself as the ‘Jekyll’ child lover; exposed as the ‘Hyde’ Mass Animal Murderer.

A person who enjoys witnessing, and takes great delight in the deaths of animals.


Brasov 1

rom terror 1

rom terror 2

Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde is the original title of a novella written by the famous Scottish author Robert Louis Stevenson that was first published in 1886. The work is commonly known today as The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, or simply Jekyll & Hyde.It is about a London lawyer named Gabriel John Utterson who investigates strange occurrences between his old friend, Dr Henry Jekyll,and the evil Edward Hyde.

The work is commonly associated with the rare mental condition often spuriously called “split personality”, referred to in psychiatry as dissociative identity disorder, where within the same body there exists more than one distinct personality.In this case, there are two personalities within Dr Jekyll, one apparently good and the other evil; completely opposite levels of morality. The novella’s impact is such that it has become a part of the language, with the very phrase “Jekyll and Hyde” coming to mean a person who is vastly different in moral character from one situation to the next.

His Facebook page – actually that of his wife – maybe he is trying to keep a lower profile:

Or log onto Facebook and do a search for ‚Barulescu Florentina’ – she will be identified as being from Brasov, Romania.  This is the wife of the mass dog killer.

Petition Link to the Romanian government to take action against Barbulescu Flavius:

The Portrait of a Mass Dog Catcher and Killer … Barbulescu Flavius from Brasov, Romania

Barbulescu Flavius Dumitru, the Dog Catcher in Chief in BRASOV, is fascinated by the “big numbers”.

To kill a “big number“ of dogs (not less than 30,000, of which over 8,000 only in 2008 and 2009, since the Euhtanasia is BANNED) and, as he stipulated at a Conference for The Protection of Animals in München (where he went on funds given by some associations) that he killed a big number (26,000 until 2008) which appalled everybody.

It looked for him that Germans do not understand the symbolism of the “big number”, that they feel like one dead animal is an act of cruelty but a “big number” ( 26,000 -3 0,000) dead animals are only a statistic.

Barbulescu Flavius Dumitru is an “ ideological “ dog catcher.

He is not content with torturing and killing dogs, he wants to convince the nation that the torture and the killing of dogs if not a simple Dog Catching act…it is a “science” a “doctrine” a “way”…

This is why he speaks (like a zoo-technician) about “heads” when he refers to dogs, and seals all declarations (as stupid as it might be) with the formula “based on the legislation in force”, and continuously propagates his inept statements in the local media, invoking “the state institutions“ he presents him self always in his uniform and hates the word “dog catcher“, which he wants to eliminate from the Romanian Language.

In fact, he doesn’t even manage a “dog catching“ service, he manages the Public Service for the Management of Animals (SPGA – Brasov).

He does not have in his subordination any “dog catcher”….only “inspectors” whose brains he washed by demonstrating them “scientifically“ that dog catchers do not exist anymore, they disappeared like the dinosaurs, long time ago.

Barbulescu Flavius is an accomplished manager. “The Public Service“ which he manages is located in a luminous centre, modern furniture, laminated flooring, a desk for the Director, a bright label with his name on the door, air conditioning, computers, a secretary with eye glasses (wife of an “ inspector”) an exotic plant and a jurist who uselessly wears the same uniform as the dog catchers.

As for the Dog shelter which he manages, a filthy den (scraped in a former pig farm, with humid area, darken, smelling like death, without any surgery room, without recovery room, without running water) he got “brilliant certificates“ and authorizations: ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.

Barbulescu Flavius likes the army, the police and the fire fighters and he likes to believe that dog catching is a kind of urban guerilla and he wants to be seen as the “generous commander“.

He dresses up his dog catchers in military uniforms reminiscent of the “blackshirts” the “ brown shirts” or the “green shirts”, they get pins and they have guns with tranquilizers and vials with Ketamine (a risk drug); he says nothing when the “boys” drink during the working program, and he blesses them with lots of gasoline coupons.
From time to time he lets the “inspectors” play games on the secretary’s computers and gives them some whisky and approves them to party with expired sausages received for free from the supermarkets (of course for the dogs).

Black SUV Mitsubishi L200
Barbulescu Flavius has built a beautiful villa for him self, drives an Black SUV Mitsubishi L200,(given to him by the Local City council) to which he can attach or detach (based on how discrete he wants to be) some magnetic yellow plates (112 SGA) and until 2010 he managed to bring his entire family in the service he manages. His father (retired) was the “chief inspector”, his father-in-law “care taker” in the shelter and his brother ( or a short time, because he did not liked it) “inspector”.

