England: Time Out – A Bonsai For Less Than The Price Of A Shirt – Graham Shows More !



As you folk will see I am a self confessed Bonsai Nut (or should that be ‘nutter’ ?) – you can see some of my collection by scrolling down at ‘About Us’ – https://serbiananimalsvoice.com/about-us/

Graham Potter is an Englishman who has produced many videos on the art of bonsai.  He operates Kaizen Bonsai here in the UK, which you can check out via their website:


Whilst being an absolute specialist at the production of specimen bonsai, Graham also adds the odd ‘quirk’ (an English tradition I guess) to all of his videos – everything is always light hearted, which is what makes them all the more fun to watch.

I personally do bonsai as an escape from the endless suffering and cruelty wich I see in the production of this site – it is an escape, which sometimes is very much needed.

Here for now you can see one of Graham’s videos were he transforms a nursery tree (for the price of a shirt) into the early stages of something that will improve and become ever more beautiful over the years !! – Enjoy – Mark.

 Bonsai for Less than the Price of a Shirt


Graham Potter (http://www.kaizenbonsai.com) demonstrates how to use nursery stock to create interesting bonsai trees for less than the price of a shirt.

Other videos from Graham:








England: The Dalai Lama speaks at Glastonbury (Rock Festival) 2015 ahead of his 80th Birthday.

D Lama Tibet

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The Dalai Lama speaks at Glastonbury 2015 ahead of his 80th Birthday. Visit the Glastonbury website at http://bbc.co.uk/glastonbury for more videos and photos



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Twyla Francois Art.

Although I do not really use Twitter anywhere as much as I should; I had an e mail come in today informing me that a lady named Twyla Francois was now following me on Twitter.

So by pure chance, I decided to look a bit deeper; and was very pleasantly surprised at what I came upon.

It turns out that Twyla has dedicated her life’s work to being an animal advocate in many different ways; Twyla is also a great artist, which she uses to raise awareness on the plight of today’s farmed animals in a more gentle, but hopefully equally compelling, way.

Find out more about Twyla at  http://www.twylafrancois.com/#!bio/cjg9

You can view her excellent work by visiting this page of her site; and if you scroll over any of the images you will find write ups by Twyla on the inspiration for the artwork or some general words on the subject matter.

You can visit and have a look at much of Twyla’s work via the following link  –   http://www.twylafrancois.com/

I was very pleasantly surprised to have firstly had a notification that Twyla was following me on Twitter and then to see her art website and all the past and current work she is doing to help and save animals.

As everything Twyla shows in her art is based on a great many issues of animals and the cruelty inflicted on them; I very much would suggest that you visit her site when you have the chance.

Regards Mark.

Faroe Islands: Petition Result – SUCCESS ! – Mr. Spielberg and Dreamworks Will NOT Now Be Filming In The Faroe Islands Due To Pilot Whale Slaughter – Your Petition Has Worked !



Faroe whale slaughter

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SAV Comment – Over 81,000 people signed the petition – you did it folks –have announced that due to the Pilot whale slaughter, they will not be filming in the Faroe islands where this barbaric murder of intelligent animals takes place.

We offer our thanks to Mr. Spielberg and Dreamworks for considering and acting on this.  Just sometimes your petition voice is heard and acted upon.  Well done everyone !

The following is a message from Kellie – who created the petition.

Congratulation Kellie !

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After being contacted for comment on the Petition by Screen Daily on the 8th of May 2015 Dreamworks have since announced that they will not be filming in the Faroe Islands.

Thank you for signing and supporting the petition.

Kellie Mcleod

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The Original Petition Overview

Director Steven Spielberg is going to the Faroe Island in july 2015 to shoot his upcoming live-action film based on Roald Dahl’s children’s book The Big Friendly Giant Please sign the petition to ask mr Spielberg to consider filming at a different location rather than the Faroe Islands where every year around 800 pilot whales (and occasionally dolphins as well) are brutally killed in an inhumane way. The hunts, called “grindadráp” in Faroese (or “The Grind”), are non-commercial and are organised on a community level. The hunters first surround the pilot whales with a wide semicircle of boats. Then they drive the whales slowly into a bay or to the shallows of a fjord. When a whale is in shallow water, a hook is placed in its blowhole so that it may be dragged ashore. Once on land or immobilised in knee-deep water, a cut is made across its top near the blowhole to partially sever its head. The dead animals are then dragged further to shore after the remaining whales have been likewise killed. These intelligent, empathic, sentient & emotional mammals don’t die instantly and often suffer prolonged agony in the blood-stained waters. These animals need not be killed for the people of the Faroe Islands to subsist. They already boast one of Europe’s best average standards of living, thus having enough meat to survive is not a major concern of the population. Women and children bear witness under the excuse of tradition and culture. It is claimed it is done for food, but with the meat being full of mercury and other poisons, this reasoning doesn’t make sense.

