German hunting fair: The Mecca of animal killers

The “Jagd & Hund (Hunting and Dog)” fair, which takes place annually in Dortmund, Germany, is Europe’s largest hunting fair.

The organizers advertise themselves with the participation of exhibitors from over 40 nations from all continents.

Among them are almost 180 tour operators who offer the shooting down of individuals of endangered and protected species such as various deep sea birds and songbirds, polar bears, rhinos, elephants, lions, leopards, giraffes, monkeys, brown bears, and wolves – quite legally.

As in colonial times, wealthy trophy hunters shoot endangered animals.

We are currently experiencing the greatest loss of species since time immemorial.

Hunting methods are used that are prohibited in Germany for good reasons: hunting with a bow and arrow, crossbow, or revolver. A hunting license is often not even required.

In some places, wild animals such as for example Lions specially bred in hunting farms to have them shot by trophy hunters in large enclosures.

In Africa alone, 18,000 trophy hunters kill over 100,000 wild animals each year.

The shooting down of an individual animal often endangers their entire family and group system.

Hundreds of trophies of internationally protected species are imported to Germany every year.

According to the federal government between 2017 and 2019, it was 89 leopards, 89 hippos, 89 brown bears, 85 elephants, 54 lions, 46 wolves, 23 Argali sheep, 17 Cheetahs, 6 polar bears, 6 white rhinos, 1 black rhinoceros, hundreds of zebras and monkeys and numerous other species.

Please sign the petition:


For more…at


And I mean…Does anyone really believe that even a poor family in these countries benefits from the murderous big game hunt?

In countries with an obscure legal situation, with horrendous corruption, with often dictatorial governments, where the very few rich bathe in gold and where the very poor have hardly a bite to eat?

Hunting is (almost) in all cases a leisure pleasure, a pervert one, for an elite group of people with exclusive rights, who is partly willing to pay a lot of money to enjoy a very special but psychotic thrill.

Hunters kill up to five million wild animals and an estimated several hundred thousand dogs and cats in Germany every year.

In just a few weeks, private individuals can complete the hunting license (the “Green Graduation”), then lease a hunting ground and shoot legally defenseless fellow-creatures in their free time.

There are only about 1,000 professional hunters, mostly forest officials, against the approximately 380,000 hobby hunters in Germany.

Hunting is not nature conservation, because not only 5.5 million wild animals die every year, but more than 350,000 cats and over 40,000 dogs are killed by hunters (information taken from official hunting publications). Trusting hunters in animal welfare is like trusting a pedophile to run a children’s daycare center.

My request is, therefore: hunt the hunters out of the forest!

My best regards to all, Venus


Australia: the annual slaughter of kangaroos


OZ Coat of Arms_001

The Australian Government authorizes the slaughter of millions of kangaroos every single year.

They are shot at night in the vast outback, away from public scrutiny.

40 percent of kangaroos are not expertly killed, they suffer wounded for hours.


Farmers have a financial interest in the mass murder:

Around half of the merino wool produced worldwide comes from Australia. The herds and the need for pasture land are correspondingly large.

Wild kangaroos take away the pastures from the flocks of sheep.

This annoys the Australian farmers – they consider the national symbol like a plague and a threat to their financial income from the sale of the merino wool.

The flesh and leather of the killed kangaroos are exported in large quantities.
Germany is one of the main sales markets for kangaroo products.


And I mean…It is the largest annual massacre of wildland animals on the planet. And one of the most brutal.

Kangaroo carcases-®Hopping Pictures

Shame on Australia for murdering their iconic kangaroos to make meaningless purses, wallets, jackets, shoes, or sporting goods! The killing is a disgrace – cruel and entirely profit-motivated.

Shame on Australia, on farmers and murderous hunters who always want to protect their businesses with murder.

This corrupt government is not only to blame for the annual mass murder of the harmless kangaroos but also for the murderous business model of ship transport with sheep to Kuwait and the Arab Emirates.

The Australian government must go, Morrison must go.

My best regards to all Venus




My neighbor works again so I take care of the little ones

Regards and a good night from Venus


Scotland: Live Calf Exports – Judicial Review: First step to victory!



Read it all at:

Related WAV posts on this issue:


CIWF Trucking hell


Dear Mark,

Great news on our Judicial Review of British calf exports. The Scottish Government’s outrageous request for an indefinite delay has been REJECTED!

The Court of Session has, instead, chosen to double the court time available for our case – and the hearing is now expected to take place in October.

The battle against cruelty isn’t over yet, but we’ve secured a first, big victory. A huge thank you to everyone who has backed this campaign so far. If you haven’t already done so, please:

Take action – Call on the Scottish Government to drop their defence of the appalling live export trade.

Donate – 100% of your gift will support Compassion’s work in the UK.

Spread the word to fight live exports, using

Thank you! Together, we will keep up the fight for #JusticeForCalves.

With best wishes,


Every year, thousands of unweaned calves are sent from Scotland to fattening farms in Spain. These vulnerable, young ‘by products’ of the dairy industry suffer journeys that are both horrific and, we believe, illegal.

Animal transport law states that unweaned calves cannot travel for more than 8 hours – unless, after a maximum of 9 hours’ transport, they are rested, given water and, “if necessary”, fed.

In reality, the ‘rest’ usually just means the lorry stops moving for an hour. And, because milk substitute can’t in practice be provided on the trucks, calves may go as long as 23 hours without food. They must be stressed, exhausted, and desperately hungry.

