Uk: Captive Bolt Guns To Kill Dogs – Why They Should Never Be Used






The use of the captive bolt pistol in dogs by vet- Andre Menache BSc(Hons) BVSc MRCVS

As a veterinary surgeon in animal welfare for almost 30 years, and having witnessed first-hand the effects of captive bolt stunning in dogs, I feel somewhat competent to express my view on this subject (1). Although this practice may be considered as acceptable in those parts of the world where veterinary resources are very limited, or where there is little concern for animal welfare, neither of these factors apply to 21st century UK.

The concussion caused by the captive bolt leads to destruction of parts of  the brain as well as massive bleeding and an increase in intracranial pressure, all of which cause the animal to lose consciousness. Occasionally, an animal may regain consciousness after the initial concussion. This is especially likely if an animal moves its head at the instant the pistol is discharged. Worse still, the operator may inflict a serious wound, without hitting the brain at all, and be faced with a completely conscious animal in agony.

In a successful stun, although brain matter may have been destroyed, the brain stem is often left intact, which explains why the heart will continue to beat. Although this may be desirable in a slaughterhouse context, in the case of dogs, it necessitates the need for a supplementary agent, such as lethal injection with barbiturates, to ensure swift euthansia.

According to the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation,  

“Captive-bolt pistols are an acceptable alternative to firearms where animals are sufficiently restrained, provided that the team understands that animals may be stunned rather than killed. They must be competent to know when an animal is only stunned and trained and equipped to kill such an animal immediately after stunning”(2).

This view is echoed by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) guidelines on euthanasia (June 2007), which state that “death may not occur if equipment is not maintained and used properly” (3).

In a letter addressed to me by the Chief Veterinary Officer of the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA), dated 12th January 2009, Mr S.E. Chetham writes: “we would have serious concerns over the use of the captive bolt only by lay persons because the captive bolt, in itself, does not guarantee death, merely stunning is a possibility. Secondly all our operatives who have captive bolts have pentobarbitone sodium at their disposal. I hope this clarifies our position”. 

From the above, we can conclude that the use of the captive bolt pistol on its own is not an acceptable means of euthanasia in dogs. The use of a supplementary agent to ensure euthanasia, such as lethal injection with a controlled substance, is permissible only to highly trained and registered personnel. A lay person using a captive bolt pistol to kill dogs would need to ensure death either by pithing or by exsanguination, both of which raise further animal welfare concerns, assuming they were performed at all.

Therefore, in the interests of animal welfare, the use of the captive bolt pistol in dogs by lay persons should no longer be allowed in the UK.  

Andre Menache BSc(Hons) BVSc MRCVS

London, 17 June 2009.


Bali: The Government of Bali Realise That Vaccination of Dogs, NOT Poisoning, is the Only Humane, Effective Way to PREVENT Rabies




In early 2010, Made Sudini, a grandmother from Gianyar in Bali, Indonesia, was heading to work when she saw a government team arrive in her village and begin to poison dogs on the streets.

Made was traumatized by what she saw, but was relieved that at least her four dogs were safe at home. She watched as dogs injected by poisoned darts yelped in pain and tried to run for cover. As they ran, their leg muscles froze and their paces slowed until they fell over, writhing in agony before eventually suffocating to death.

What Made didn’t know at the time was that one of her dogs – a puppy called Johnny – had somehow managed to slip out of the house. Made arrived home to find Johnny’s limp body, still warm, lying in the front of her house. Made’s neighbor later told her how Jenny, one of Made’s other dogs, had flung herself at the garden gate, barking and turning in circles as she watched Johnny die. Jenny was his mother.

More than 100,000 dogs like Johnny have already lost their lives on Bali, poisoned with strychnine in a misguided and inhumane attempt to stop the spread of rabies.
WSPA is determined that no more dogs will be horrifically poisoned, but we need your help.

Earlier this year, WSPA stepped in to convince the government of Bali that vaccination is the only humane, effective way to prevent rabies. Through a trial project in one region of Bali, we successfully vaccinated 40,000 dogs and reduced the spread of rabies in the region.