Please sign the petition to ask Steven Spielberg to please, please not film in the Faroe Islands, where they allow such animal cruelty to take place

Whaling. Long-finned Pilot whalse ( Globicephala melas ) Carcass from Grindadrap on harbour in Torshavn, Faroe Islands, North Atlantic

Whaling. Long-finned Pilot whalse ( Globicephala melas ) Carcass from Grindadrap on harbour in Torshavn, Faroe Islands, North Atlantic

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USA: What Do You Have To Do To Try And Protect The Environment And Very Rare Species ? – Let The World Die ?




EPA to Analyze Impacts of Roundup, Atrazine on 1,500 Species

In a historic agreement, the Environmental Protection Agency this week finally agreed to analyze the effects of atrazine and glyphosate — the two most commonly used pesticides in the United States — on 1,500 endangered plants and animals across the country. The agreement is part of a settlement with the Center for Biological Diversity in litigation seeking to protect wildlife from dangerous pesticides.

Up to 80 million pounds of atrazine are used in the United States each year. In addition to causing severe harm to endangered species, the chemical may be linked to increased risks of thyroid cancer and birth defects in people. It’s the second most commonly used pesticide after glyphosate, more commonly known as Monsanto’s Roundup, which has been linked to massive declines in monarch butterflies.

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The EPA has, for decades, continued to register and allow the use of pesticides without considering their impacts on endangered species. The Center has filed a series of lawsuits to force the agency to conduct those analyses and better understand how these chemicals affect everything from Florida panthers to California tiger salamanders.

“This settlement is the first step to reining in the widespread use of dangerous pesticides that are harming both wildlife and people,” said the Center’s Brett Hartl.

Read more in our press release and consider giving to our Pollinator Protection Fund.


World’s Most Endangered Porpoise Likely Down to Just 50

A new scientific report finds that vaquitas — the world’s smallest and most endangered porpoises — declined by more than 40 percent in a single year; likely only about 50 remain. Vaquitas live exclusively in the Gulf of California and are being driven extinct by entanglement in nets cast for shrimp and for the illegal harvest of totoaba. Totoaba — fish that are also endangered — are caught for their swim bladders, which are smuggled to Asia to make soup and folk remedies.

The new report documents a 42 percent decline in vaquitas between 2013 and 2014, with additional animals killed in late 2014 and early 2015 before a two-year fishing ban was instituted by Mexico in April. While the ban is commendable, a permanent ban on nets in the Gulf is clearly needed.

The report also finds that Mexico’s previous efforts to ban fishing in vaquita habitat were unsuccessful; the number of boats in porpoise habitat actually increased during the Mexican government’s previous efforts to ban fishing. Unless these newest conservation measures are aggressively enforced, the vaquita will not survive.

Read more in onEarth.

Alaska Wolves in Steep Decline — But Hunting, Trapping Still On

The Alaska Department of Fish and Game has released a report confirming that rare Alexander Archipelago wolves in Alaska’s Prince of Wales Island area have declined by a shocking 60 percent in a single year. Specifically the population dropped from 221 wolves in 2013 to just 89 in 2014, and wolves on the island could now be as few as 50, with female wolves particularly hard-hit. These unique wolves are smaller and darker than other gray wolves, usually with dense, dark gray to jet-black fur.

The department’s report acknowledges that about a third of the population was killed in the last hunting and trapping season. Yet Alaska plans to allow still more trapping and hunting of the wolves this fall.

“To maintain a viable population of Alexander Archipelago wolves on this island, Alaska must cancel the season,” said the Center’s Shaye Wolf. “We won’t get a second chance to preserve these amazing animals.”

Read more in E&E News.