Between 2001 and 2010, when they killed around 500 dogs per month, Barbulescu Flavius could rely on the “veterinarian specialized personnel“: The veterinarian SABAU CRISTIAN and the veterinary technician MOLDOVAN DORIN. Sabau Cristian is an “innocent character“ he is about 53 years old, of which 10 were spent studying at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, never castrated, never treated any animal, he “identified in the shelter a “miniature Saint-Bernard” and when asked why he never treated any dog he used to shout : “don’t you understand that the City Hall has no money, sir, has nooooo money“. Basically Mr. Sabau was introduced in the “system” by ENACHE DORIN, the Director of the DSVSA (Direction of Sanitary-Veterynary Authority Brasov) to give Barbulescu Flaviusa PUPPET, to invent diagnostics and to sign the so-called “euthanasia papers “.

The veterinary technician MOLDOVAN DORIN, Barbulescu’s most trusted buddy, his number one accomplice, has fun castrating piglets without anaesthesia (for his buddies who did not wan tto pay a veterinarian) he falsified many times the diagnostics, he himself shoved the syringe with T61 in the hearts of thousands of “heads” (also instead of the veterinarian) and of course, he also builds a two stories house, for himself as any dog catcher.

Before the “euthanasia” Barbulescu Flavius, gave those 30,000 “heads”/animals, the “chance” to die by them selves: he let them suffocate in the “coffins on wheels” of the SPGA ( where they struggled to breath through some wholes done with a borer let then starve to death for weeks, without water for days, no vaccines, no treatment after being exposed to the viruses in his filthy shelter, he let them bite one another and let the wounds get infected, let them give birth in the mud and eat their puppies. And because most of them stubbornly decided not to die, he gave the order to the “veterinary personnel” to kill them, and then if they still have some time left, and ink in their pens, to diagnose then in bulk, with his 4 favourite “incurable diseases” :

– mamita (instead of Mastitis),
– mange (demodicie …here any skin condition)
– chronic enteritis
– casexis

The “Professional veterinary personnel “ subordinated to Barbulescu Flavius, took pride with “remarkable performances”.

SABAU CRISTIAN said that he managed to euthanise 131–210 animals in 3-4 hours (number for which any other veterinarian would need at least 11-17 hours) and he also identified some animals with unique and unrepeatable ailments amongst those caught by the “inspectors”.

By example: he found some males suffering of MASTITIS (inflammation of the mammary glands) some puppies suffering of senility …and some living corpses.

Fearing that these diseases could be transmitted rapidly to other animals, they rushed the dead animals to PROTAN to be incinerated.

At 39 years old, Barbulescu Flavius, speaks very proudly about his “career”. He looks very nostalgic and with envy in the same time at the photo of Simona Panaitescu (the goddess of the Romanian dog catching, with 140,000 dogs killed in her career) photo which is placed on his desk like the Icon of the Virgin Mary, he meditates upon the glorious times between 2002 and 2009 (when he massacred 500 dogs per month, sustains that SPGA Brasov is most efficient service in the country, that he caught and killed dogs from 5 counties (Brasov, Covasna, Harghita, Mures, Suceava, Alba) when he had contracts with tens of towns and when he became the only hope Scripcaru (Mayor of Brasov) had to a “bite” from the “budgetary excedent” (he brought 130,000 Lei/year, only 10% from what he spent, but still…)

To his close ones he unveils his plans for the future. He dreams of killing dogs for 25 more years, and also to expand his actions in 10 more counties and to retire after a massa euthanasia of at least 250 dogs.

Barbulescu Flavius cannot sleep also because of his “legislator vocation”. HE IS THE AUTHOR of the original and countless modified versions, supplemented with the most inept amendments of the Regulation number 66/1999 “about the ownership of domestic animals and birds“ in Brasov (by far the most illegal and unconstitutional and inept By-Law from the city council in Brasov in the last 15 years.


But Barbulescu Flavius did not stop here.

He felt the inner impulse to go farther and he went in place where no other dog catcher ever dreamt to set foot. He got next to the Prefect of Bucharest Mihai Atanasoaei din Senator Iulian Urban.

