Thank You – Have A Great New Year From Mark and Venus !


Thank You.


Keep pets safe from the fireworks !



for New Year’s Eve…


Many thanks to all who decide to leave animals off the plate

Best regards, Venus


Germany- the country where lobbying rules…!


 Germany is export world champion for pig meat.One of Germany’s most important trading partners in pig exports is still China.

Maybe we should import dog meat in return?


For more…at:


My best regards, Venus


Is anyone interested in the sexual habits of quails when they are high on cocaine?


So far, the Labor Mafia (almost all over the world) has brutally tortured millions of monkeys with our money to allegedly cure Parkinson’s, dementia, or Alzheimer’s. Without success until today.
Now the Labor Mafia in the US is collecting an extra helping of millions to research the sexual behavior of the quail under cocain!!
Is anyone so perverted or stupid to believe that experiments are being made for the good of humanity?


For more…at:

Best regards, Venus


A Message From Venus and Mark.

Read in full and watch the videos at:

A Message From Venus and Mark (Founders – WAV / SAV).


USA: Udder Flaming and Forced Feeding – USA Reaches the Bottom Pit In Dairy Animal Abuse.


Read and see the video at:

Udder flaming is a dairy farming practice where workers run blowtorches under the udders of cows to burn off their little hairs. This helps to facilitate the work of the sucking machines designed to imitate a calf and trick the cows bodies into giving milk.

This cruel practice is common on many dairy farms in the United States and can obviously be very painful. We must also take into account the mental aspect of placing fire near cows who are, like many animals, naturally terrified of fire.

Besides udder flaming, this shocking video from Animal Recovery Mission (ARM) reveals other cruel practices that happen in dairy farms such as separating mothers from their babies, force-feeding, beating with sharp devices and more.

This undercover investigation by ARM was held at McArthur Dairy in Okeechobee, Florida (owned by Dean Foods). Overall, ARM investigated 5 different dairy farms in Okeechobee, exposing a pattern of horrible treatment of cows and calves.

In order to help more animals escape a fate of misery, try to be vegan for 22 days! We highly recommend to join Challenge 22+ for both free guidance and support.

habeas corpus for Happy!


For the first time in history, an American judge ruled that even elephants have rights. Happy is a 47-year-old Asian elephant who has lived in solitary confinement in the Bronx Zoo, New York, for twelve years.

The case of Happy is the second time in US legal history that a habeas corpus is “negotiated” for a non-human animal, and the first time a case has been made for an elephant.

Now Happy can complain against the zoo. The decision was based on the question of whether Happy is rated as a person or as a thing.

for more…at:


My best regards, Venus