Now, the Balinese government has agreed to stop killing dogs and work with WSPA and our local partner, the Bali Animal Welfare Association (BAWA) to implement an island-wide vaccination programthis means we need to vaccinate 350,000 dogs against rabies (approximately three quarters of all dogs in Bali) within the next six months. 

This is a big task, but failure is not an option. If we fail to vaccinate these dogs the Balinese government could revert to poisoning and more dogs like Johnny will die painful, prolonged deaths.

Silia Smith
Interim Executive Director

Brazil: Video Footage of Animals Being Slaughtered Using Sledgehammers ! – Sample Letter and Contact Details Provided – Please Act.







Portuguese to English translation — poor translation but you can get the gist of it.  Watch the video to see the extent of cruelty inflicted upon those poor animals. 

It is unspeakable.

Torture of animals in Ceará.

————————————————– ——————————

Source: extracted from the matter of The People newspaper –
A complaint promoted by the International Union for the Protection of Animals (UIPA), Ceara, took a television news crew from a local station to catch gruesome scenes of animal cruelty, carried out in the Municipal Slaughterhouse in Cascavel and displayed yesterday to the public . The scenes of torture daunting traumatized viewers who saw the matter, whose impact will probably not restricted to the borders of Ceará, given the current level of humanitarian conscience, present at national and global public opinion.
Heard by this reporter, the town clerk responsible for establishing promised that facilities would be closed immediately, recognizing the lack of minimum conditions for its operation. However, the irregularities had been reported to prosecutors and other bodies responsible for a long time, and even then, the establishment remained untouched until now.
Even the illegal method of killing with mallets not let go of the skill of the performer. In scenes shown, in addition to malpractice, there is a cruelty free, with mallets by prior whole body of the animal. This is a revolting crime.

TV Jangadeiro (SBT) registra a violência

Veja as cenas (fortes) do abate de bois a marretadas, no Abatedouro Municipal de Cascavel/CE, captadas pela equipe do programa Na Mira do Barra.


Exmo. Prefeito Sr. Décio Paulo Bonilha Munhoz

Tomamos conhecimento, através de reportagem publicada no jornal O Povo e das imagens registradas pela TV Jangadeiro, sobre a situação encontrada pela equipe do programa Na Mira do Barra no Abatedouro Municipal de Cascavel.

Repulsivas as cenas registradas pela reportagem, uma sessão de violência inominável, um exemplo terrível para os cidadãos de Cascavel e de todo o Brasil. Bois não sentem apenas a dor, mas também têm consciência do que lhes ocorre. A crueldade contra eles expressa o nível de crueldade da qual o homem é capaz contra os seres de qualquer espécie, inclusive a humana.

Vimos primeiramente questionar V. Exa. sobre os motivos de não terem sido tomadas providências anteriormente, apesar de, conforme a reportagem, já haverem denúncias registradas sobre a situação do abatedouro. Solicitamos também informações sobre andamento da interdição deste local.

E também vimos exortar V. Exa. a dar um exemplo de compaixão, promovendo uma campanha pela adoção do vegetarianismo, ação que pode ser iniciada com a oferta de merenda escolar vegetariana nos estabelecimentos de ensino do munícipio. A ingestão de carne ou de qualquer produto de origem animal é absolutamente dispensável para a nutrição humana, como já amplamente comprovado pela ciência.. Além de não compactuar com a violência, V. Exa. estará dando um exemplo de respeito à vida, ao meio ambiente e à saúde dos munícipes, já que a produção de carne é responsável por degradação ambiental e por inúmeras doenças nas pessoas.

Sugerimos contato com os especialistas na área nutricional listados na página

Your name,



Instituto Nina Rosa – Projetos por amor à vida

Organização independente sem fins lucrativos

Serbia: ‘Stara Planina’ Update – The Governments ILLEGAL Environmental Destruction Continues – Full News and Pictures in This Post.






** UPDATE 29/09/10 **.

SAV have now provided full information, pictures and video footage of the destruction at Stara Planina to Unit E1 of the Directorate General for Environment at the EU.  We have been informed that they (DG Environment) will liaise with the DG for EU Enlargement if necessary regarding this issue.  DG Enlargement is responsible for new EU states membership, including Serbia.

