England: And What Did You Do Today ?



Mark has just completed giving responses to a UK government consultation on the first draft of a new Animal Welfare Act.   This is a unique opportunity to speak out and be a voice for the voiceless for all animals and support stronger legal protections for them in the UK.

So, an opportunity that cannot be missed.

Included in his response; Mark had called for, and justified the need for:


·         More definition in the term ‘Sentience’ when applied to all animals and their situations

·         Often, in places such as factory farms, animals do not ‘live’; they merely ‘survive’

·         The term ‘Animal’ needs much more definition; lab rats, broiler chickens, circus tigers are all ‘animals’ but their protection requirements vary greatly – hence you cannot define everything as an ‘animal’ only – more specific definition is required

·         The ‘welfare needs of animals’ should be defined explicitly in written legislation

·         UK sheep exported live in Summer in temperatures above documented maximums given as example

·         There is no ‘welfare’ for animals that travel constantly with the circus

·         Maximum sentences for animal cruelty. Definitely not strict enough.  The legal profession to have much more specific legislation as part of statute; which defines the protections which are to be given to any specific animal species which is in any specific environment.  In the UK, many judges have recently spoken out that the are only allowed to impose certain maximum sentences for animal abuse; when they would individually (and legally) be allowed to give much harsher sentences.

·         For example, if slaughterhouse workers are shown to abuse animals with UK slaughterhouse cctv legislation; then the worker to be dismissed from his job in the industry for life.

·         Much heavier financial fines to be given for animal abuse

·         A call for the ‘law enforcers’ to actually enforce the law at places such as hunt meets; where legislation is often overlooked

·         Examples of the failings of EU legislation; especially that which is supposed to ‘protect’ animals in transport (EU Regulation 1/2005) has been cited as a typical case of ‘paper’ legislation which is actually hardly ever enforced by the authorities.  You have seen our many battles with the EU authorities on live (EU) animals being exported to Turkey, for example.


Submission for the consultation finishes on 31/1/18; and so very soon now the government will start undertaking a full review of submissions.  We are currently unsure when the first new draft ‘Animal Welfare Act’ will be produced; as we appreciate there is a lot of submissions and opinions (from many different viewpoints) to be considered.

We know that this new Act will become UK legislation in the not too distant future.  And knowing the feel of the British and animal welfare, we hope that many of our viewpoints will be included in the new Act. 

We are not legal specialists by any means; but there are a couple of near future very important issues to consider:


·         The UK will be leaving the EU within the next few years – Brexit negotiations with the EU are well under way

·         When it leaves the EU, the UK will be free to establish worldwide trade agreements.


And so, if a new up to date ‘Animal Welfare Act’ is part of UK law / legislation; this will form part of a good negotiating basis for future deals around the world.  It is hoped that UK standards can be used in agreements set up with, for example, China; and that Chinese animals welfare will greatly improve as a result.  This is just one example and one hope.

The same can be said for trade deals with (current) EU member nations.  The UK will be establishing new trade deals with current EU partner states; and as such, UK animal welfare standards will be used as a ‘tool’ during future negotiations.

Who knows, this new Acorn of the Animal Welfare Act could grow into a big tree which then spreads its animal welfare branches (through new trade deals) into nations who currently do not put animal welfare much onto their list of priorities.  If they want a good deal with the UK, then hopefully they will have to change that will be the view from the UK.


Existing UK animal welfare legislation – there is already lots – check it out:

Remember that under Brexit negotiations; all existing EU animal law will become new UK (independent) law post Brexit.






The United Kingdom was the first country in the world to implement laws protecting animals. In 1822 an Act to Prevent the Cruel and Improper Treatment of Cattle was passed by Parliament.  The UK government has publicly stated that animals are sentient beings, not merely commodities, and has confirmed its commitment to the highest possible standards of animal welfare.

The first general animal protection law, called the Protection of Animals Act, was introduced in 1911 and updated several times since.









Finally; a few things which we keep planted somewhere in the head !!













UK: BBC ‘Winterwatch. A Daily Visit To British Wildlife.

The BBC has, quite rightly, an international reputation for producing excellent wildlife programs.  Being English (and not Serbian as the site name suggests) – we can experience a lot of these throughout the year.  Every night at the moment we can view ‘Winterwatch’ – which gives an insight into British wildlife in the Winter months.  We want to share some of this with you.  Foxes, Badgers, Owls, Deer, Birds, etc, etc.



