Serbia: A Global Appeal for YOUR Help to Return a She Wolf (Taken From A Monk) Back to Freedom and Her Home – Please Write ! (Sample letter included)

This is an appeal to help get a wolf in Serbia returned to her home and the person that originally raised her.  All of the following video links and newspaper articles are direct copies and translations of recent news from Serbia.

At the moment, over 3,000 people have written to the head of the Orthodox Serbian Church asking that the she wolf is returned to the monastery and the monk who has cared for her from when she was only 15 days old.

If you wish to write also and join in fighting for the release of the she wolf, then please use the sample letter and the mail links given at the end of this post.

This wolf needs to be returned to the man (the monk) who loves and cares for her.  She must not be allowed to remain in a city dog cage as she is at present.

The video link (1) given below shows what a beautiful and trusting animal she is.

Please write to all the contacts given in the listings at the end of this post and give your support to gaining freedom once again for the she wolf.


The request which was originally sent to us:

Pause for an instant, take a look at this short video and decide for yourself.   Please help us and send email to our Goverment and and our church to give back the freedom to this sentient being, ripped from the nature by a cruel act of people.  Please help set her free – an act of compassion that might not seem as significant  to you, but for her, it’s her whole life, the one and only she has. 

Thank you so much and God bless you.


We are providing below a selection of video links and media articles which show the wolf and the maon who saved her as an infant.

Video link 1: 

This Serbian Monk who moved to this monastery after 200 years of no one maintaining this holy place where there is only wild animal friends… he adopted the wolf when she was only 15 days old and this is their friendship after 6 months…Monk named her Alfa – he was saying that she is bit skittish from people but when they are alone she is cuddly with him …other man was saying that he never see this miracle before saying that this is only Gods work.

Newspaper article followed by translation (Google Translate): 

 Appeal to the Patriarch of the she-wolf back monk

Скоро три хиљаде људи преко Фејсбука упутило молбу патријарху Иринеју да у манастир Ковиље врати Алфу, која се тренутно налази у азилу у ЂурђевуNearly three thousand people filed through the Facebook application Patriarch Irinej to return to the monastery Kovilje Alfa, which is currently in the asylum in St. George

Вучица Алфа у игри са Амвросијем (Фото Д. Урошевић) Alpha female wolf in the game with Ambrose (D. Urosevic Photo)

Готово 3.000 људи преко Фејсбука замолило је ових дана патријарха Иринеја да вучицу Алфу, која се тренутно налази у азилу у Ђурђеву, врати у манастир Ковиље, подно Јавор планине, где је као бебу прихватио и припитомио игуман Амвросије Алимпијевић. Almost 3,000 people through Facebook asking these days is that of Patriarch Irenaeus Alpha female wolf, which is currently in asylum in Đurđevo, Kovilje back to the monastery, under the maple mountain, where, as adopted and tamed baby Abbot Ambrose Alimpijevic.

Група „Вратимо вучицу монаху Амвросију” као профил слику има фотографију фоторепортера „Политике” Добривоја Урошевића која је у репортажи „Игуманов пакт с вуковима” објављена у нашем листу крајем јуна прошле године. The group “Let monk Amvrosova she-wolf” as a profile picture of a photograph photographer “Politika” Don Uroševića which is in the reportage “Igumanov pact with Wolves” was published in our list at the end of June last year.

Администратор ове групе на Фејсбуку Саша Вулфман Вуловић, дипломирани правник и директор Бироа за безбедност Групе „Застава”, објашњава нам да је аутор писма које је прошле недеље упућен патријарху његова супруга Маја, иначе доцент на Медицинском факултету Универзитета у Крагујевцу, и да су на идеју дошли и због сопственог искуства с вуком који је четири године живео с њиховом бебом и спавао с њима у кући у центру Крагујевца. The administrator of this group on Facebook Sasa Vulfman Vulovic, lawyer and director of the Bureau of Security Group, “Zastava”, explains that the author of the letter that was sent last week, the Patriarch of his wife, Maya, or assistant professor at the Medical Faculty in Kragujevac, and that the idea came because of personal experience with the wolf who is four years lived with their baby and slept with them in a house in the center of Kragujevac.