Today, 29/09, SAV have had written confirmation from the DG Environment that all the information has been received and is now under review.





 View the 6 minute video on Stara Planina and its destruction by the government:!

Save the animals and plants at Stara Planina !!

SAV is very pleased to be given the opportunity to help our environmental campaigner friends at ‘Association for Conservation and Sustainable Development of the Stara Planina’.

Please visit their site at to see the environmental damage being to this very special eco system region –

Please look at the following document to obtain full details of the location and what is happening:

Dopis za EU – novo.doc,26.9.2010

Please also visit our (SAV) posts given in the links below to view dozens of photographs on the environmental destruction now taking place – this very day !

Chronology of events on Stara planina:

1997. — Stara planina proclaimed as a Nature Park.

2006. —The Government of Serbia started the first illegal constructions.

2007. —The illegal Master Plan was elaborated for the development of mountain tourism

2007. — The electronic petition was created on

2007. — Attitudes of 61 NGO were publicly presented on and the relevant problems were presented also in the media (newspapers, television and radio).

2008. — During the public insight into the Spatial Plan of the Nature Park Stara Planina, without any argument, the views and suggestions of the NGO sector were neglected, the same procedure being repeated in the case of the document Strategic evaluation on environmental impact. Views of the Institute of nature protection and Srbijašume were also nearly completely neglected.

2008. — Illegal Master plan was adopted allowing the development of ski tourism in the area of protected areas of the Nature park.

2008. — The Director of the Institute for Nature Protection in Belgrade was replaced, her view being totally ignored during the development of the on the Master Plan.

2009. – The Spatial Plan for Nature Park Stara planina has been adopted in a virtually unmodified version in respect to the original. A river was damed about 1.000 meters below Babin zub and from there, via kilometers of pipes going uphill, water for artificial snow is pumped, thus wasting enormous amounts of energy.

2010. — The capturing of water from natural springs and construction of 2 hotels on Jabučko ravnište has started. 

And some of the reasons why this illegal action by the government must be presented to the world:


There are 344 moss species on Mt. Stara Planina. Among them are numerous species which are protected by various international and Serbian laws. Species that live on decaying wood and peat meadows are extreamly threatened. Great danger for these species present hydro-geological works because of great changes in the water balance of their habitat.



On Stara Planina live 146 species of butterflies, of which 3 are protected by Bern Convention (Clouded Apollo Parnassius mnemosinae, Mountain Apollo Parnassius apollo, Large Blue Butterfly Maculinea arion), 4 are declared as national rarities by Decree on the Protection of Natural Rarities (Old World Swallowtail Papilio machaon, Clouded Apollo Parnassius mnemosinae, Mountain Apollo Parnassius apollo, Southern Festoon Zerynthia polyxena). By IUCN categorization, among butterflies that live on Stara Planina there are 6 endangered species (Almond-eyed Ringlet Erebia alberganus, Bulgarian Ringlet Erebia orientalis, Lesser Purple Emperor Apatura iris, Poplar Admiral Limentis populi, Zephyr Blue Plebeius pylaon, Old World Swallowtail Papilio machaon), 37 vulnerable and 21 rare species. From the European conservation concern, there are 14 species recorded.

Considering fish fauna of the mountain (26 species), the most important is Brown Trout (Salmo trutta) with the very limited dispersal of its local strain of the unique mtDNA haplotype different from other populations in Serbia, being similar to the Caucasian Brown Trout.

On Stara Planina live 18 species of amphibians and reptiles, of which 10 are protected with Bern Convention (Yellow-bellied Toad Bombina variegata, European Green Toad Pseudepidale (Bufo) viridis, Dice Snake Natrix tessellata, Nose-horned viper Vipera ammodytes, Smooth Snake Coronella austriaca, Aesculapian Snake Zamenis longissimus, Wall Lizard Podarcis muralis, Eastern green lizard Lacerta viridis, Sand Lizard Lacerta agilis and Snake-eyed skink Ablepharus kitaibelii), while 8 are protected with Decree on the Protection of Natural Rarities (Fire Salamander Salamandra salamandra, Yellow-bellied Toad Bombina variegata, Common Toad Bufo bufo, European Green Toad Pseudepidale (Bufo) viridis, Viviparous Lizard Zootoca vivipara, Snakeeyed skink Ablepharus kitaibelii, Aesculapian Snake Zamenis longissimus and Smooth Snake Coronella austriaca). There are only 3 known places in Serbia where Z. vivipara populations are found.

