England / UK: We Now Undertake New Work For Bears and Other Zoo Animals In Serbia.

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30/7/16 – New news.

Today has been a very busy day with regard the Polar bear which is suffering at Belgrade Zoo.  See our post and the video of the suffering bear at:


Well now we have some great news which we can share with you.

We are now starting to work with a UK organisation which campaigns globally for bears – ‘People Advocating for Caged Bears’  –  and here is the link to their website:


As you can see at  http://www.freecagedbears.com/#!caged-bears/c1rb8  the group is working on behalf of bears all over the world.  They have kindly offered their services to establish a section on bears in Serbia; of which our polar bear at Belgrade was the starting point, and we as an organisation will be working with campaigners in the group to expose further the suffering of animals, especially bears, at Serbian zoos.

Between us we can put extra pressure on the Serbian government and Ministry responsible; and we can expose to the whole world when action is not being taken; such as with the Belgrade polar bear

Have we not exposed the situation of the government Ministry not doing its job properly in the past ? – see her just a few of our posts.:







We hope you will find this project a new and exciting one for the zoo animals in Serbia – especially caged bears.

The Serbian government cannot keep hiding behind the bars of the cage all the time.  We will expose them and show them up for the actions that they are not taking for the welfare of their animals.

In addition, we as a combined campaigns group can forward all our information to the EU Enlargement Commission, and remind them that states wishing to join the EU, such as Serbia; do have responsibilities to ensure that they comply with the rules of law – that is Serbian law which is not being enforced for the animals at this present time.

We look forward to our future work with http://www.freecagedbears.com/   which will include input and information from Serbian bear rescue groups such as our friends Branka and Pavel at ‘ARKA’ who we have dealt with in the past:  https://serbiananimalsvoice.com/2009/02/19/bosnia-and-herzegovina-arka-banostor-shelter-bears-come-out-of-hibernation-to-give-their-weather-forecast/









Rip Off.

leather is a rip off

Serbia: Pitiful Footage Of A Polar Bear At Belgrade Zoo – And What Will The Serbian Government Do ? – Nothing As Usual.

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polar bear belgrade


We hope to have some very good news which we will publish very soon regarding bears in Serbia.  Keep your eye on new posts over the next few days.

30/7 – Further update

– a major UK newspaper, the Daily Mirror, has also had a large spread relating to the bear in Belgrade zoo.  Here is the link: 




Update 30/7/16

– the word from Serbian campaigners this morning is –  “this is suffering cosmic proportion, but nonsense authorities do not care….”

The authorities have not cared all the time we have been campaigning for the last 12 years.  They still have their animal abusing ways and do exactly as they want; ignoring the evidence of sterilisations (for cats and dogs on the street) whilst filling their fat bellies and fat pockets with cash that was intended to go to animals.  People call it ‘corruption’.

The Serbian government is running a corrupt system when it comes to ‘animal welfare’ – see all our posts for the last 12 years for very clear proof of this

Does anyone at the EU care ? – NO. 

Do the Serbian authorities care ? – NO – they just get rich on the corruption.  Regional authorities management and subcontractors being paid 450 Euros by the government to kill each and every street dog, when the average monthly salary in Serbia is 300 Euros – some people are living a good life off the corruption of a never ending animal  killing ‘control’ policy, which is against the law, rather than adopting a ‘sterilise and reduce numbers’ policy as put forward by global animal welfare organisations.  But then a gradual reduction in animal numbers would mean less for the authorities to catch and kill – and so would reduce the money being claimed by the authorities which can go into management back pockets !.  So nothing changes; the killings and financial claims to national governments continue to pour in from the regional authorities.

The EU (Enlargement Commission) does not care about animal suffering in Serbia, even though Serbia is now an EU ‘Candidate country’ which should abide bt EU legislation of enforcing the national ‘rules of law’, which does not allow street animals to be killed !!.  

We have provided evidence and photographs to some of the big, international, well paid, well supported animal welfare organisations – and they do not seem to care about the situation either.  The Daily Mail shows the footage in its paper, but it does not care either – hence no action or campaign from it.

Summary – Lots of ‘how terrible is this’ words, but no actual action.  We are a volunteer group and do not have the funding to take this further legally with the Serbian authorities.  Other groups do have the funding but wont do it. 

So things remain as they are – and animals in Serbia suffer.