– Наша осамнаестомесечна ћерка се играла с вуком. – Our osamnaestomesečna daughter played with the wolf. Животиња се веже за онога ко ју је припитомио. The animal is tied for the person who has tamed. То је једна чиста душа. It is a pure soul. Алфа ће тамо живети „у мраку” и, одговорно тврдим, патиће за младим монахом док је жива јер никакав прихватни центар не може да замени љубав и слободу коју је она имала. Alfa will live there in the dark ‘and’ responsible hard, will suffer while the young monk is alive because no detention center can not replace the love and freedom that she had. Њен живот ће се свести само на узимање хране и спавање – каже Вуловић и с тугом додаје да је њихов Вучко умро од можданог удара прошлог септембра. Her life will be reduced to eating and sleeping – Vulovic said with sadness and added that their Vučko died of a stroke last September.

Професорка Маја Вуловић каже да је после репортаже о чистој и наjискренијој љубави вучице и монаха доста људи први пут посетило манастир Ковиље. Professor Maja Vulovic said that after the reports of pure love and najiskrenijoj she-wolf and the monks a lot of people first visited the monastery Kovilje.

– Међутим, вучицу су по наређењу владике жичког одвели у азил. – However, the she-wolf by order of Bishop Zica taken to the asylum. Разлог је био „да ће она да доведе чопор вукова који ће да поједу неку бабу из села”. The reason was that “it would lead pack of wolves that will eat a grandmother from the village.” Ако је неко иоле упознат с ћудима вука знаће да ће вучица, што је у овом случају, када достигне полну зрелост, с две године, сама отићи на територију мужјака а неће довести чопор. If someone is possibly aware of the miracles of the wolf will know that the she-wolf, which in this case, when you reach sexual maturity, with two years alone to go to the territory of a male will not lead pack. Друго, с обзиром на то да је она одрасла с људима врло је велика вероватноћа да никада неће напустити манастир и „свој чопор” чији је вођа монах Амвросије – тврди професорка и додаје да из ње не говори само сва могућа светска литература о вуковима, већ и искуство. Second, given the fact that she grew up with people is very likely that they will never leave the monastery and its pride “, whose head monk Ambrose – a professor says, adding that the it does not say just any possible world literature on wolves, but and experience.

Подсећања ради, прошлог јуна, „Политика” је објавила репортажу о младом монаху који је након 200 година паузе обновио манастир подно Јавор планине, а за који народ тврди да је старији и од Студенице. As a reminder, last June, “Politika” published a story about a young monk who was 200 years after the break restored monastery at the foot of the mountain maple, and for which people claim that the elderly and Studenica. У време када је наша екипа посетила Ковиље, монах је живео сам, а друштво су му правиле вучица и лисица. At a time when our team visited Kovilje, monk lived alone, and society rules him she-wolf and fox.

Како нам је испричао, вучица је имала само 15 дана када су му је донели, тек је била прогледала… How we are told, she-wolf had only 15 days when he was brought, it was only a sight … Хранио је на свака четири сата, прво млеком, па млевеним месом. Is fed every four hours, the first milk, and minced meat. Назвао је Алфа, јер су му рекли да је била најкрупнија у леглу и вероватно предодређена за алфа женку. Called the Alpha, as they told him that it was biggest in the litter and probably destined for alpha females. Алфа је имала свој бокс, али је Амвросије често пуштао, па су заједно лутали по шуми. Alpha had its box, but is often played Ambrose, and together they wandered in the woods.

Вуловићи нам кажу и да су у контакту са Амвросијем и да он зна за овај апел. Vulovic we say and that is in contact with Ambrose and that he is aware of this appeal.

Писмо које из часа у час електронски „потписује” све више људи, послато је на много адреса, не само у Београд, већ и нашим црквама у свету, у Аустралију, Лондон… A letter from hour to hour electronically “signed” more and more people on the many address, not just in Belgrade, but also to our churches in the world, in Australia, London … али, кажу нам Вуловићи, да до сада није било одговора. but tell us Vulovic, so far no response.