New Studies Show Earth on Brink of Sixth Mass Extinction

A report published Friday in Science Advances — authored by a team of scholars including Paul Ehrlich of Stanford University and Gerardo Ceballos of the National Autonomous University of Mexico — indicates the planet is on the edge of the largest extinction wave since the dinosaurs disappeared some 65 million years ago.

Though the team relied on extremely conservative assumptions about the “background” (that is, naturally occurring) rate of extinctions, its findings that a mass extinction has begun were powerful. The loss of biodiversity we’re currently experiencing, the study says, is likely to produce the swiftest mass die-off in planetary history and the only one caused by human beings — and that’s not even counting the effects of climate change, not factored into the research.

Among vertebrates alone, 477 species have been declared officially extinct since 1900 — just one example.

Read more in The Guardian.

Bill Would Halt Federal Giveaway of Sacred Land in Arizona

Rep. Raúl Grijalva (D-Ariz.) has introduced a bill to stop the U.S. Congress from trading away Oak Flat, an Apache sacred site in central Arizona, to a foreign mining company. Rio Tinto has been pushing to develop a massive copper mine in the Oak Flat area for more than a decade. A last-minute rider in a spending bill — pushed by Arizona’s congressional delegation — included a land swap for the mining project. Grijalva’s bill would repeal that provision.

The Oak Flat area is sacred to the San Carlos Apache Tribe and is also home to a diverse array of wildlife. An endangered wild ocelot was found dead on Highway 60, very close to Oak Flat, several years ago, and there may be others in the area.

The San Carlos Apache and allies will take their fight to Washington, D.C., next month, when a cross-country caravan and sacred run from Arizona culminates with rallies and events in the nation’s capital July 20–21.

Learn what you can do to support the Apache resistance and follow the progress of the sacred runners.

New EPA Rule “Good for Business,” Bad for Wild Bees — Take Action

To address the problem of toxic pesticides driving bee population crashes, the EPA has proposed a new rule. It creates temporary “pesticide-free zones” when commercial crops, such as California almond trees, are in bloom and hired bees have been trucked in to pollinate them. The rule is a small step in the right direction — but grossly inadequate as a response to a massive pollinator crisis.

Protecting commercial hives and industry crops will leave solitary bees and bumblebees all over the country to die from acute poisoning. Also, the rule (which applies only to foliar spraying) conspicuously omits any mention of the widespread industry practice of treating seeds, such as corn and soybean seeds, with bee-killing chemicals.

Act now to urge the EPA to revise and expand its rule to reflect the scope of the actual problem. The agency must protect all bees — not just commercial hives — and regulate toxic pesticides applied to seeds as well as leaves.

Hillary Clinton is hiring Monsanto lawyers to help her become President.

Jerry Crawford is a lobbyist for big agriculture in the American state of Iowa, and Monsanto is one of his largest clients. He’s also a consultant for politicians, fixing political campaigns to elect candidates most likely to preserve Monsanto’s hold on the state’s farmers, so it can continue to rake in billions in profits a year.

Now, Crawford has been hired by Hillary Clinton to help her win the critical early state of Iowa, in her campaign to become President of the United States.

Tell Hillary Clinton to fire Monsanto lobbyist Jack Crawford from her Iowa state campaign.

Since stepping down as Secretary of State, Clinton has spoken out in favor of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and established herself as a friend of the biotech industry. But by hiring one of Monsanto’s political hitmen, she’s taken it a step further.

Iowa is an ultra-rural state in the midwest US, and it is the very first state to weigh in on the US Presidential election. In order to get elected, Clinton is going to be spending an awfully large amount of time traversing the state, meeting with farmers and hearing from them about how the US President can improve their lives.

With a GMO lobbyist who has earned over $1.6 million from Monsanto embedded in her campaign, the most toxic corporation on Earth will have direct access to a potential President of the United States, helping to shape her policies on everything from corporate farm subsidies to seed patents. And those farmers she stops to meet along the way — want to bet they’ll be champions of Monsanto’s policies, rather than family farmers fighting tooth and nail to hold onto their farm in the face of growing corporate control of farming?

Time and time again, hundreds of thousands SumOfUs members have come together to speak out against Monsanto’s deplorable behaviour all around the world. Monsanto even won our award for “Most Evil Corporation” which we delivered right in the middle of this year’s annual shareholder meeting.

