we see it like Snoopy-❤️🙏

And…a good way to start is by not eating them

regards and good night, Venus


England: 1st February – Remembering Jill Phipps.

England: 1st February – Remembering Jill Decades Later, Your Death Is Never Forgotten. – World Animals Voice

Warrior of the Rainbow.

Good news from France! 🐱🐶

In the coronavirus pandemic, the demand for dogs and cats has risen sharply in many countries in Europe.
Numerous animals were acquired during the first lockdown.

However, after the travel warning was lifted, owners left them at the animal shelter or simply put them on the street.

They often underestimate the responsibility and the time it takes to look after dogs, cats, birds, or other small animals.
They are overwhelmed.

Members of Parliament in France want to increase the barriers to getting a pet and make sure they get in the best possible hands.
A draft law on a new animal welfare law was passed in France this Wednesday. 🇫🇷

The changes at a glance:
– There will be higher penalties for mistreatment of animals, namely three years imprisonment and a fine of 45,000 euros.

– When purchasing an animal, a certificate must be signed for information, in which duties as a holder, such as vaccinations, necessary doctor visits, and appropriate feeding are listed.

– Only professional breeders and animal shelters are allowed to sell online.

– Animals are no longer allowed to be sold in pet shops.


And I mean...If you want to have an animal roommate with you, you should ask yourself whether you are willing to give the animal enough time and care.
Whether you even have the resources for it.

And then, if you are sure, always contact the local animal shelter.

There you get the best advice and the employees are very concerned about the welfare of the animals.

Anyone who has ever taken in someone from the shelter knows:

Sometimes the best friends come from the shelter.

My best regards to all, Venus


February 1: Dia de Galgos – Day of Shame for Spain

The hunting season in Spain is officially over on February 1st.

At the end of the season, thousands of hunting dogs lose their use and thus their raison d’etre every year.

Galgos, Podencos, Bretons, and other dogs.

Bred to be acquired by hobby hunters for precisely this purpose – and to be used for mostly one hunting season.

Then it will be disposed of again, as cheaply as possible.

From this, a terrible custom has developed, they are hung up, mostly in trees.

The “best” dog hangs highest, the others below.

Dogs that have proven to be less successful hunters are often made to “dance” out of mockery.

So panicked, the animals dance for hours (up to 2 days) from one rear paw to the other until they run out of strength in their legs and their air is choked off.

A cruel and long agony, full of fear and pain.

This procedure is called “playing the piano” by the hunters and these loyal and intelligent animals are humiliated to the point of death.

So the brutal, painful massacre is repeated. Every year.

The hunters use the most barbaric methods to “get rid of” the innocent dogs they no longer need.

The 190,000 Spanish hunters who practice this cruelty each year consider dogs to be disposable items.

From this point of view, they breed the dogs excessively and uncontrollably. This negligence is followed by the massive killing and abandonment of the galgos.

For more…at https://worldanimalsvoice.com/2021/01/31/february-1-dia-de-galgos-day-of-shame-for-spain/

And I mean…Spain is not just about sun, sand and sea, sangria and flamenco.

Spain is hell on earth for those who have no voice, whose agony is mocked in the ole screams of the arenas, whose cadavers rot in the stinking perreras that are hung on the cork oaks.

Abuse of animals is the order of the day in Spain, there are no limits to the perversity, but what can we expect from a country that regards bullfighting and bull spectacle as a culture, legalizing the abuse of bulls, where the Sunday excursion of the arch-Catholic Spaniards to a bullring after going to church is a matter of course.
Even from small children, they learn that torturing animals is a sensible, legitimate pastime.

Education in cruelty from childhood.

Corruption and nepotism rule, there are hardly any controls, the judiciary works slowly, and unsustainable conditions are repeatedly discovered in animal reception centers (Perreras).

The situation of the hunting dogs is particularly dramatic, they suffer like no other animal in Spain.

Spain is now the only country in the European Union where hunting with Galgos is still allowed.

Galgos are drowned in wells, thrown into rivers, burned alive, or doused with acid. Some have their legs broken and then abandoned in the forest so that they cannot walk home.

Many of the dogs are not chipped. And even if they do, the Galgueros cut out the microchips before they “dispose of” their dogs. Many rescuers often fail to report such incidents because they fear retribution.

Hunting is a popular sport and acquiring a license to kill is easy. Everything that moves is blasted, trapping is also popular, a “real” Spanish man spends his free time in this way.