За оне који ће можда прочитати овај текст, а имају моћ да нешто ураде, поновићемо речи младог игумана Амвросија из наше репортаже прошле године: For those who may read this text, and have the power to do something, will say the words of a young Abbot Ambrose from our coverage last year:

„Оном кога волиш мораш дати слободу… “Love the one where you have to give freedom … То је права љубав. It’s true love. Тешко ми, људи, то схватамо, али се учимо… Difficult for me, people, to understand, but we learn … полако”. slowly.

Сандра Гуцијан Sandra Gucijan

[објављено: 24/04/2010] [Posted: 24/04/2010]

Another Newspaper article followed by translation (Google Translate): 

 Politics: Appeal to the she-wolf patriarch monk returns

24. 24th april 2010. April 2010 12:29 > 12:33 12:29> 12:33

Skoro tri hiljade ljudi preko Fejsbuka uputilo molbu patrijarhu Irineju da u manastir Kovilje vrati vučicu Alfu, koja se trenutno nalazi u azilu u Đurđevu.Nearly three thousand people filed through the Facebook application Patriarch Irinej to return to the monastery Kovilje Alpha female wolf, which is currently in the asylum in St. George.

Patrijarh se moli da se vučica vrati u manastir Kovilje, podno Javor planine, gde je kao bebu prihvatio i pripitomio iguman Amvrosije Alimpijević, piše ” Politika “.Patriarch prays that the she-wolf back to the monastery Kovilje, at the foot of Maple Mountain, where the baby adopted and tamed Alimpijevic Abbot Ambrose writes, “ Politics . ”

Administrator grupe na Fejsbuku pod nazivom „Vratimo vučicu monahu Amvrosiju”, Saša Vulfman Vulović, diplomirani pravnik i direktor Biroa za bezbednost Grupe „Zastava”, objašnjava nam da je autor pisma koje je prošle nedelje upućen patrijarhu njegova supruga Maja, inače docent na Medicinskom fakultetu Univerziteta u Kragujevcu, i da su na ideju došli i zbog sopstvenog iskustva s vukom koji je četiri godine živeo s njihovom bebom i spavao s njima u kući u centru Kragujevca.Administrator group on Facebook called “Let monk Amvrosova she-wolf, Sasha Vulfman Vulovic, lawyer and director of the Bureau of Security Group,” Zastava “, explains that the author of the letter that was sent last week, the Patriarch of his wife, Maya, or assistant professor at the Medical Faculty University of Kragujevac, and that the idea came because of personal experience with the wolf who is four years lived with their baby and slept with them in a house in the center of Kragujevac.

“Naša osamnaestomesečna ćerka se igrala s vukom.”Our osamnaestomesečna daughter to play with wolf. Životinja se veže za onoga ko ju je pripitomio. The animal is tied for the person who has tamed. To je jedna čista duša. It is a pure soul. Alfa će tamo živeti „u mraku” i, odgovorno tvrdim, patiće za mladim monahom dok je živa jer nikakav prihvatni centar ne može da zameni ljubav i slobodu koju je ona imala. Alfa will live there in the dark ‘and’ responsible hard, will suffer while the young monk is alive because no detention center can not replace the love and freedom that she had. Njen život će se svesti samo na uzimanje hrane i spavanje”, kaže Vulović is tugom dodaje da je njihov Vučko umro od moždanog udara prošlog septembra. Her life will be reduced to eating and sleeping, “said Vulovic sadness is added to their Vučko died of a stroke last September.

Profesorka Maja Vulović kaže da je posle reportaže u “Politici” o čistoj i najiskrenijoj ljubavi vučice i monaha dosta ljudi prvi put posetilo manastir Kovilje.Professor Maja Vulovic said that after the stories in “Politika” of pure love and najiskrenijoj she-wolf and the monks a lot of people first visited the monastery Kovilje.

