Saudi Arabia: More Money Than They Know What To Do With – Yet The Royal Family Approves Animal Abuse Like This ! – Petition and Sample Letter Included.

PLEASE SIGN THIS PETITION to create international awareness about these blatant animal abuses in Saudi Arabia.\

Info /photos / videos :

Shut down the zoo at Fantasyland, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, and relocate and treat the rescued animals.

Please sign this petition if you are inside or outside Saudi Arabia and circulate because we need international awareness about these blatant animal rights and law violations in Saudi Arabia. Circuses are illegal in Saudi Arabia, and so is the importation of endangered and exotic animals according to CITES laws. It is also illegal to abuse, sell and make money off of animals according to Islamic laws. However, the zoo at Fantasyland in thumamah, Riyadh Saudi Arabia has lions, tigers, bears, coyotes, hyenas, monkeys in small 3 meter metal cages with no food or water present. With enough signatures, we can ask the Wildlife commission in Saudi Arabia to act upon laws, already in place, but not being upheld about this zoo. Please circulate this information for the ENTIRE world to see, only with local and international pressure will things change. Thank you!

For the truth about this zoo, please look at the videos at:
Please see the blog posts at:

Please write/fax/call the Saudi Wildlife Commission:

Highness Prince Bandar bin Saud Al Saud
Secretary General of the Saudi Commission for Wildlife
PO BOX 61681
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Address: PO Box 61681, Riyadh,
Saudi Arabia, 11575
Direct Fax: +966(01) 4410797
Commission Fax: +966(01) 2121716


Your Highness Prince Bandar bin Saud Al Saud,
We would like to bring to your attention the case of imported exotic animals at Fantasyland, Riyadh, Thumamah, Saudi Arabia against CITES regulations. Fantasyland is not a pet shop and does not have legal permission to have these animals. In addition, it is illegal to have circuses in Saudi Arabia, and we have been advised that these animals are often used in a circus. The lions, hyenas, monkeys, dogs and other animals are not well looked after, nor is food and water present. People who visit are shocked that such conditions could exist in Saudi Arabia, the homeland of Islam as you can see on these blogs:

Furthermore, since the animals have no food, space and have not been cared for, it is dangerous to people, including the families and children who visit Fantasyland. In fact, Asmahan Al-Ghamdi, an editor at Al-Riyadh was attacked by a lion in June 2011. She suffered injuries that wound up requiring surgical attention. No more cases like this should happen as it looks very bad for Saudi Arabia to have a lack of control over these illegal zoos and circuses. In addition, the animals look very thin and may be in need of medical attention according to doctors and veterinarians who have seen the photos. The workers are not trained animal professionals, particularly in the area of exotic animals, and they are afraid of the animals – thus they do not clean the cage or give proper medical care.

As the Wildlife Commission has a responsibility to set good examples, and educate people on correct animal welfare and uphold laws, we are kindly asking for your intervention to release improve the conditions of these animals or release them into the proper hands of international animal rescues for help.

Now that Saudi Arabia is a part of CITES, and already has the high standards of the Quran and Hadith that enforce animal welfare, let’s show the world that Saudi Arabia does support animal welfare and preservation by looking after the animals and observing the international and local laws of animal welfare.

Shut down this Saudi hell hole for animals – NOW !

One Response

  1. why are you doing this to the aimals

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