VERY URGENT APPEAL – By 11/02/10 – Written Declaration 54/2009 – 35 More MEP SIGNATURES NEEDED BY 11th February !!

Dear Friends,
anyone can help with phone calls or contacts in Spain, France, Portugal, Belgium, Germany?
still 35 signatures needed by tomorrow,
*** Feb 11th ***


——– Original Message ——–
Subject:        Written Declaration update
Date:   Wed, 10 Feb 2010 14:35:32 -0000
Dear All,

Written Declaration 54/2009 now has 334 signatures. I’m delighted to say
that the support from Romania has been fantastic, 19 MEPs have now signed!

Thank you all so much for your help with this. But please don’t stop
now, we still need 35 more MEPs to sign before the Declaration closes
. The response from Spain, Hungary, Portugal, France and
Germany has been disappointing
so if you have contacts in these
countries do please encourage them to call their MEPs and ask them to sign.

Many thanks,


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