“Međutim, vučicu su po naređenju vladike žičkog odveli u azil.”But the she-wolf by order of Bishop Zica taken to the asylum. Razlog je bio „da će ona da dovede čopor vukova koji će da pojedu neku babu iz sela”. The reason was that “it would lead pack of wolves that will eat a grandmother from the village.” Ako je neko iole upoznat s ćudima vuka znaće da će vučica, što je u ovom slučaju, kada dostigne polnu zrelost, s dve godine, sama otići na teritoriju mužjaka a neće dovesti čopor. If someone is possibly aware of the miracles of the wolf will know that the she-wolf, which in this case, when you reach sexual maturity, with two years alone to go to the territory of a male will not lead pack. Drugo, s obzirom na to da je ona odrasla s ljudima vrlo je velika verovatnoća da nikada neće napustiti manastir i „svoj čopor” čiji je vođa monah Amvrosije”, tvrdi profesorka i dodaje da iz nje ne govori samo sva moguća svetska literatura o vukovima, već i iskustvo. Second, given the fact that she grew up with people is very likely that they will never leave the monastery and its pride “, whose head monk Ambrose,” said professor, adding that the it does not say just any possible world literature on wolves, but also experience.

Prošlog juna, „Politika” je objavila reportažu o mladom monahu koji je nakon 200 godina pauze obnovio manastir podno Javor planine, a za koji narod tvrdi da je stariji i od Studenice.Last June, “Politika” published a story about a young monk who was 200 years after the break restored monastery at the foot of the mountain maple, and for which people claim that the elderly and Studenica. U vreme kada je naša ekipa posetila Kovilje, monah je živeo sam, a društvo su mu pravile vučica i lisica. At a time when our team visited Kovilje, monk lived alone, and society rules him she-wolf and fox.

Kako nam je ispričao, vučica je imala samo 15 dana kada su mu je doneli, tek je bila progledala…How we are told, she-wolf had only 15 days when he was brought, it was only a sight … Hranio je na svaka četiri sata, prvo mlekom, pa mlevenim mesom. Is fed every four hours, the first milk, and minced meat. Nazvao je Alfa, jer su mu rekli da je bila najkrupnija u leglu i verovatno predodređena za alfa ženku. Called the Alpha, as they told him that it was biggest in the litter and probably destined for alpha females. Alfa je imala svoj boks, ali je Amvrosije često puštao, pa su zajedno lutali po šumi. Alpha had its box, but is often played Ambrose, and together they wandered in the woods.
Vulovići nam kažu i da su u kontaktu sa Amvrosijem i da on zna za ovaj apel. Vulovic we say and that is in contact with Ambrose and that he is aware of this appeal.

Pismo koje iz časa u čas elektronski „potpisuje” sve više ljudi, poslato je na mnogo adresa, ne samo u Beograd, već i našim crkvama u svetu, u Australiju, London…A letter from hour to hour electronically “signed” more and more people on the many address, not just in Belgrade, but also to our churches in the world, in Australia, London … ali, kažu nam Vulovići, da do sada nije bilo odgovora. but tell us Vulovic, so far no response.
Za one koji će možda pročitati ovaj tekst, a imaju moć da nešto urade, ponovićemo reči mladog igumana Amvrosija iz naše reportaže prošle godine: For those who may read this text, and have the power to do something, will say the words of a young Abbot Ambrose from our coverage last year:
„Onom koga voliš moraš dati slobodu… “Love the one where you have to give freedom … To je prava ljubav. It’s true love. Teško mi, ljudi, to shvatamo, ali se učimo… Difficult for me, people, to understand, but we learn … polako”. slowly.


Other video links: 

Video translation:

Information Service of the Serbian Orthodox Church
11000 Belgrade, Kralja Petra no.5 | +381 11 3025 101
Dear Sir Irenaeus, and all respected that keep the Serbian Orthodox Church

We write to you regarding news that VUČIĆ Kovilje taken from the monastery in the reception center Đurđevo.

After reports of truly clean and najiskrenijoj love she-wolf and the monk Ambrose lot of people came to see this God’s work. Thanks to this truly rare and unusual love many of our fellow citizens were first heard, and visited the monastery Kovilje.
However, due to human malice and stupidity, the she-wolf by order of Bishop of Raska and Prizren taken to the asylum.