So far, 206 bird species are recorded on Stara Planina. From that number, 140 bird species are protected by Bern Convention, but some of them have already become extinct in the past on Mt. Stara Planina due to human activity (Gypaetus barbatus, Tetrax tetrax, Aegipius monachus, Gyps fulvus, Falco naumanni and Neophron percnopterus). For example, by cutting one road for allterrain vehicles to the mountain peak Babin Zub in 1980’s, three species that were nesting there disappeared (Pyrrhocorax graculus, Falco peregrinus and Aquila chrysaetos). This recorded event provides a sobering warning of the likely implication for nesting birds should such a large development go through.

There are some 60 species of mammals on Stara Planina, among which some are very rare. Such is the case with Snow Vole (Chionomys nivalis), an extremely rare living fossil of Tertiary origin which lives on the highest slopes of the mountain and it is directly threatened by the ski resort.

It is vigorously recommended that an alternative of rural (agro / eco and ethnic) tourism could be

developed and made profitable on a sustainable basis without major habitat destruction. This would require less investment and would benefit and preserve the local community. This kind of tourism would improve the quality of life of local people by enabling them to find additional outlets for their food and craft products and local services. Eco-tourism has been previously recommended by IUCN as the only acceptable kind of tourism development of this region.

Also the World Bank is now working on a project with local communities to improve ecological management of Stara Planina Nature Park (142,000 ha), biodiversity and sustainable natural resource-use incorporated in a major agricultural and rural development program, for example including c.30,000 ha of grasslands under sustainable grazing.


Below are the (SAV) past links to save the region of Stara Planina from environmental destruction:  

Today, 27/09/10, we at SAV are now in direct contact with legal departments at the EU to ask for specific information on what can be done next regarding presentation(s) of the destruction shown above to officials within the EU.

We will be posting further updates on the situation as they arise.

USA: Petition to Stop Alligator ‘Wrestling’ in Florida – Please Sign

Although a dying attraction, the state of Florida still allows “Man VS Gator” wrestling to take place. The activity is just as it sounds — people take on live alligators in a live match for entertainment purposes. And the reality is the men are the only actual willing parties involved in this game, leaving the alligators to suffer.

While not all men use the same techniques when wrestling, all matches seem to generally repeat the same pattern: man drags gator to center of ring, jumps on it’s back and attacks until the animal loses consciousness. Many times, people use sticks to torment the animals or get a rise out of them. Getting an alligator to show his or her teeth to the crowd is always an added bonus.

Does this type of event sound appealing to you? Several feel it is time to put this decades-old tradition to rest for good.

Not only is the process unbelievably cruel to the animals involved, the idea of taking on a live alligator poses a huge threat for all people involved — wrestler and audience.

If you want to see an end to this form of “entertainment,”

sign this petition to ban alligator wrestling in Florida





International: Various Petitions – Please Support

Greece  – Ask to revise immediately the Law 3170/2003 in order to transform the abuse to a felony in order to have an inhibitory effect and prevent future incidents of abuse of animals associated with potential violence towards humans.


Save 600 Spanish cats:  


No kill animal shelters for Sydney:


Stop sending animal abusers to work in shelters:


Three eighth-grade students in Australia have been suspended from school after a teacher witnessed them beating a kangaroo to death with a metal pole.

The boys were part of a group from Torquay College that was attending a school sponsored three-day camping trip to the Great Otway National Park.  One of the teachers came across the eighth-graders “bashing the kangaroo” with a metal rod. 

Read more:


1)  Suspend all BLM wild horse/burro capture and confinement operations.
2)  Move the Prevention of Equine Cruelty Act (H.R. 503/ S. 727) out of
     committee for Congress to vote on it.