Surrounded by these “mentors” Barbulescu Flavius has discovered the “call of the law” and in the vicinity with Urban he understood that the Law for the Protection of Animals had to beabrogated, urgently, because it bans the euthanasia and because it transforms the cruelty against animals in infraction…Atanasoaie “inspired “ him to understand that the “Law for the management of strays needed to be “updated” (to neutralize the “curse” of the ban of the euthanasia) and “improved” by allowing the “hack” of dogs after 2-3 days if they could be deemed: aggressive, sick, unrecoverable, dangerous, unidentified, identified, left free, lost, stolen etc), and also to “kill” the adoption (in order to maintain as many animals as possible in shelters as “raw material “ for the profitable process of euthanasia/incineration) and to boost the powers to the troglodyte dog catching services giving them the right to FINE from 5,000= to 10,000 lei for all sort of abhorrent things, some of which with no connection to the law, what so ever.

Barbulescu Flavius detests the civil society, detests the associations for the protection of animals about which he says that they have NO right to control him not to monitor him, especially if they have no intention to feed the animals in his shelters, to treat them, to help him euthanise them and to accept inept protocols from which only he has something to gain.

BARBULESCU FLAVIUS has broken all the laws.

There are none to have escaped from being stumped upon. From the tens of laws and regulations which intersected his activities, until today he has committed at least one infraction every three days and at least three contraventions per day.

ROMkilling petition

In a short summary he has:

– killed between 7,700 to 10,000 dogs since their killing has become an offence;
– he killed in horrible pain thousands of animals (first years after 2002);
he took animals by force from people’s yard or from some institutions yards;
– he took, at the demand others the dogs from people’s yards and institutions yards,
he did not feed the animals, did not treat them did not vaccinate them against rabies;
– did not disinfect the shelter, he falsified the diagnostics for the so-called “euthanasia”;
– he abusively forbade the access to the public and the civil society in the shelters;
– he killed dogs in their kennels (and not in the surgical room);
– he left to die in horrible pains animals who really did not have any chance of survival;
he suffocated the dogs in his trailers;
he tranquilized all dogs, small, large, aggressive, non aggressive, although only a veterinarian has the right to do so;
– he used too small dosage during the euthanasia,
he killed dogs without euthanasia;
he refused to return dogs who have been claimed and refused to give them for adoption;
– he got and used high risk drugs without having the right to do so;
he bought huge quantities of tranquilizers and lethal substances without medical prescription;
– he transported cadavers in cars without authorization for the transport of dead animals;
– he transported dogs for more than 160 km in cars which where authorized only for 65 km;
– he registered hundreds of dogs as adopted in the place where euthanasied dogs were supposed to be registered;
– he refused the presence of animal protection associations to the actions of capture, shelter, vaccination, euthanasia (Art 11 from the law regarding the management of strays);
– he broke the law regarding the arms and ammunition by using arms with tranquilizers without authorization;
– he broke the law regarding animals from areas declared with rabies infestation, by taking them to the shelter in Stupini-Brasov;
– he made false declarations (in many penal cases) …etc, etc, etc

Barbulescu Flavius has 8 legal complains filed against him and tens of other reports, at the DSVSA, ANSVSA and Police.

Yet, his superiors (he dwarfs from the garden of the mayor Scripcaru – who also are members of the municipal council) never gave any sign, at least for the eyes of the public, to even ask him what is going on at the SPGA.

Barbulescu Flavius is a media monster, which has the local media at his fingers tips. By example, if he wants to call a press conference to announce everybody that his “inspectors” will change the winter uniforms with the summer ones, there will be at least a dozen of “grasshoppers” from Rtt, Realitatea, TVS , Antena 1 Brasov or BB, ready to sip his words.

Every time the DVS decides to show us the “fox with rabies”(which is it said to have been kept in their freezers for ten years) and they want now to declare quarantine, in less than one hour, the space around him is full with microphones, camera, notebooks, and inept question.

In the last ten years since the dog catcher in chief has erupted in the local media, tens of journalists flock around him, groomed him and embalmed him like the mummy of Tutankhamon and in the same time have destroyed his enemies.

These are a few of his journalists followers, fans of Barbulescu Silviu:
Liviu Cioineag,
Vifor Rotar,
Dan Ghita,
Paul Petrosel,
Silvana Enache sau
Daniel Giurma.

Barbulescu Silviu believes with ardour in authorities and in their unshakable commitment to save him from all his foul tricks.

He has confidence in Commissioner MIRCEA POPA “boys” and in the Director Enache Dorin Valter’s“ inspectors “ who know how to white-wash “responsibly” the traces of his frauds, and to let the proves disappear between fingers, like magicians and then they put on all files the well known NUP.

