UK: Latest Opinion Polls Show Majority Want To Leave the EU. No Welfare Enforcement, No Member – Simple !


Although the voting and counting is not until 23rd June; many people are casting postal votes early.  We have completed ours today and it is ready to be sent back ready for 23/6 count.

Latest news is:

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“The latest EU referendum poll indicates that voters have swung considerably towards backing Brexit. 52 per cent of people surveyed said they were planning on voting for Britain to leave the European Union, compared to 48 per cent who are voting in”.



But as (with live animals exports to Turkey for example) the EU is NOT ensuring animal welfare across ALL member states, or doing much to prosecute non-enforcers, it seems according to latest opinion polls, that we may be witnessing

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Have we provided enough evidence over the years ?

– and always,

they ignore it.  So now maybe, UK welfare groups go it alone and do better without the EU.  Maybe we would see some progress on campaigns.


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stop killing dogs in serbia


  • Pozega january 1

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One of our recent posts on the EU referendum – and our thoughts and evidence for animals which the EU seems to completely ignore:

England: EU – Should I Stay Or Should I Go ?

……  and the thoughts of Venus; one of our regular site visitors:

The hegemony of the powerful countries of the European Union is not possible without cooperation.
This is the EU’s real basis.
What is equated in nature as “Survival of the fittest” with evolutionary success, practice some states of the EU for the safe continuation of their power over the weak.

But the EU is a German weapon.
What Hitler did not manage in the Second World War with tanks, has Merkel managed with the banks in the EU.
It may be that the German-French friendship ensures a lot of power and exploitation within the EU countries.
But in free trade, economic policies, subsidies, antitrust, fiscal policy – found throughout Berlin more common with London than with almost any other EU nation.

It may sound obvious, but without London is the Brussels negotiating table lonely.
And dangerous for the successful model of Merkel.
A model based on the exploitation, the debt, the enslavement of not enough strong countries for survival.
The tactics for this purpose has been and is still the same: deterrence tactics:
If London decides to exit, it would be a “Third World Shop”, a “deserter”!
Thus threatens the Luxembourg Juncker, the so-called “master of backstairs”!!
Juncker, the banker from the financial oasis, Merkels faithful servant, Juncker the millions-wage-MEP in the EU, Juncker the chief of the puppet state!

I think we will get to the truth, if we believe the contrary from what the EU parliamentarians tell us!
And I’m almost sure that the UK will send out a clear “No” in June against the “Brotherhood of the EU-barons”.




3 Important Petitions – Please Support Thank You.

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Stop the Monsanto Monster From Getting Bigger

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Target: Bayer CEO Werner Baumann

Goal: End Bayer’s attempts to purchase Monstanto and become a giant food and chemical monopoly.

A corporate mega-merger could end in one massive company controlling nearly everything you eat if Bayer is allowed to purchase Monsanto, a company notorious for its food industry monopolizing and use of dangerous pesticides. Both Bayer and Monsanto push chemicals and GMO products that contribute to the huge bee colony collapses and are threatening our global food supplies.

The American people are supposed to be protected from monopolies like this that eliminate competition and allow mega-rich corporations to do whatever they want because the little people can’t possibly stand up to them. However, in recent years more and more mergers of huge corporations have taken place, putting all the power into very few hands. When it comes to power over the food we eat, this becomes a very dangerous situation.

There is a chance, however, that this merger could be stopped. The idea of the merger is already making shareholders nervous, as evidenced by the fact that Bayer shares have dropped in price by 13 percent since the buyout attempt was announced. Enough public pressure could convince Bayer to drop their offer and stop trying to create this mega-monopoly. Sign our petition to demand that Bayer withdraws its offer to buy Monsanto.


Dear Mr. Baumann,

Your shareholders are currently alarmed at the announcement of your attempts to buy out Monsanto. Since the announcement, share prices have fallen 13 percent, as I’m sure you’re aware. This is likely due to the fact that Monsanto has come under so much fire for peddling poisonous pesticides that are responsible for the mass honey bee colony collapses that are representing a huge threat to the global food supply.