Chris Packham – see our recent post on his search for lost girl of the forest – https://serbiananimalsvoice.com/2018/01/29/england-in-search-of-the-lost-girl-chris-returns-to-sumatra-to-find-the-little-girl-that-haunts-him-from-a-photo-he-took-20-years-ago/   is one of the presenters.




Here is the main link to the Winterwatch website:



and here we are going a little bit deeper – more specific.


Program clips to get a feel for some of the natural issues covered – http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p012msk2/clips




Best bits from wildlife cameras – http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p05wldcn


Chris responds to a special letter – http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p05w9419


Starling murmuration – Amazing – http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p04qlyyf



Scroll to the bottom and there are 7 pages of clips and special items.

This page 2 for example – http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p012msk2/clips?page=2


There is lots more via the main link given above.

Enjoy !


We think and hope that this CAN be viewed by international visitors.


Winterwatch on Twitter – https://twitter.com/search?q=bbc+winterwatch&ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Esearch


France overturns ban on captive dolphin breeding. Money Means More Than The Environment !


France overturns ban on captive dolphin breeding


Reproduced from  https://phys.org/news/2018-01-france-overturns-captive-dolphin.html#jCp


France’s highest administrative court on Monday (22/1/18) overturned a ban on the breeding of dolphins in captivity, a victory for marine parks which had argued the move could put them out of business.

The previous Socialist government ordered the ban, which also applied to killer whales, last May after complaints from animal rights groups hoping to end marine and aquarium shows.

But former environment minister Segolene Royale had tightened the ban at the last minute, and failed to consult the public and others on a measure that could have forced aquariums to close.

Aquariums and parks such as Marineland in southern France—the biggest attraction of its kind in Europe—have faced growing criticism in recent years over their animals’ living conditions.

“This is excellent news for our animals and animal parks in France,” said Pascal Picot, managing director at Marineland, which appealed the decision along with the Parc Asterix amusement park north of Paris and the Wild Planet park in Western France.

The new rules would have banned the captivity of all whales, dolphins and porpoises, except for orcas and bottlenose dolphins already held in authorised aquariums—which would eventually have meant them being phased out altogether.

Read more at: https://phys.org/news/2018-01-france-overturns-captive-dolphin.html#jCp

Marine parks also would have had to increase the size of their pools by at least 150 percent.

Animal rights groups had hailed the measures as a first step toward ending breeding and import programmes for animal shows in France.

But Picot said “significant changes to the rules governing the treatment of our animals should be based on scientific facts, and be carried out as required by law.”

Explore further: France bans captive breeding of dolphins, killer whales


England: 11 of the Best Ol’ London Town Places for Vegan Junk Food.



11 of the Best Ol’ London Town Places for Vegan Junk Food


All vegans must be skinny right?

All they can eat is salad, so of course they must be super healthy too.

Well actually no, whilst many dairy products are the source of highly calorific foods like cheese and butter, vegans can still roll around in all the oil and sugar they please without compromising their beliefs.

So, read on as we shed some light on some the most indulgent and vegan friendly foods in London.












England: In Search Of The Lost Girl – Chris Returns To Sumatra To Find The Little Girl That Haunts Him From A Photo He Took 20 Years Ago.


The brilliant Chris Packham (see photo below – red shirt on left) – UK naturalist; goes in search of the lost girl which he photographed over 20 years ago; and who lost her entire family, murdered by the Palm Oil industry.






A haunting programme which shows and explores the palm oil industry of Indonesia / Sumatra, and the people of the rain forests were sold off to the palm oil industry – effectively losing everything they had as a tribe for their original way of life in the forest.

Chris shows the palm oil industry and how it has devastated the people of the forests and their lives.

But 20 years on after he took the original photograph of the little tribe girl from the forest, Chris actually tracks down the ‘lost girl’ – discovering that she is still alive and now has 3 young children of her own.


This link below is for the BBC iplayer system and will probably only be able to be seen by people residing in the UK.  All we can do is give the link and hope that non UK residents can also watch it.  Maybe in the near future it will be available on Youtube for others to see.

It is an emotional programme which shows the search of an Englishman (Chris) haunted by the palm oil business and also the photograph of a young tribe girl he took over 20 years ago.  This excellent programme shows the real devastation now of the rainforest and its peoples by the palm oil business and is a ‘must view’ for anyone who campaigns and fights against the palm oil trade.








The Impact of Climate Change.

Impact of Climate Change – A picture of a dead polar bear completely out of its environment with no ice anywhere near it’s body.

The poor animal traveled far away from its own environment and starved to death. – “Among the most alarming changes is the disappearance of native species” – Polar bears are moving farther north because they need the shelter of pack ice to give birth to their young.