He hopes that the prosecutors and the judges will confirm the Not-Guilty stamps put on his files, based on the “benefit of the doubt “in dubio pro reo” as if it was visible from afar that this “doubt” is the constant refusal of the police to put him under a serious investigation.

And to dissipate all doubts that there is a doubt” which gives them advantage, Barbulescu Flavius and Moldovan Dorin, polish their boots, iron their uniforms and come in front of the judge, grave but dignified, like war veterans who after a life of sacrifices, came to be humiliated and insulted by some pranks.

The German ARD TV station has shown a documentary on Dec. 8th 2012 about the machinations of Romanian dog catchers titled “a dog’s life in (Ro) shelters)”

… TV-Mitschnitt      (link to TV recording)

It is not different in Brasov Stupin: (Caution – cruel scenes from 2011)

… Video

At this moment some 250 dogs suffer in Brasov Stupin!

Current videos from 30.11. 2012(WARNING – Distressing Scenes of animal suffering)

… Video 1

… Video 2

… Video 3

… Video 4

… Video 5

… Video 6

… Video 7

… Video 8

No Fair Play for street dogs: Rasnov disposes of all dogs in the run-up to the “European Youth Olympic Festival” in February 2013.

… Video

The machinations of the dog catcher mafia slams the breaks on animal welfare in Romania

… Current situation in Brasov in August 2012

… Report on current situation in Brasov May 2012

… Report by Petra Zipp (BMT) of 04. May 2012 (with Protest addresses)

… Protest Newsletter 04-2012 (online Protest)

… Letter to the city of Codlea

… Reaction of the city of Codlea

… Letter to town council of Brasov


Send e mails to (Block list):

Primar:    Liviu Cocos                   Primaria Predeal     Bvd. Mihail Săulescu nr. 127 Predeal     judeţul Braşov      cod: 505300      Fax: 0268 – 455425


Best is to protest also to Rasnov – there it will be the same:

Primar: Adrian Ioan Vestea      PRIMARIA  RASNOV        Adresa: Piata Unirii nr. 12  Rasnov     judetul Brasov        Cod Poștal: 505400    Fax:   0368/401.858     0368/401.859
0268/230.222 (fax to email)



Mr. Liviu Cocos – MAYOR OF PREDEAL

Adrian Ioan Vestea – MAYOR OF RASNOV

Representatives of the Municipality of BRASOV

Mr. Cocos, Mr. Vestea, Representatives of Brasov Council, Ladies and Gentlemen MEPs,

finally now, after months of this tug-of-war between your municipalities and animal welfare advocates it seems the decision on your part to do away, no matter what, with the unfortunate strays in Predeal, Brasov and Rasov, in preparation for the European Youth Olympic Festival in Brasov, has been taken.

What awaits these animals is not hard to guess, given the wealth of material collected by Romanian as well as German welfare organisations over years now. The German BMT particularly has been very active, and has for a long time – and unsuccessfully, it seems – lobbied for a Humane approach.

(Ladies and Gentlemen MEPs – I would ask you to remember the following information:

Our information, which no doubt is correct, is that teams have already been sent out to collect strays wherever found (to do what with them???). Indeed, as the animals are proven to be non-aggressive – and this is backed up by the Locals – a reason for this rash action other than the EYOWF had to be found. People in the street and local residents have been called upon by teams with prepared lists to put their signature to a demand for the dogs’ removal for reasons of their supposed, and entirely fabricated, dangerousness to the public. Some have signed, many – seeing this for what it is – did not.

Locals have indeed approached the animal activists and small initiatives in their area with desperate pleas to save at least the puppies from the dog catchers and the cruel fate that awaits them. If they are not inhumanely killed right out then they will, in all likelihood, disappear in certain holding facilities – lingering in mud, their own faeces, without food or care – dying a slow and agonizing death, forgotten and yet at the same time earning the owners of these facilities huge sums from the Romanian, and EU taxpayer’s pocket. This practice is well documented.


What will it be? Will you persist in flouting EU regulations on the Humane treatment of Strays by getting rid of these poor animals for yet another sporting event? I think we’ve seen way too much in recent years of this. Sport means fair play, and once again a hosting city of such an event must be reminded of its responsibility for the most vulnerable and helpless of its inhabitants.

So I remind you now.

The animal welfare movement has learned a hard lesson during the Greek and Chinese Olympics, during the Ukrainian football EM in 2012, to name the most prominent and worst “derailments” in that respect.