We can’t let one of the most powerful people in the world get to office with help from Monsanto. Clinton needs to show she’s a strong, independent leader who can stand up to big industry, and not just another Monsanto puppet. But she can’t do that as long as Crawford is part of her campaign.

Reclaim democracy from corporate power — ask Hillary Clinton to fire Monsanto mole Jack Crawford.

Thanks for all that you do,
Paul, Lisa, Nick and the team at SumOfUs

We Have All Seen The Utmost Suffering Of Dogs At Yulin – Now The Pathetic FCI Allows China To Hold The World Dog Show In 2019 !!! – Petition Link Included.




Norway has Balls; will others follow ?

FCI petition

SAV comment – we have just had to witness, rage, grimace and express untold anger at the untold suffering inflicted on thousands of dogs and cats at the Yulin ‘festival’; and now we are insultingly informed that China has won the gutless FCI right to hold the World Dog Show in 2019.  Is this an utter insult to Canines or what ?

How pathetic can this be ? – these Chinese government barbarians should be punished for what they have done and what they allowed to happen at Yulin.  At the very least, these pathetics should have this event stripped from them.  Let them learn the hard way; try to teach them to be civilised; a difficult task but you have to agree; but you have to try.

The following petition asks for the event to be taken away from China who will currently be hosting in 2019.  Please support it and spread the word far and wide – thank you.

Petition link – https://www.change.org/p/f%C3%A9d%C3%A9ration-cynologique-internationale-revoke-fci-decision-to-host-wds-2019-in-china-not-yet-ready?recruiter=561015&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=faceboo

Petition wording:

Please say NO to China holding the World Dog Show 2019!

As many of you might know China has won a bid with the FCI to hold the World Dog Show 2019. China’s cruel and inhumane practices towards dogs are unacceptable! Dogs are being tortured by being burned, thrown in vats of boiling water and skinned alive just to end up as a main course on a plate. Despite knowing this fact, the FCI has granted permission for this barbaric country to hold one of the biggest events in the dog owners world. We respectfully ask the FCI to revoke this decision and allow a more compassionate country to hold this event. China does not deserve this extraordinary revenue that will be brought to the country if the event goes ahead!

The FCI should not allow any country that does not respect animal cruelty laws to host such an event. We have the power to change history and protect more innocent creatures from getting hurt! Please help support us to revoke the FCI decision and make the world a better place for our canine friends.

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 UPDATE 24/6/15

After the events of Yulin; which all the dog world knew about, apart from the FCI it would appear – or did they want to keep zipped about it all ? – they have, through their ‘President’, issued the following statement.  What’s the point now we say, you FCI should have taken action over this issue weeks in advance, not several days after.  Typical – no use for anything really !!

china dog show leaflet


FCI official statement

A message from the FCI President Mr. Rafael de Santiago

Always attentive to the opinion of the breeders worldwide, we took note of the uproar concerning the attribution of the 2019 World Dog Show to China and to the decision regarding the country of origin of the following breeds : DO-KHYI (230), TIBETAN TERRIER (209), TIBETAN SPANIEL (231), LHASA APSO (227) and SHIH TZU (208).

Whilst we understand the concern expressed by the breeders worldwide about both situations, the FCI wishes to inform that the decision to grant the organization of the WDS 2019 to China was taken by a decision of our General Assembly where 68 countries were present or represented and by a large majority of votes, in total transparency and according to the principles of democracy internationally recognised and accepted.

That decision was made on basis of a very open and complete presentation made by our Chinese member, CKU, during which our Chinese member delegation has clearly mentioned the cultural differences between China and most of the other countries in the world. The FCI sees it as an excellent opportunity to raise awareness among the Chinese population that the dog, our beloved friend, is a member of our families, a living entity and most of all Man’s best Friend. May we add that China won the right to organise this WDS over several other countries, namely Spain, Germany and Croatia, in a clear victory.

In addition, we find it important to clarify that our Chinese member, CKU, is an FCI full member. As such, CKU has the right to ask to be the country of origin of the breeds indicated above. It is important to know that any change in a breed standard can be implemented worldwide if and only if the FCI General Committee, following recommendations of the FCI Standards and Scientific Commissions, approves it.

Nowadays, the FCI is more than ever committed to the betterment and safeguard of the Dog and to promoting its welfare, love and respect in the four corners of the world.