A merger between Bayer and Monsanto would create a huge food industry monopoly. If you could even get approval for this buyout, the American people would view it as a serious threat to their democracy and their very way of life. Monopolies are illegal and unethical because they put too much power into the hands of too few. We haven’t forgotten that.

Unless you drop this merger, many environmental activists and others concerned about the future health of their loved ones will rise up against you. I’m sure you don’t want to see your share prices falling any further. The best thing you can do, if you’re not concerned for the health of the people, then for your company, is to immediately withdraw the offer to buy Monsanto and refrain from trying to monopolize the food industry in the future.


[Your Name Here]


Demand Apology From Zoo for Endangered Gorilla’s Death


Target: Thane Maynard, Cincinnati Zoo President

Goal: Make reparations for death of critically endangered gorilla by implementing protections to prevent additional tragedies.

A critically endangered Western lowland gorilla, Harambe, was shot and killed by zookeepers at the Cincinnati Zoo following an incident in which an unattended child fell into the animal’s habitat. Zoo president Thane Maynard admitted that the child “was not under attack,” but that the gorilla was killed because the child was “at risk.” Many have demanded to know why the animal was not shot with a tranquilizer, a response that could have removed the child from potential danger while preserving the life of the gorilla. Zoo officials have failed to offer an acceptable explanation.

Western lowland gorillas are broadly categorized as critically endangered, with an estimated 125,000 living in the world today. That the survival and well-being of every gorilla is of crucial importance to the future of the species as a whole makes the killing of Harambe even more incomprehensible. Worse, the senseless death of this particular animal will almost certainly engender negative impacts on the other gorillas in his family structure.

The Cincinnati Zoo acted rashly in its killing of Harambe, and action must be taken to ensure that additional tragedies do not occur. Though no action on the part of the zoo could ever make up for this animal’s lost life, future steps for the zoo should include an apology, reparations in the form of a sizeable contribution to a dedicated gorilla conservation group, and the institution of safety measures to prevent future accidents of this type. Demand that the Cincinnati Zoo hold themselves accountable for this irreversible, tragic error.


Dear Zoo President Thane Maynard,

We are shocked and appalled at the death of Harambe, the critically endangered Western lowland gorilla that lived for years at the Cincinnati Zoo. Though we understand that responders were concerned for the child’s safety, it is outrageous that persons with such responsibilities as this job requires were not properly equipped to respond without resorting to deadly force. Had the animal been shot with a tranquilizer dart, the child would have been removed from danger and the animal would still be living.

We, the undersigned, understand that every gorilla’s life is sacred and crucial to the survival of the species as a whole, and we know that Harambe’s death will likely negatively impact his family group. We ask that you hold yourselves accountable for Harambe’s death by committing to a public apology and sizeable donation to a committed gorilla conservation group. We hope that you will also implement an extensive safety plan to prevent future accidents of the kind that resulted in this senseless killing.


[Your Name Here]

Stop Killings of Smoky Mountain Black Bears


Target: Great Smoky Mountains National Park Superintendent Cassius Cash

Goal: Replace euthanization of problem bears with rehabilitation.

In the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, “problem bears,” or aggressive bears who have become reliant on people for food, are considered beyond help, and are euthanized to protect the safety of park visitors. Recently, a 400-pound bear was killed by park officials after a sleeping hiker was attacked in his tent; however, DNA evidence revealed that the euthanized bear was not actually responsible for the attack. Rehabilitation, a viable alternative to euthanasia, might prevent future unfortunate, pointless losses like the one in this case, while protecting the safety and livelihood of both visitors and bears.

