Cracked, Terrosist Vegans May Drive A Truck Into The Market Place Because Sausages Are Sold There !!!!

On the 9th of December, 2016, a truck drove into the Christmas market in Berlin. A terrorist attack, with 12 dead and several injured. Shortly after, the courageous chairman of the animal organization Animal Peace – Silke Ruthenberg – following truthful statement has posted on Facebook:


Für Gänse sind wir

Alle Terroristen

Vergesst das nie!

#Christmas market

For geese we are All terrorists

Do not forget it!

As expected, she received over 2,000 outrageous and despicable comments. A wharer shitstorm.

She was named as fascist, mentally ill, scum. Murder threats also came. All written in the name of humanism and humanity. The first were the “animal protection zones”, the vegans, and other “system conformists” who expressed themselves with disrespect and disgust at this message.

Some comments:

Hilal Sezgin vielen dank animal peace, dass ihr keine situation auslasst, die tierrechtsidee zu diskreditieren, indem ihr die menschenrechtsidee mit füßen tretet  .

(Many thanks to animalpeace, that you do not omit any situation to discredit the animal rights idea by stepping on the human rights idea.)

Michaela Csader Geht endlich zum Arzt! Euch fehlt definitiv Herz und Verstand. Euch auf FB zu lassen ist ein Verbrechen! Mein Mitgefühl gilt den Opfern und deren Familien.

(Go to the doctor! You definitely lack heart and mind. Leaving you on FB is a crime! My compassion is for the victims and their families.)

Peter Hardt Unsere Sicherheitbehörden sollten das mal als Bekennerschreiben interpretieren. Für mich ist durchaus vorstellbar, dass eines Tages einer oder eine dieser Tierschützer/innen / durchgeknallten Veganer einen derartigen Anschlag an einem solchen Ort durchziehen; nur weil dort traditionell Currywürste, Krakauer, Rostbratwürstchen, Spießbratenbrötchen … verzehrt warden.

(Our security authorities should interpret this as a confession. For me it is quite conceivable that one day or one of these animal protectionists / cracked vegans carry out such a terrorist attack at such a place; Just because traditional curry sausages, Krakauer, grilled sausages, spit rolls … are consumed there.)

SAV Comment – so now we as Vegans are going to drive a truck through a market because sausages are sold there !!!! – this guy needs to  see a Neurologist !!

Othmar Vohringer Was fuer ein widerliches Pack seit ihr eigentlich. Euch sollte man Strafrechtlich verfolgen. Stellt euch wohl auch noch auf die Seite der Terroristen.

(What a disgusting pack you are. You should be prosecuted. Put yourselves on the side of the terrorists.)

The veterans of hatred were indignant, but they left it at that.

Were parents between the victims who left their children alone and helpless? In this case, they should call for a donation campaign. The philanthropists have done nothing. How many injured were they? Have you should visit them in the hospital and help them. The philanthropists have not do anything. To this day there is uncertainty about the assassination and the background that led to it. Two hours after the assassination, the founder of Pegida, Lutz Bachman, tweeted, “The perpetrators of Tunisian Muslims.” The fact that the chief of a right-wing populist and anti-Islamic organization was well informed, aroused whimsical presumptions. The police officer confirmed this statement 48 hours later.

The commentators, however, seem to have no serious interest in the political significance of the assassination attempt. Like all the hypocrites, they are still occupied with despising comments against Silke Ruthenberg, because they want to justify their own moral Pharisaism.

And because it is much easier to criticize people who do something rather than do something yourself. With this phenomenon, animal rights activists are confronted every day.