We can say the truth like this without fear of legal action by the authorities; because they know they are wrong and that their system is illegal and breaking the Serbian Constitutional law – and they would not have a leg to stand on if things ever went to any court – so as a result they do not take action with groups such as us who are trying to save lives.

Want proof ? – then read more at 


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We have been sent this footage today (29/7) from a caged bear campaign group.

We have had many serious confrontations with the Daily Mail in the past; especially regarding live animal exports, so they are certainly not one of our favourite UK newspapers – anything but; but we do feel this footage is worth showing.




Under normal conditions, Polar bears are gleaming white; not covered in their own mess, unable to walk; but this once again is proof that the Serbian ministries and government do not give a toss about the welfare of animals in Serbia.

We have campaigned about Serbian zoos for a long time.  Just type ‘Serbian Zoos’  into the Search box at the top right hand corner to get a full listing of all our articles and campaign work.

Sadly, the Serbian government ignores us; the EU ignores us (hence the UK getting out !)and many of the major welfare groups who should be picking up a lot more on what we send them are also ignoring the evidence.  Animals are suffering as a result.

As far as we are concerned now, Serbia is welcome to the EU, and the EU is welcome to Serbia.  Only once it has become a member state will the EU then wonder where it has gone wrong.  But that is its problem.  If it does not act now to help Serbian animals despite all the endless evidence we supply to the EU Enlargement Commission; then what hope for anything ?

Just the way the Serbian Ministries want it – well they are welcome to it, and to the never ending problems that their thick head ignorant attitude will bring.

We have other global animal issues that we want to fight for, so we let Serbian campaigners fight for Serbian animals now.  What exactly will the Serbian Ministry do about this bear at Belgrade zoo ??? – just like the past 12 years probably – NOTHING.



Victory for Gulf of Mexico Sea Turtles!

loggerhead turtle

A Loggerhead swims in the Gulf Of Mexico.


Some really excellent news from Turtle Island.

Thanks to all of you who took part and made a difference.

You may not think it; but sometimes signing a petition makes all the difference.  SAV.


loggerhead turtle 2

Victory for Gulf of Mexico Sea Turtles!

  • Joanna McWilliams,Communications Director,joanna@tirn.net

July 28th, 2016

Shrimp Moratorium Remains

Shrimp trawling is one of the primary threats to sea turtle survival in the United States. Every year, the shrimp trawl fishery incidentally captures and drowns thousands of sea turtles, including the critically endangered Kemp’s ridley sea turtles in the Gulf of Mexico.

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Turtle Island asked you to take action and submit comments to the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council calling on them to keep in place an existing shrimp fishing permit moratorium to protect sea turtles. The Council agreed with our comments and the today, thanks to your activism, the moratorium remains! This is a major victory and we thank you for helping us achieving this goal.

Green, hawksbill, Kemp’s ridley, leatherback, and loggerhead sea turtles are just some of the unique marine animals that inhabit the same ecosystem used by shrimp trawlers. Commercial fisheries that catch these turtles in pursuit of shrimp and other fish are major contributors to the decline of sea turtle populations and a threat to the future recovery of these endangered species.

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The shrimp permit moratorium will ensure that no extra shrimpers are on the water, and reduce the number of sea turtles and other animals killed by shrimp fishery vessels. These animals are important to the ocean ecosystem, and they are also important economically for the Gulf’s tourism industry.

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We will continue to push the Council to protect sea turtles by putting in place even stronger standards. This victory is an important step in the right direction for allowing sea turtle populations in the Gulf to rebound and recover.



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UK: Latest News From The ‘League Against Cruel Sports’ – London.

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To view the latest from the LACS, please click on the following link:



LACS Ban Snares






‘The Show Must Go On’ – Says Who ?

circus tiger show

circus belarus


circus hippo 2

circus world

Chinese-Circus monkey



The Show Must Go On – Says Who ??

Time Out. A Break From Animal Issues !

hair 2


The brilliant Nigel Kennedy –  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PhfOUAebIHQ


Hugh Cornwell –  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDTSkVnIAMQ

… and in his ‘Stranglers’ days –  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pg2np37JNEg





… and with Sharon Corr –  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sbaK2HBOWUY

Rattus at the Roundhouse, London.


THIRTY YEARS TO THE NIGHT, The Stranglers return to play the Roundhouse London, blowing away the amassed throng with an incendiary performance. With songs from the original 1977 set list plus Specter of Love and Duchess for an encore.