Though black bear attacks on humans are extremely unusual, and serious injury rarely results from such an encounter, the animals can become aggressive as a result of human impacts on their environment. Any contact with humans can damage a bear’s well-being, gradually removing the healthy, instinctual fear of people that black bears naturally possess and encouraging movement toward populated areas where human food is more easily scavenged. When a black bear develops a taste for salty, sugary human food, its instincts for finding food in its natural environment are hobbled; the bear becomes reliant on people to satiate its hunger, and can be found scavenging in human refuse, or approaching people in hopes of being offered food — both potentially dangerous scenarios.

Bear rehabilitation programs, though few in number, have a proven track record of “deprogramming” bears out of learned, destructive behaviors resulting from human interaction. It seems appropriate to the National Park Service’s mission to take a conservation-minded approach with problem animals, and rehabilitate them rather than simply dispose of them. Ask that the Great Smoky Mountains National Park replace its killings of problem bears with a rehabilitation program that will allow them to be reintroduced to their natural environment.


Dear Superintendent Cash,

The black bear is a beloved symbol of the Smoky Mountains, and millions of visitors flock to the Smokies annually in hopes of spotting these adorable animals. These visitors sometimes negatively impact these bears in ways they don’t realize are harmful — feeding them, ingratiating them to people, and otherwise reducing their ability to listen to their natural instincts. Sometimes, these bears unfortunately become aggressive, endangering themselves and park visitors.

Though it seems unfair that bears must be punished for the impacts that humans make on their lives, we understand the need for park officials to create a safe environment for park visitors. As an alternative to euthanasia, especially following the recent, unfortunate killing of a bear that was not actually responsible for an attack, we, the undersigned would like to propose that problem bears be rehabilitated and re-released into their home, the Smokies. We, the undersigned, believe that no bear is disposable.


[Your Name Here]





Serbia: Mrs. Mustache.

Serbian Flag


Mrs. Mustache had severe pneumonia.

Recovering very well but needs to stay in indoor pension. Can you help her not to go on street?

Pension is 50 euros per month + 10 euros for food. paypal fee included. Paypal is: .

Thank you in advance.






UK: Many Would Call It ‘Karma’.


uk eu exit

Whatever the EU referendum result, we could be waving goodbye to Prime Minister Cameron.


cameron what will they do

cameron guilty

East Kent Murder




China: Yulin ‘Festival’ Video To Watch – Then Sign and Crosspost The Petition. VERY SHORT TIME Left To Act.


Dear friends,

Already 2 million of us have joined, but we only have days until the festival starts.

Click to watch and share this powerful new video — let’s get to 3 million and create the biggest buzz ever to stop this dog torture!

There are only a couple of weeks now to really make a difference with this – the ‘festival’ is scheduled for later in June.

Please sign and crosspost – SAV.

WARNING – Disturbing video, showing plenty of animal cruelty and suffering.

All the more reason to spread this and get loads more signatures.

Youtube version of same video –

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And some of our recent SAV posts on Yulin:




India: Some More Amazing Rescues From Our Friends At AAU In India – All With Happy Endings !


Some wonderful rescues from our friends at Animal Aid Unlimited in India.  They all look very bad at the start, but all have great endings.  Enjoy the videos !

animal aid unlimited india


A street dog had a life-threatening abscess on his face. Watch his fast recovery after rescue! Donate to save street animals in India :

We rescued a puppy who was collapsed on the side of the road unable to stand. We treated her for canine distemper which is often fatal but within 14 days she was eating and walking again!


We rescued Grace after she was found with wire tied through her mouth. We think the wire was tied intentionally but we have no information about what happened to her. She had been unable to eat or drink for days and was very near death. Please note that this video contains a few painful scenes of the wire being cut during her first treatment. Grace is now fully healed and is living in our sanctuary where she


A working donkey had been terribly abused by his owner and abandoned on the street in critical condition. We rescued him, healed his wounds, and gave him permanent sanctuary.

This brave street dog was just days–maybe even hours from death after a piece of wire was wrapped around his neck cutting off the circulation to his head causing terrible swelling.


A piglet had fallen into a well and was trapped unable to get out or even take a moments break from swimming. Just as we arrived and were getting our rescuer into his halter the piglet was starting to drown. Watch his amazing rescue and please share to help support animal rescue in India.