The reason was, that it will lead a pack of wolves that will eat a grandmother from the village. “If someone is possibly aware of the miracles of the wolf will know that the she-wolf, which in this case, when you reach sexual maturity, with two years herself to go to the territory of a male will not lead pack. Second, because it is grown with people is very likely that they will never leave the monastery and, his pride, “whose head monk Anvrosije. I am writing this to you as someone who has studied all possible world literature on wolves and wolf as an owner who has lived for 4 years with our baby and slept with us in the house in the center of Kragujevac.

Great sin was made to God’s being innocent because no detention center can not replace the love and freedom that she had. Her life will be reduced to eating and sleeping. While the living will suffer for his monk. Wolves are animals that live and die for your pride, and her pride and her head is just the monks. I am writing you this from personal experience and from the experience of the world’s best experts on wolves.

As the Lord said that we are all God’s creatures by the will of God and Vucic, unspoiled, pure of heart. Saint Sava and his was the wolf, raven Sveti Ilija. Why the Serbs and the monastery Kovilje would not have their VUČIĆ?

We’re writing with a request to restore the monastery VUČIĆ Kovilje and return God’s love and light in her heart, because it will be the only way to live. Thus, in the asylum, in her soul will be only darkness. Note that one will not hurt and will not lead a pack of wolves. In the worst case will go to the forest and will not be back. We do not doubt that the Lord has given you enough strength to get this good work.
Can you restore luster in the eyes of God helpless Attachment create? – Believe that you can and more, and we believe that our Lord sent just such a temptation and you and us and to you and we can deal with them.
Please do not let that human stupidity and ignorance destroy this GOD’S work, and this pure love for a few such examples in the world and especially in these times I comfort, especially among the Serbs, who have unfortunately forgotten what a pure heart, honest soul and true love.

Please look into your heart and do not let an innocent being of God, Vucic, life passes in pain, suffering and darkness in the soul of his monks.

Do not forget to have strange ways of God, and that the Lord and by this time the rescue and save his soul saw to it and that love has to live not only in the heart of animals but also in the heart of people.

This letter you are writing on behalf of all people who still believe that good exists, that all the temptations that the Lord sends us to a cause such as this, that we show people how great and pure of heart and how we are all God’s creatures and and this Vucic.

Please return to the monastery VUČIĆ Kovilje, where her friend-monk monastery near her home, her forests and her freedom by her evil or reckless, or lack of dedicated people took to the Lord, and that the Lord intended it.

Please return the kidnapped Vučica freedom, only to be volja.Gospod God does not want to harm anyone, not even this Vucic, her suffering in captivity NOT GOD’S WILL -. Let God’s Will to be achieved. Zle force can be stronger than you, ljzdi good. Thank you.
It is the desire not only ours, but many people initiate action on the internet.

in advance, we thank you deeply.




We are kindly asking you to help give back to this wolf her freedom and let her return to the Monastery of Kovilje.  We do appreciate that the fate of a wolf may not be an issue of high priority on your agenda.  However, there are times when seemingly little things can be larger than those that outwardly appear to be of  much greater importance.  Relative to our own views, things bear the significance that we ascribe to them.  But for someone else, whose fate is at stake, it can mean a whole lifetime, which can be joy or misery, depending on one single decision, seemingly unimportant, but of immense bearing.  The greatness of man is the ability to grasp the future, one’s own and of others, and to bring joy into both.

Pause for an instant, take a look at this short video and decide for yourself.   Please help us and send email to our Goverment and and our church to give back the freedom to this sentient being, ripped from the nature by a cruel act of people. 

Please help set her free – an act of compassion that might not seem as significant  to you, but for her, it’s her whole life, the one and only she has.

Thank you so much and God bless you.


Send your e mail or sample letter to the following please:



Goverment:,  predsednikrs@predsednik.srbija

Block of e-mail addresses for copy-paste :,,,,,,

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