SAV and ‘Help Animals’ Belgrade Join Forces For Serbian Zoo Animals.

**Additional Update 21/07/11**

Help Animals have now reproduced the zoo letter in Serbian for campaigners to e mail to the authorities directly; as concerned Serbian citizens.

See the Serbian version of the letter via the following link:


SAV and ‘Help Animals’, Belgrade, are working together to put additional pressure onto the Serbian government regarding zoo conditions for (Serbian) animals.

The ‘sample letter’ which is given on this site, and which is directed at Serbian government ministers, has also been reproduced on the ‘Help Animals’ site with the special intention that Serbian citizens and campaigners can ask their government directly to take this issue on board and act !

We hope that with this united campaign front, action will now be taken by Serbian ministers to fully review the situation for all animals in all Serbian zoos.

‘Help Animals’, Belgrade – Website link (including sample letter):

English =

‘Help Animals’, Belgrade – Facebook link:!/groups/58256910394


Some SAV past Serbian zoo links:

Main article, including sample letter to send to Serbian government officials:


Serbia: Take Action For Zoo Animals – Write To Government Minister Responsible – Sample Letter To Send.

Captive Wolf – VUK Zoo Park – Novi Pazar

Further to our recent articles on conditions for animals in some zoos in Serbia; a sample letter has now been provided which can be mailed to both government officials and also to the Serbian media.

Please help us be a voice for animals in zoos by sending the sample letter below.  As you can see from the following link, we have special concerns about animals at ‘VUK’ Zoological Park, Novi Pazar, Southern Serbia.   The sample letter is especially prepared to address this.


Our main area of concern; ‘VUK’ Zoological Park, Novi Pazar:

Belgrade zoo park:

 Jagodina zoo park:

 Palic zoo park:

 Thanks – SAV.



Please ensure you complete your name and nationality at the end of the letter before sending.  Block listings of all contact e mail addresses are given at the end.


Respected Minister;

I find it necessary to write to you after witnessing the terrible photographs of conditions in which animals are being kept at ‘VUK’ Zoological Park, Novi Pazar, Southern Serbia.

This facility has many animal species including wolves, bear, fox, lion and tiger.

Information in my possession which forms part of the ‘Official Document on the Law for Animal Welfare Serbia’ – Section 14; the Protection of Animal welfare in Zoo’s, sanctuaries or breeding facilities of wild animals; makes it perfectly clear that you, as the responsible Minister, have signed and therefore approved the individual zoo licences which are required for such establishments as VUK’ Zoological Park to operate.  Legislation wording states:

“Clause 71 – Conditions about animal welfare that are listed in clause 1 of this document section 14 have to be fulfilled and this has to be formally approved and verified by minister”. In effect, this means that provisions must be made to represent the conditions and requirements of every single species of animal that is in captivity.

Clause 71 also declares:

1)                 Space and equipment for keeping and reproduction of animals in captivity which are adequate for the needs of every particular animal breed – for every animal species.

In the official Serbian law, there is an official requirement for every individual animal species to be provided with facilities for both its individual species space requirements and its (species) equipment; this meaning things such as rocks, trees, foliage and water pools which are adequate for use by every type of (different) animal species which resides (lives) at any Serbian zoo facility.

One only has to look at the photographs of ‘VUK’ Zoological Park, Novi Pazar, to see that there are no compliances whatsoever to adhere with the individual species requirements of the animals which are currently kept there.  This facility does not comply with Serbian animal welfare law; it is simply a hell for all animals which exist there – animals which do not live, they simply exist.

For example, a tiger should be provided with access to a water pool as well as trees to take shade under, logs to climb over and at the very least, soil covered ground.  The tiger should not be simply thrown into a bare concrete floor cage and deprived of facilities such as a pool, which is obviously lacking as can be seen from the photographs.

Wolves should also be provided with facilities for both their space requirements and equipment.  Wolves are roaming animals and this ability should be reflected in their facility. The keeping of two wolves together in a cage measuring approximately 8 metres square is nothing more than the complete and utter abuse of an animal which in nature has a territorial range of many square miles.

Look at photographs of the ‘VUK’ Zoological Park facilities and then inform me that this place is compliant.  It is not; it is a living hell for every animal that exists there.

Clause 71 of existing legislation declares that as (just) part of his official requirements; “The proprietor of a zoological park or a mini park, sanctuary or a nursery/ breeding facility for wild animals has an obligation to provide”:

  • Provision of ongoing health care
  • Food and water in conjunction with needs for every particular animal breed/ species
  • Financial means that are necessary for continuous work of the zoo.

Clause 72 of the official legislation for animal welfare in zoos requires that;

“Persons responsible for the protection of animal welfare in zoological park, sanctuary or breeding facility for wild animals must have completed studies at academic level with title – diploma – master in veterinary science (doctor for veterinary medicine) or biological science (diploma zoologist /biologist – master)  or completed basic studies in the length of minimum of 5 years in the field of veterinary science or minimum of 4 years in the field of biological science”.

Persons that are in direct care of the animals must be trained in the welfare field”.