We rescued a street dog suffering from an enormous cancerous tumor, a transmissible venereal tumor. Watch her amazing recovery!


Please give to save lives !



Serbia: 28/5/16 – Latest News and Photos From Felix Shelter. New Cats and A Bad Ear !

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Note we have a couple of petitions at the end for you to support please.


Hannah and Chanty have joined all of the other cats in the yard and have fit in with no problems in the blink of an eye!

Take a peek at the photos and see how much they enjoy their new surroundings! 🙂

Donations to keep the cats well and healthy are always welcome – Thank you.

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Niki was less than two years old when she was brought to the shelter in 2011, together with her brother Fogi.

She had been an owned cat once upon a time until her owner decided she couldn’t take care of Niki and Fogi anymore, so both of them ended up being someone else’s responsibility. Anyway, Niki developed an ear hematoma a couple of weeks ago and the vet has drained the swelling twice over that period of time trying to avoid surgery.

But to no avail – although she had been receiving antibiotics and wearing an Elizabethan collar, the swelling filled up again rapidly each time. She is going in for surgery again on Monday and it will be done under inhalation anesthesia as she has an adverse reaction to Ketamine which is therefore potentially dangerous for her.

We can’t be sure what caused her aural hematoma, but we have reasons to suspect she somehow got scratched by the wire of the outdoor enclosure which should have been replaced years ago, but we never succeeded in raising enough funds for such a massive task 😦

Long story short, our vet bills keep piling up and up (as expected for a place with so many cats) and every kind of help is not only highly appreciated but desperately needed as well!

If you aren’t able to donate, please share far and wide at least!

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Donations are always very much welcomed thank you.


Rather than put them on a separate post, we have added a few petitions here.  Please give them your support.

Thanks SAV.

We need as any signatures as possible with the following – it is important – please crosspost thank you.

Petition 2Print







“Gigging” is a form of hunting that involves stabbing small animals with pitchfork-like spears, causing the victims to endure slow, agonizing deaths from shock, organ failure, or blood loss.

Students and locals in DeKalb County, Tennessee, are being encouraged to “gig” up to 15 frogs each as part of a fundraiser to benefit two graduating high school seniors.

This sadistic event is scheduled for June 24, so the sooner you speak up, the better.

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Tell the Tennessee Farm Bureau Federation and DeKalb County School District officials to cancel this cruel event immediately!





Dog Dragged Behind Truck and Killed Deserves Justice

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Target: Bob Ferguson, Attorney General of Washington

Goal: Seek maximum sentence for man who allegedly dragged a dog behind his truck and killed it.

A dog was reportedly hung to the side of a truck by a leash and dragged behind the moving vehicle. The poor animal was yelping and crying as the cruel driver dragged him along the road, according to witnesses. Police say that they found the dog’s body inside the owner’s home and took it for a necropsy.

52-year-old David Kadow, the owner who reportedly dragged this helpless animal down the road, was arrested on animal cruelty charges and driving with a suspended license. Dragging animals behind vehicles has become a hobby for the cruel hearted. There have been numerous cases just like this one. A sea turtle, for instance, was killed in this same manner. If the justice system would appropriately punish these people, this sick cruelty wouldn’t be continuously increasing. More often than not, the punishment for animal cruelty is little more than a fine and that’s not acceptable.

Demand that authorities set an example with Kadow by giving him the maximum penalty for the torture and killing of this helpless animal, if guilty.


Dear Mr. Ferguson,

A dog was reportedly tied to a truck by its leash and dragged down the street. Police say they found the dog’s dead body inside the driver’s home and have taken it for a necropsy. This helpless animal yelped and cried as it was being tortured, according to witnesses.

It’s a shame that this act of animal cruelty has become so common. We urge you to help stop this heinous, senseless animal cruelty by seeking the maximum penalty possible against the man who killed this innocent dog, if guilty.


[Your Name Here]