UK: Sir Roger Moore (James Bond) to Prime Minister: It’s Past Time to Ban Animal Circuses.



SAV Comment:

In the year 2004 Mark was running a group called ‘North Kent Animal Welfare (NKAW)’.  At this time, NKAW submitted a memorandum to the House of Commons – the UK Government; regarding their views on the use of wild animals in UK circuses.  Remember that even at this time (2004), around 85% of the British public were disgusted and opposed to the use of wild animals in circuses.

Here below is a copy of part of the submission to the British government that Mark made (under the name of NKAW) as a contribution to the Draft Animal Welfare Bill (for the United Kingdom) which was being constructed at the time.  This is now a formal UK document / law which applies in the UK.  Unfortunately, despite the massive call by the British public; and additional representations into formal government draft documentation such as the draft animal welfare Bill, the UK has never passed law to ban the use of wild animals in UK circuses.



So here we are in 2017, some 13 years on, and despite promises by the utterly useless David Cameron; until recently the Prime Minister; we are still not witnessing any action by the British government to ban the use of wild animals in British circuses.

And so now we very much welcome the action taken by ‘James Bond’ – Sir Roger Moore in bringing this issue once again to the table of the current Prime Minister Theresa May.  You can read below the actions taken by Sir Roger and also give your support to the campaign by (once again) petitioning the British government on this issue. 

As Sir Roger clearly states in his letter:

‘All around the world, animal circuses are being banned. Countries such as Austria, Belgium, Mexico, and the Netherlands have all put an end to such barbarous cruelty to wild animals. Yet ever-so-civilised, animal-loving Britain still allows these archaic exhibitions simply because of a lack of action on the part of Downing Street’.


Please help us to get this ban for once and for all.  As you can see, we have been fighting to get a ban for well over 13 years.  It is time the government actually took action and implemented a full ban rather than the wishy washy ignorance to the British public’s wants up until now.  We expected little from useless David Cameron; but now we have Mrs. May as Prime Minister; we demand action is taken.



Well done Sir Roger for speaking up for animals in British circuses.




Sir Roger Moore to PM: It’s Past Time to Ban Animal Circuses

The actor, humanitarian, and animal advocate urged Theresa May to outlaw this archaic form of so-called “entertainment”.

Sir Roger Moore has a message for Theresa May. In a moving article in today’s Sunday People, the actor, humanitarian, and animal advocate urges the Prime Minister to introduce legislation banning wild-animal circuses.

He writes:

All around the world, animal circuses are being banned. Countries such as Austria, Belgium, Mexico, and the Netherlands have all put an end to such barbarous cruelty to wild animals. Yet ever-so-civilised, animal-loving Britain still allows these archaic exhibitions simply because of a lack of action on the part of Downing Street.

I’m well aware that policy change doesn’t come overnight, but popular legislation to prohibit circuses from keeping tigers in see-through boxes called cages and carting them about the land has been dragging on for aeons, because the Prime Minister holds the key and won’t give it up.

Speaking on the issue, Stanley Johnson – our very own foreign secretary’s father – said, “[W]e have had several years now of shilly-shallying. We need to move forward”. And indeed, we do.

Wild animals in real life must feel as if they’ve been captured by the fictional Dr No. When they’re not being forced to perform confusing tricks under threat of the whip, they’re chained up or tied down. They’re denied everything that gives their lives meaning. It’s no wonder that they develop abnormal and disturbing behaviour, such as incessantly biting the bars of their cages, pacing endlessly back and forth, or even self-mutilating. If they become sick or are injured while en route to the next show, a veterinarian with expertise in exotic species may be hours, if not days, away – if anyone is called at all.

Read the full article here.


Sir Roger states that “[u]ntil a ban is imposed, Britain continues to say ‘Roll up, roll up’ to abuse”. Join him in letting the Prime Minister know that it’s time – past time – to outlaw this archaic form of so-called “entertainment”. Please add your name to our online action:


Click on the following link for actions:

urge2  get-involved-2






Click on the following links to find out more about UK welfare organisations who are campaigning against animals being used in UK circuses:


Animal Defenders International (ADI):


Captive Animals Protection Society (CAPS):


Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA):


Born Free Foundation (BFF):






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