Centuries ago the galgos were a symbol of wealth and prosperity.

Nowadays they are a symbol of abuse and for many Spaniards, it is a shame that something like this still happens and is tolerated in their country.

Perhaps one day our children can experience a world free from this sadistic bond, from this wretched, cowardly, and murderous hunter rabble, that has no place in a civilized society.

My best regards to all, Venus


Bed stories

To get a good place in a full bed, you have to take care of it early on.

regards and good night, Venus

It is not the vegan that is perverse, but the system in which we live.


The answer to this question is simple:
We just remained criminals, animal abusers, animal eaters, animal exploiters…

… 150 billion animals are slaughtered worldwide every year, that’s 4756 per second …

It is so easy to speak of the right of “personal choice” because none of the meat-eaters is threatened with the fate that awaits the caged animals at the slaughterhouse.

Go in, meat-eater! in the slaughterhouses and stay with the animals until chopped up.
Stay there and feel their fear of death, see how they deflate their bladders in fear, see how they try to escape, how they are beaten up when they disobey, how people laugh.

Hear their screams for help, the screams in the gas chamber, the screams in the scalding bath, the fidgeting with the throat cut open and listen to their last breath and watch them being dismembered and how almost finished babies are cut from their bodies!

And then tell us again about your personal choice!

Meat production is one of the greatest crimes in human history

My best regards to all, Venus


Sundance Film festival must end the collaboration with Canada Goose

A business built on cruelty has no business being tied to show business!

Canada Goose is using the Sundance Film Festival to make its coats seem trendy, but no amount of movie magic can hide the violence behind its feather-stuffed parkas.

For years, PETA has informed Sundance leadership about the cruelty inherent in Canada Goose jackets.
The company hasn’t been able to sell or give away its fur-trimmed coats during the festival since Sundance Institute barred it from doing so a few years ago.

But times have changed, and companies are reflecting more on how their businesses affect the world, including all the ways in which animals are violated.

So Sundance must stop accepting sponsorship money from (and thereby promoting) a company that sells fur and down at all.
High-quality, down-free jackets like those made by Save the Duck, NOIZE, and Wuxly Movement keep people warm, look stylish, and aren’t a product of violently slaughtering animals.

Misleading marketing is Canada Goose’s MO.

Instead of simply going fur-free as other companies have, it trumpeted its transition to using “reclaimed” fur starting in 2022.

But no matter when or where it was stripped, coyote fur is often taken by catching the animal in steel traps, where they’re left to languish in agony—possibly suffering from shock, frostbite, and dehydration—until the trapper returns to bludgeon them to death, shoot them, or kill them in some other violent way.

And despite the company’s tired claims of using “responsible” down, there’s simply no such thing.
The Responsible Down Standard (RDS) itself is really just a marketing tool.

Even if the suppliers followed the standards, they’d still be allowed to let injured birds languish in agony for days before they’re required to put them out of their misery.

Like all birds used by the down industry, the farmed geese whose feathers are stuffed inside Canada Goose jackets wind up at the slaughterhouse, where it’s standard practice to hang them upside down by the legs, stun them, and slit their throats—all this instead of simply using warm, high-quality, down-free material.

Please sign: Petition: https://support.peta.org/page/26193/action/1

For more…at https://worldanimalsvoice.com/2021/01/29/sundance-film-festival-must-end-the-collaboration-with-canada-goose/#more-37630


And I mean…Canada Goose has coyotes hunted and killed in North America so that their fur can be sewn onto hoods.
Snap traps are used for this purpose. If a coyote steps into the trap, it digs deep into its flesh and leaves bloody wounds and painful mutilations.

It can take hours or several days before the hunter returns – a long time in which the coyotes are defenseless against all weather conditions, predators, and gangrene.
The animals are then shot, strangled, or kicked to death.

So much suffering for a little bit of fur and a lot of vanity.

Not only coyotes suffer for Canada Goose.
Many of the brand’s jackets are filled with the feathers of ducks and geese.

These come either from killed or alive plucked animals that spend a miserable life locked up on the breeding farms with thousands of conspecifics.

On its website, Canada Goose tries to put customers’ consciences at ease.

The company claims that all down and fur are “ethically sourced” and from animals “that are not subjected to unfair practices, willful abuse or unnecessary suffering “.

Down and fur come from dead animals and are therefore always associated with suffering and abuse.

Be attentive to the tricks of the down industry.
Check very carefully what you buy
And never dress in feathers or fur carcasses.

My best regards to all, Venus