Whilst they’re on British farms, these young animals must legally be fed twice a day. Yet the transporters think it’s not ‘necessary’ to feed them until they’re first unloaded in Northern France!

What is the basic evil of the meat industry?

Hundreds of new corona cases were registered this week in a slaughterhouse of the Tönnies company in Germany.

At the Tönnies headquarters in Rheda-Wiedenbrück, around 5,300 employees will have to be tested in the next few days.

As a result, all schools and daycare centers in the Gütersloh district were closed again. Around 7,000 people are now in quarantine around the company.

Federal Labor Minister of Germany Hubertus Heil called the situation “shocking”.

For him, one of the main problems in the industry is that work in slaughterhouses is increasingly done with employment contracts and subcontractors, so that workers, most of whom are from Eastern Europe, are “not treated fairly”.

He now wants to end this “basic evil”, said Heil in the state television channel ARD.
But is that it?

The meat industry has other problem areas:

1. Too much manure

More animals also mean more animal excretions.

But where to put the manure? A large part of it ends up in the meadows and fields of farmers – and thus contaminates soil and groundwater with nitrogen.

Agriculture is responsible for around 57 percent of the nitrogen that is released into the environment in Germany, according to the Federal Environment Agency.

For more…at


And I mean…According to market observers, the temporary closure of Tönnies’ largest German slaughterhouse in Rheda-Wiedenbrück will not lead to supply shortages.

“Meat is not scarce in Germany, not even pigs,” the Agrarmarkt Information Society in Bonn reassures us.

Thank God! Our daily meat is secured, corpses are still produced in accord.

My best regards to all, Venus


Vietnam: 29/6/20 – Bile Bear ‘Cotton Blossom’ Will Be Rescued by Animals Asia )n 30/6. Team Already On the Road.

viet nam flag


Breaking News – Animals Asia – 29/6/20

Vietnam – Bear ‘Cotton Blossom’ Will be rescued tomorrow from her life of bile farming.

Rescue team are finally on their way after earlier preventions due to Covid.


Dear Mark,

We’ve finally received the go-ahead to rescue a lonely moon bear in desperate need of love and care.

Our emergency response team are on their way right now.

We were first alerted to her plight back in March. But due to the Covid-19 outbreak causing widespread travel restrictions in Vietnam, and this poor bear being held in the border region of Gia Lai province, over 700 miles away from our sanctuary, we couldn’t reach her.

But we didn’t forget. And we’ve been preparing for her arrival ever since. Her house has been cleaned, her bed made and a delicious feast is being prepared for arrival. But that’s not all…

Back in March, the spring sunshine was warming the air, and the magnificent red cotton blossoms were blooming. Though we couldn’t rush to her aid there and then, we remained hopeful that her many years of darkness were coming to an end and she would soon blossom at our life-saving sanctuary. To mark her eventual arrival we planted a Cotton Blossom tree. And in honour of the bear you’ll help us rescue, we’ve named her Cotton Blossom.

Currently, we know precious little about her. What we do know is that she’s been forced to endure painful bile extraction and we can almost be sure that she’ll have serious health issues as a consequence.

She’ll need special ongoing care and treatment for the rest of her life. Which we hope could be another 15 years or more. Hopefully, with enough love and time, all of the pain, anger and fear she feels will fade into distant memories.

In these dark times, will you be the ray of sunshine she’s been waiting for?

You can help this sweet girl on the road to recovery and beyond by making a donation today.

Our rescue team plans to arrive tomorrow morning. In the meantime, we’ll do our very best to keep you updated, and I hope to bring you more information soon. For live updates, and to see your kindness in action, please be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

As always, thank you from the bottom of my heart for being there for Asia’s animals when they need you most.

With bear hugs of gratitude and of hope,

Jill Robinson MBE, Dr med vet hc, Hon LLD
Founder and CEO, Animals Asia

PS It takes a lifetime of care to help rebuild a broken bear. Please will you help Cotton Blossom begin her long road to recovery with a healing gift today? Thank you so much for caring.



Mikki, her calf Fitz, and companion Punch have to go in the sanctuary.

Louisville Zoo, Kentucky, USA, continues to hold three elephants captive in a cramped exhibit. A mother elephant, her young calf, and their one companion named Punch — all held in a cramped enclosure in order to generate profits from paying customers.

Louisville Zoo forces Mikki to endure a bittersweet motherhood
Credit: Matt Stone/Courier Journal, Louisville Courier-Journal via Imagn Content Services, LLC


After seven years of repeated and failed artificial insemination attempts by Louisville Zoo staff, 35-year-old African elephant Mikki finally gave birth to a calf this year.

Baby Fitz is the Louisville Zoo’s second elephant birth in its fifty-year history. In 2010, Mikki’s calf named Scotty died at age three from colic.

Like his mother, Mikki, and cell-mate Punch—who were both taken from the wild—Fitz will be robbed of the relationships he would naturally form with other elephants including other family members near his own age.

Artificial insemination is the process used to produce babies for the zoo industry.

It’s an unnatural, invasive, and likely traumatic experience for elephants, often requiring their legs to be chained down—indicating that individuals like Mikki would flee the procedure if given the choice.

Still, the Zoo forced Mikki to undergo six artificial insemination procedures in 2016 alone.

Baby Fitz and his mother Mikki in the captivity of Zoo


Your voice is needed now to ask Louisville Zoo to close its elephant exhibit for good and to send Mikki, her calf Fitz, and companion Punch to an accredited sanctuary where they can live the rest of their lives in peace.


For more and including the 6 myths about zoos … at


My best regards to all, Venus