England: Take IMMEDIATE Action To Stop Rabbit Farming In The EU Now – Very Important Vote Very Soon – Immediate Action Required.

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25th January is a crucial day for the animal welfare movement. Members of the European Parliament’s Agriculture Committee will be voting on a report that could pave the way for legislation to protect the welfare of Europe’s 320 million* farmed rabbits.

This vote is the best chance of securing new legislation for Europe’s farmed animals we have seen in over a decade, and we need to send a message loud and clear to the MEPs on the Committee to urge them to back the report and ensure Europe’s farmed rabbits are given the protection they need.



The vote in the Committee is vital, it is the first hurdle we have to overcome to get protection for rabbits in front of the full European Parliament for a vote in the spring. We’ll need your support ahead of that vote too, but for now, will you take a moment to email the Committee members from your country and ask them to back this opportunity to improve farmed rabbit welfare?



E mail the committee now –




Over 99% of rabbits farmed for meat in the EU spend their lives confined to tiny, barren cages. If successful, this report would call on the European Commission to introduce legislation that would require the gradual phasing out of all cages – leading to an eventual ban on the caging of all the EU’s farmed rabbits.

This is a great opportunity to End the Cage Age for 320 million rabbits every year. Will you email your country‘s representatives on the European Parliament’s Agriculture Committee today?



Bosnia and Herzegovina: Pwetition – To close the Horrific , Corrupt and Abusive Zunovnica Public Shelter, Bosnia.


To close the Horrific , Corrupt and Abusive Zunovnica Public Shelter, Bosnia



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Petition link –  https://www.change.org/p/prime-minister-designate-of-sarajevo-canton-to-close-the-horrific-corrupt-and-abusive-zunovnica-public-shelter-bosnia



Decision makers

Prime Minister-designate of Sarajevo Canton

Prime Minister-designate of Sarajevo Elmedin Konakovic

  • Djani Hasecic

lejla dedic 

Bosnian Gov













There is a public shelter in Bosnia called zunovnica.



Here the dogs are thrown into overcrowded mixed pens, never cleaned, never fed, never watered. Live dogs lay next to half eaten corpses, previous victims of the corrupt and heartless city hall. Dogs are not caught by dog catchers to be taken to safety, they are brought here to rot, to be killed by other dogs, to starve, to suffer the most unimaginable death. Terrified, alone , neglected and abused. Here the dogs souls are broken and they wait for the only thing that will give them peace….Death

This public shelter is paid for by public funds. For each of the stages below money is paid to the owner of this shelter by city hall from public funds, from tax payers money. None of this is being done, the city hall know this is not being done yet all it seems reap the profits from Bosnian tax payers because they certainly are not spending the money on the dogs!


Catch the strays
To contain them – They are not being contained correctly as per Bosnian Animal welfare laws, so where is the money going?

To provide basic good standard food on a daily basis – They are not being fed so where is the money going?

To provide fresh water on a daily basis – They are not being watered so where is the money going to pay the water bills?

To provide a clean and safe environment, 2 staff will be on call to do this – Nothing is being cleaned , no dogs cared for – City Hall is paying public funds for staff to not do what they are employed to do
For veterinary care, to provide basic care to ensure quality of life – Dogs are left to rot, no vet visits here so where are the veterinary costs going to?

To euthanise humanely and to cremate the bodies – Again, not being done so who is pocketing tax payers funds?


As well as breaching Bosnia’s own animal welfare laws this is blatant misuse and fraud of public funds on every single level.

The doors are kept shut tight to ensure no one from the outside can video or photograph the horror of what is happening behind closed doors. Those that are allowed entry their mobiles and cameras are taken off of them until they leave.

This must not and can not continue.

We the undersigned do demand a public enquiry into the fraudulent use of public funds. That an independent investigation is carried out by the local government and police and the findings made public. For those responsible for the misuse of public funds, for the abuse, neglect and cruelty to the animals inside the public shelter to be brought to justice.


For the shelter to immediately be closed and time given for the dogs to be taken by local NGO rescues


That immediately a new management of the shelter is organised and new staff hired. That a local veterinarian chosen by local non profit groups is allowed in to treat , care and sterilise the animals.

That local volunteers are allow immediate entry and be allowed to care for the dogs inside
To allow local, national and international charities and non profits including the UK Charity Action Aid for Animals to organise food and aid in addition to the food already paid for by city hall , that will be distributed by the non profit groups and volunteers to the dogs inside as extra nutrition to the dogs on top of what city hall is obligated by law to provide.
To allow and encourage adoptions both locally, nationally and internationally and financially chip, vaccinate and sterilise all the dogs within the shelter.


We (SAV) have made attempts to get changes at other ‘shelters’ in B&H.



Everyone associated with these places has not made any efforts to contact us, despite promises to Slavica back at the time of the above post that changes were going to be made immediately and the updates sent to us.

This, along with the above petition just shows that like the Serbians, the authorities and government of Bosnia and Herzegovina simply cannot be trusted by anyone with regard things they say.

Please sign the petition – link given at the start, and hopefully with enough signatures and bad publicity too the B&H authorities, we can force change.


Petition created by Action Aid for Animals

The only UK based Registered charity focusing on the plight of Eastern European strays. Providing rescue,care and aid to the victims of animal cruelty and abandonment



Please crosspost this petition and information to all your domestic and international contacts – Thank you – SAV.