we are advocates of animals

Animals have no voice. They can’t ask for help.
They cannot ask for their right to freedom and self-determination.
They can’t ask for protection.
We have to be their voice.

All animals feel and think.
They feel fear and pain, joy and hope, lead a conscious life and want to grow old with their feelings and thoughts.
They have a natural right to their life and to protection from exploitation

Because Animal welfare laws determine human rights to animals, not animal rights….

…therefore, we have decided to be loyal advocates for the other animals and with the best of our knowledge and belief to stand up for their interests and only for their interests.

regards, Venus

A trail of Lies- a great animation


Our new post: https://worldanimalsvoice.com/2022/01/01/a-trail-of-lies-a-great-animation/

My best regards to all, Venus