Bobcats in NH have not been trapped since 1989. However, trapping of bobcats may soon be legal again in NH, if our opposition to trapping them is not expressed and heard.



Australian store Husk is selling items made from rabbit fur. On fur farms all around the world, rabbits – who are sensitive and intelligent animals – spend their entire lives in tiny, filthy cages and suffer physical and psychological distress before they are killed by neck-breaking or skull-bashing.

Read more and petition:


Dedicated local activists have been fighting for more than a decade to secure long overdue legislation to prevent cruelty and promote animal welfare in Thailand. The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and Animal Welfare Bill has finally made its long way to the final stage of the legislative process before submission to the parliament for consideration, but an agency of the government is showing no intention of returning the bill for submission to the parliament. The current term of parliament will end soon, and if the bill is not passed prior to that, the whole lengthy approval process will have to start again. 

Read more and petition:


New York HorsesProtect these iconic animals — tell New York City Council members to oppose Intro. 653.


Europe (EU): European Parliament Votes to Save Countless Animals in New EU Biocidal Products Regulation.







Brussels, 22 September 2010

European Parliament votes to save countless animals in new EU Biocidal
Products Regulation

Eurogroup for Animals applauds today’s vote by the Members of the European
Parliament on the first reading of the revision to the biocidal products
directive, which when adopted will become a regulation. A number of
significant improvements to testing rules involving the use of animals were
introduced, while ensuring a high level of protection for human health and
the environment is maintained.

The proposal for a regulation on biocidal products currently contains one of
the longest lists of animal testing requirements seen in any EU legislation,
which have to be undertaken before a product can be placed on the market.
These are outdated and inconsistent with improvements that are already a
fundamental part of other European legislation.

Eurogroup, together with a number of stakeholders, urged Parliamentarians to
use their vote to amend the legislative proposal to ensure that outdated
animal tests are replaced with state-of-the-art testing strategies that can
reduce animal use, if not eliminate it altogether for the assessment of
certain types of toxic effects. The text adopted today brings testing
requirements more in line with the 21st century and reflects the range of
replacement, reduction and refinement test methods and testing strategies
that are available today.

This is a major step forward as a typical set of tests for a single biocide
ingredient – known as an ‘active substance’ – would involve over twenty
different tests, which in total can involve up to 12,000 rodents, rabbits,
dogs and other animals. However, the Parliament did not go as far as we had
hoped and they rejected the call to eliminate redundant testing where no
guidelines exist.

“We are satisfied with the results of today’s vote. The European Parliament
has sent a strong message about testing requirements for biocidal products’
said Kirsty Reid, Eurogroup’s Policy Officer for Research Animals who went
on to add: “following the position adopted today, we call on the European
Commission and the Council of the EU to work to improve even further upon
the Parliament’s position as they continue their discussions in finalising
their position to ensure fewer animals suffer as a result of this


For more information, contact:

Martyn Griffiths, executive officer communications, or +32 2 740 08 23.

Notes to editor:

Eurogroup for Animals represents animal welfare organisations in all EU
Member States. Since its launch in 1980, the organisation has succeeded in
encouraging the EU to adopt higher legal standards for animal protection.
Eurogroup represents public opinion through its membership organisations
across the Union, and has both the scientific and technical expertise to
provide authoritative advice on issues relating to animal welfare. For more
information, visit

A biocide active substance or product is one which kills or deters any
harmful organism by chemical or biological means. It can be a chemical or
mixture, micro-organism (bacteria, fungus etc), extract from plant.

Lethal dose 50 per cent test involves dosing animals with the quantity of a
substance that is known to kill half of the test population after a
specified time. Often known as LD50 or median dose test.

The Biocides Directive (98/8/EC) of the European Parliament and of the
Council on the placing on the market of biocidal products was adopted in
1998. The Directive provides in its Article 18(5) that the Commission will
submit, seven years after the date for transposition (May 2000) of the
Directive, a report to the European Parliament and Council on its
implementation, accompanied if necessary by proposals for its revision.
Following this, a proposal to revise the Directive was adopted by the
Commission on the 12 June 2009.