Announcement From Jelena – Link To Help Provided At End.

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jelena linas sanctuary


SAV Comment – the following sounds like a very good idea and partial solution to the problems.  We will try to find out about where to make donations, but for the moment we suggest using the Facebook limnk at the very end of this post – please make it clear in your mail that the donation is for Jelena and a car.  Thank you.

Dear all..:) after Jelenas yesterday post (see below – SAV) the idea was born to collect for a car!

Costs for transport are so high and in Serbia it is possible to get one for max. 1500 €!

I hope we all will be able to collect this amount, so Dragoslava Ljuboja and Jelena Ljuboja can buy their own car and minimize the transport costs in the future..

Glen Smith thank you in advance for your unbelievable donation of 500 €…:) and thank you all for your support now and in the past! 🙂

Liebe Alle..:) nach Jelenas gestrigem post wurde die Idee geboren für ein Auto zu sammeln!

Die hohen Transportkosten würden dann in Zukunft Serbien bekommt man ein kleines Auto bereits für 1500 €!

Ich hoffe sehr, wir bekommen die benötigte Summe zusammen und Dragoslava und Jelena haben dann bald ihr eigenes Auto! Glen Smith, im voraus vielen Dank für Deine zugesagten 500 €..und Euch allen für Eure großartige Unterstützung jetzt und in der Vergangenheit! 🙂


Original Announcement

After few days of thinking and calculating , we have made decision . After all , I think that all of you deserve to know everything about that . All of you know how much ill dogs we have .

For those who not know , we have dog with metastasis , dog with dislocated hip and something more ( with low funds probably never will know what ) , dog with crushed hip ( who also need lot of examination because obviously is il ) , 2 dogs with chronic gastro problems, dog with bigger heart ( consequence of heart worm ) , dog with epilepsy ( who also need more vet examination) , dog with lung problem , dog with bone problem, dog with arthritis , paraplegic dog with low function of kidneys and bladder .

It is not easy to watch them every day . I won’t lie , for so many years in animal welfare we never had so many dogs who need constant vet . Today I must inform you that all of them will not have any vet .

We have vet in Coka but that same vet did not recognised that cat has 3 dangerous virus even when she barely was alive. I do not want that for my dogs . We have vet in Senta but she only can work sterilisation and vaccination – she has no ultrasound, x-ray or lab. Our dogs need all that because of their condition. That is reason why I take them to nearest clinic that has all of that . They are great . They work careful , they pay attention on everything , and they often reduce my bills .

But , transport to them is expensive for us . For example , total costs for Charlotte was more than 600E . For her was collected 300E. Difference we had to pay from money for shelter food . and she is not only example . Some of dogs could not collect anything . Not only that , for some sterilisations we still owe money .

So this is reason of our decision. We can not allow that dogs be hungry . We buy them food every few days because never have enough to buy big packs for week or two . Or whole month . It is hard decision, it is not what we wanted but we now have no choice.

Maybe was better to leave them on the street , maybe some of them could find better luck than with us . Maybe . But it is too late . They are here and they will have to survive on their own. For so many years only 3 of our rescued dogs died, 2 because they were old , one because was ill and had bad vet . I only hope that that number will not increase now.

We have done everything for them, and maybe somebody will judge this decision , but I can not choose who will go to vet , who no. I live with all of them , I see when they are in pain, when they are bad , when they suffer .

And I gave everything that they be ok.

But in this point I do not have anything to offer them anymore . Sorry.





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