USA: Trump’s Pollution Team – Great Environmental Destruction Denial Again !



President-elect Donald Trump is building only seems to get worse. As if white nationalists, climate deniers, and Wall Street billionaires weren’t enough, Trump added Exxon CEO Rex Tillerson to his stable of deplorable Cabinet nominations.

Yes, that Exxon. 


The same Exxon that knew about climate change as early as the 1970s and spent the next four decades spreading climate denial.

The same Exxon that has spent millions to block climate action so it can drill for oil all over the world.

The same Exxon that has routinely put its profits above people and the environment.

Tillerson as Secretary of State would be nothing short of a disaster — but it’s not set in stone yet. 

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The Senate can still block Tillerson’s nomination — and it’s up to all of us to make sure they do. Join the 200,000+ people who have urged the Senate to keep Exxon out of the White House! Sign on today.

If he becomes Secretary of State, Tillerson would have immense power to spread the fossil fuel industry’s polluting agenda as official U.S. foreign policy. 

And as bad as that sounds, he’s far from the only dangerous choice Trump has made.

As of now, Trump’s team also includes:

–Scott Pruitt, the climate denier nominated for head of the Environmental Protection Agency (1).
–Jeff Sessions, the attorney general nominee who once joked about supporting the Ku Klux Klan (2).
–Steve Mnuchin, nominated for Treasury Secretary, who ran a company that foreclosed on an elderly woman’s home over a 27-cent payment error (3).
–Rick Perry, the fossil fuel-lover and Energy Secretary nominee who said he wanted to “abolish” that very department during his failed 2012 presidential run (4).
–Betsy DeVos, the Education Secretary nominee who helped pass the law that led to the Flint water crisis (5). 

All of these nominations have one thing in common — they can’t be trusted to protect people and the planet. 


Tell the Senate to stand up to climate denial and Wall Street greed by blocking Trump’s Cabinet! Add your voice today.

The Senate has taken a stand against Cabinet nominations who didn’t serve the interest of the people before. In fact, six nominees have had to drop out facing a Senate rejection since 1993 — and none of them were as dangerous as the crew Trump has presented us with. As a lawyer, I believe we have a good chance of stopping disastrous nominations like Rex Tillerson before it’s too late. 

More than 200,000 people have already taken action

— but we’re missing you. When the Senate votes next week, they need to know that Trump’s choices do not represent the will of the people. 

Stand strong against Trumpism — urge the Senate to take action against Exxon CEO Rex Tillerson and the rest of Trump’s Cabinet picks! Thanks for all you do.

In solidarity, 

Naomi Ages
Legal Expert, Greenpeace USA

PS: It’s not too late to stop Trump from stacking the White House with climate deniers and fossil fuel CEOs. 

Take action today to block Rex Tillerson’s nomination!



The People ‘Making America Great Again’ !!!