For the FCI and for dogs worldwide.

Rafael de Santiago

FCI President


But following on from this paste over by the FCI, things have started to move on.  The Norwegian Kennel Club (NKC) have been brave enough to come out and declare that they want the World Dog Show 2019 removed from China, and publicly encourage all exhibitors not to attend the WDS2019 in China unless the festival is stopped.

We say Well done Norway and the Norwegian Kennel Club (NKC) ! – lets hope that in the coming days we see a lot more ‘national’ canine organisations come forward and demand that the 2019 show be removed completely from China.

If they do not; you have to ask yourself exactly where their canine standards lie – can they, as ‘national canine organisations’, happily sit by and let thousands of dogs be slaughtered for human consumption in China, or do they follow on from Norway and have the balls to get up and demand that the 2019 show be relocated to a decent nation ? – cos China sure is not decent !!

We watch with baited breath to see if any other ‘national canine organisations’ actually do put themselves or dogs first !.


The Norwegian Kennel Club urges FCI to move the World Dog Show 2019

The recent Yulin Dog Meat Eating Festival has been met by strong reactions and protests all over the world, and is symbolic of the lacking animal welfare in China. The Norwegian Kennel Club (NKC) therefore wants the World Dog Show 2019 removed from China, and publicly encourages all exhibitors not to attend the WDS2019 in China unless the festival is stopped.

In conflict with ethical values

The Norwegian Kennel Club board decided, during a meeting June 23rd, to publicly advice all dog owners in Norway not to participate in World Dog Show 2019.

The NKC will also advise all judges in Norway not to accept any invitation to judge in China until the festival is stopped. Any judge accepting invitations to judge in China will be made aware that this is against the wish of the NKC board, and in direct conflict with our ethical guidelines and values.

Urges the FCI to move WDS

The Norwegian Kennel Club has in a letter to the FCI of June 23 expressed a strong wish to have the World Dog Show 2019 moved, unless the Yulin Dog Meat Eating festival is stopped. 

The Norwegian Kennel Club also encourages all national kennel clubs to both advise dog owners in their countries against participating in WDS2019 in China, and to express their wishes to have the World Dog Show 2019 removed from China.

The World Dog Show is to be a celebration of dogs.

The Norwegian Kennel Club therefore cannot accept that the WDS is given to a country where animal abuse takes place, and now urge the FCI to immediately take action regarding the matter.

Well done Norway – we at SAV are behind you 110% !


End of Update 24/6.

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USA: Monsanto Kills Monarchs — Take Them On !




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Our past post on helping the Monarch’s:


Check out our other recent post which could be associated with this:


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Dear Mark,

Monsanto’s herbicides are pushing monarch butterflies to extinction — and we need your help to make sure they don’t finish the job.

Monarch populations have crashed by more than 80 percent, and it’s clear that Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide is a leading culprit. These beautiful butterflies — renowned for their epic journeys from Canada to Mexico each year — used to thrive on farms across the Midwest, but Roundup has obliterated the host milkweed plants they need to survive. Without milkweed, America’s growing fields have become a vast desert for these migrating pollinators.

The Center for Biological Diversity is leading the fight to save monarchs from the products of Monsanto and other chemical companies.

You can help us with a gift to the Pollinator Protection Fund.

The Center has a plan to save monarch butterflies. We’ve petitioned to have them safeguarded under the Endangered Species Act, which will require protection of their most important habitat and the creation of a long-term action plan to ensure their survival. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service promises an important ruling by December.

In the meantime, we’re going after a whole range of industry poisons. In the largest lawsuit of its kind, we’ve sued the EPA to force it to review more than 50 different chemicals for their effects on plants and animals, including monarchs. We’ve got to stop Monsanto and other corporate giants from dumping toxic chemicals onto our fields and streams without accounting for what they do to wildlife.

You can support the Center’s litigation with a donation today to the Pollinator Protection Fund.

Without pollinators like butterflies, bees and bats, crucial food crops will fail to reproduce and complex ecosystems will unravel. We must protect these little species who carry out the big job of pollination. If we don’t the world will be a much more sterile place.

Give to the Pollinator Protection Fund today.

For the wild,

Kierán Suckling
Executive Director
Center for Biological Diversity

Please share this message with your social networks:

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