France: Excellent News – France To Install CCTV Cameras In ALL Slaughterhouses Across France.


France‘s parliament voted on Friday to install CCTV cameras in slaughterhouses across France, following numerous scandals of animal cruelty.

Parliament voted to install cameras “in areas where the animals are delivered, kept, immobilized, stunned, and slaughtered”. 

The move is planned to be rolled out on January 1st, 2018 following an experimental phase this year. 

MPs stressed that the sole purpose of the cameras was to monitor animal welfare (and not workers in general). 

The vote came following a parliamentary report that was commissioned by the France’s National Assembly in March.

The 225-page report suggested 65 measures to improve the “transparency and the inadequate controls” at the slaughterhouses.

The government called for the report after the emergence of several videos depicting animal cruelty in French abattoirs. 

Filmed by animal rights group L214, the videos included images of workers repeatedly bashing sheep over the head, throwing a lamb at a wall, and decapitating a cow that was struggling. 

One shocking video from February last year was even filmed at a so-called “animal-friendly” slaughterhouse in France.

 An L214 spokesperson told The Local at the time that while camera surveillance was one of the best means to fix the problem, another was for consumers to simply eat less meat.




Please read more about our campaign work on this issue by visiting the sections on Martina and Lisa on this site.  Go to ‘About Us’ (tab at top) or click on the following link and then scroll down a fair way until you come to their names, where many more links on this issue are provided. 





England: In The News – 13/1/17.


Tribes Fight for Yellowstone Grizzlies


Court Demands Oil Giant Hands Over Climate Change Papers


Call for Ban On Pesticides That Harm Bees, Birds and Butterflies




Romania: Death Is The Master In Romania – and The EU Accepts It Without Question.




Watch the video below to see the reality, then read the words below from Venus:


“Death is a master from Romania” I would say today.
This quotation is used for the poetic description of fascism and comes from the “death fugue” of the lyric poet Paul Celan, which he wrote 1944 against German fascism.
“Death is a master from Germany”.
No! not more!

With regard to fascism on animals, Romania is today the champion of death, destruction, and crime against animals in Europe.

It is not only the corrupt system of the country that is responsible for this.
It is this crime syndicate, (which itself calls the European Union), the
assigning place for the preservation of all concentration camps of animals in this country.

And all over Europe.
With each euro a new shelter of death is created every day, the old ones are expanded.
The majority of the population is silent, it is holding back, that is, it cooperates so that it can sleep peacefully.
And therefore, anyone who writes or
publicly says the truth is suspected of being an extremist.

We have a new form of dictatorship, it is the dictatorship of democratically elected governments.
I know no polite language for murderers and executioners of animals.

On the contrary, I think we have been far too polite to date, much too modest.
I make it clear wherever I can be, that Romania is ruled by corrupt politicians, unrestrained lackeys of the EU Mafia, which have made the subsidized murder of animals a profession.
And I can only hope that my criticism becomes known.

        Liebe Grüße