The butchers bill in all these cases has been no cause for pride for the hosting countries and cities and stands as a lasting monument to the Human moral and ethical responsibility towards the weakest being thrown out the window by blind greed, ignorance and a sadistic brutality that defies description.

Will the names of Brasov, Predeal and Rasnov be added next to that list of failure? Is that what you want?

I would like to assure you that we have indeed learnt a lesson and you will, no doubt, benefit from the consequences, should you continue on this path. There is every support from welfare organisations and indeed the European Union for you to fall back on – offers have been and are repeatedly made – to solve the “stray problem” humanely. I demand of you to put aside your medieval approach that has NEVER worked in decades now, as the numbers of animals in the streets clearly are testament to!

Any more massacres will not be tolerated. It has to stop. Now.


(Your name and Nationality)





And YES, Romania IS an EU Member State.

Does the EU and its MEPs take any  action regarding this situation ? – NO.

Maybe now, provided with this information, and if they want votes in future, they will now.

Write to, or send this SAV link to your MEPs asking them to stop dithering and get action taken against this dog catcher / dog killer.

Use the following link to find your MEPs:

Finding any MEP in Europe – a ‘Euromap’:


Finding any MEP by the alphabetical name list can be done via the following link:


To find MEPs by individual Member States and their associated political group (7th parliamentary term), use the following link:


Brasov 3

The Mass Dog Catcher / Dog Killer

and below; in action.



‘EARTHLINGS’ – Human Abuse of the Animal Species – Watch It Here.

Earthlings 1

WARNING – this video, which lasts around one and a half hours; shows extreme animal suffering throughout.

EARTHLINGS is a feature length documentary about humanity’s absolute dependence on animals (for pets, food, clothing, entertainment, and scientific research) but also illustrates our complete disrespect for these so-called “non-human providers.”

The film is narrated by Academy Award nominee Joaquin Phoenix (GLADIATOR) and features music by the critically acclaimed platinum artist Moby. With an in-depth study into pet stores, puppy mills and animals shelters, as well as factory farms, the leather and fur trades, sports and entertainment industries, and finally the medical and scientific profession, EARTHLINGS uses hidden cameras and never before seen footage to chronicle the day-to-day practices of some of the largest industries in the world, all of which rely entirely on animals for profit.

Powerful, informative and thought-provoking, EARTHLINGS is by far the most comprehensive documentary ever produced on the correlation between nature, animals, and human economic interests.

There are many worthy animal rights films available, but this one transcends the setting. EARTHLINGS cries to be seen. Highly recommended! Other languages and download at:

Watch the film at:

This, like many other features on SAV, is not something that given the choice, we would publish.  But the world is full of cruelty and animal abuse and suffering.

This video gives a very detailed insight into the real world of intensive factory farming, the slaughter for meat issue; fur farming and a host of other issues.

It starts with informing of the 3 stages of truth:

1                    ridicule

2                    violent opposition

3                    acceptance

Please show, and / or send to all your friends who consider you to be an ‘animal nutter’ as we are often branded.  Let them watch the video, and then afterwards, tell you that you are wrong to wish to fight this kind of abuse !

Remember, they are the ones who are wrong; how do they remain people who can ignore this suffering on a daily basis, whilst at the same time ‘pigeonholing’ those who try to take action about what is shown in the film as some kind of demented nutcase.  Would it be accepted by them if it were human children who were being abused in such ways ? – would they who label us still keep quiet and accept it ? – would you still be labelled as a crank for trying to stop it ?

Human children and innocent animals- there is no difference.  They are both living, sentient creatures which deserve to be given protection.  Those who label are wrong because they take no action to prevent the suffering which is shown here.

For us animal friends and campaigners, the video is especially hard to watch – all of our worst nightmares in one bundle.  But it has to be watched and it has to be shared; especially amongst those others who see fit to label you, me and other campaigners as the ‘nutters’.

It is those who are ignorant of this daily reality who should be questioned; not the compassionate campaigner who speaks out.

Please, watch the video; rage, repent and share amongst those who classify you.  Let them watch the film and then get them to tell you that in their opinion, you are still wrong for speaking out for animal defence. Hopefully, their attitude to animal suffering may have been changed.  That is the intention of the film, to show the daily reality of what goes on.

MP’s, MEP’s, Congressmen; politicians of any kind anywhere – let them watch the film via the link- send it to them.

** The film is bad – very bad – be warned; for those of you who have not seen this before.  Be prepared to be shocked and upset.  **


Watch the film at:

Earthlings 2