I would therefore request that you provide me with details of the following in relation to the person responsible for / the zoological park proprietor of the

‘VUK’ Zoological Park, Novi Pazar, Southern Serbia:

  • What academic studies have they completed with regard 5 years of veterinary science, or 4 years of biological science ? – where were these undertaken and please provide me with certified / documented evidence that such qualifications exist
  • What training have all persons associated with the keeping of animals at ‘VUK’ Zoological Park been given ? – please provide me with certified / documented evidence.
  • What provisions are established for ongoing animal health care ?
  • How often are the animals inspected fully by a veterinarian who is certified for their individual species ?
  • Is ample and adequate food to meet the specific needs of every particular animal breed / species provided on a daily basis ?
  • What are the “Financial means that are necessary for continuous work of the zoo” ? – looking at the photographs of the ‘VUK’ Zoological Park it would appear that the place should either be immediately closed down or alternatively be provided with a huge financial investment to support the current missing animal welfare requirements.

I would personally declare to you that from the photographic information I have in my possession, there are no persons involved with the facility at ‘VUK’ Zoological Park, Novi Pazar, who are in any way adequately trained to keep such animals which are currently surviving at this alleged zoo park. 

Part of the ‘Official Document on the Law for Animal Welfare Serbia’ – Section 14; the Protection of Animal welfare in Zoo’s, sanctuaries or breeding facilities of wild animals; makes it clear that you, personally, as the responsible Minister, have signed and therefore APPROVED all of the individual Serbian zoo operating licences

Therefore, as the individual person responsible for the approval and certification of operation of this (VUK’ Zoological Park) facility and all its alleged highly qualified and trained / certified staff, I consider that you will therefore have no trouble in providing me with the documented proof that I have requested.  If you are unable to provide me with the proof that I have requested, then I have no option but to consider that this facility at ‘VUK’ Zoological Park, Novi Pazar, is operating illegally and in non-compliance with existing Serbian legislation for the welfare of animals Section 14. – the Protection of Animal welfare in Zoo’s.

If this is the situation, then I consider that you, as the Minister who should have signed for (licensed) and approved this facility, are personally also being non-compliant with your adherence to existing Serbian animal welfare legislation.

I am hoping that you will act in accordance with Serbian animal welfare law and withdraw some of the licenses that you have signed for zoos that are obviously inadequate to the requirements of individual animal species – because from what can be seen from many photographs that I have, not many zoos in Serbia appear to be providing a completely adequate living environment required by the individual wild animal species that are being kept within them.  You, as the Minister, should be fully compliant with the enforcement of standards detailed Clauses 71-73 for the Animal Welfare Law.  Even more importantly, you should you be enforcing it – something which you appear to fail superbly with at this present time.

It is now my opinion that you sir, as the Minister responsible for zoos throughout Serbia, should immediately undertake a full review of every permit / license which has been issued.  A full review of the living conditions for all species of animals in each and every zoo is necessary, as I consider that you will find that welfare legislation is not complied with in many instances.

I am also making a representation of this information that I have obtained; including a collection of photographs, to the EU Commission; information which will be considered as evidence for the ‘EU Zoo Enquiry’. This is an independent study, which has not been instigated by the European Commission; however, the Commission is fully aware of the investigation and its objectives, and officials have expressed an interest to carefully examine the study’s outcomes.

The aim of The ‘EU Zoo Inquiry 2011’ is to evaluate the implementation and enforcement of the EC Directive 1999/22 (relating to the keeping of wild animals in zoos), its transposition into national law, national enforcement of that law and the status and performance of zoos in compliance with their legal requirements. A report will be produced for each country, along with a further assessment of the effectiveness of the EC Directive 1999/22 and an analysis of captive dolphin facilities throughout the European Community.   Serbian zoo standards are now being added to this enquiry due to the terrible suffering and standards which, for example, can be seen at ‘VUK’ Zoological Park, Novi Pazar.

Serbia wishes to become an EU member state.  The EU has standards for the keeping of animals in zoos.  Both existing member states and those states seeking membership in the future  who are not compliant with existing EU zoo standards will be fully exposed.





The above letter can be mailed to  (Block listing given below):

1.            Minister of Agriculture Mr. Dusan Petrovic

2.             Director of Veterinary Department of Serbia, Mr.Zoran Micovic 

3.             Veterinary Inspection of Serbia, Mr.Zoran Marinkovic

4.            Minister of Environmental, Mr.Oliver Dulic

5.             Inspection  inspekcija,

6.            Department of the Environment of Vojvodina

Here is a Block Listing of the above + several others – for cut and paste: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,


** In addition, a CC’ copy of the letter can be sent to the following Serbian media:


Captive Tiger – VUK Zoo Park – Novi Pazar

Captive Bear – VUK Zoo Park – Novi Pazar

Animal Cages – VUK Zoo Park – Novi Pazar

Bear Cage – VUK Zoo Park – Novi Pazar

Wolf Cage – VUK Zoo Park – Novi Pazar





Serbia: Belgrade Zoo Park.

ZOO Park in Belgrade, Serbia

The ZOO park in Belgrade, the capital of Serbia, is located on Kalemegdan fort in the downtown region.

This park is relatively big and there are lots of animals in it. Some of them are in good condition but there are also concerns about others.

The ZOO belongs to the city of Belgrade.

Web site link:

Extract from ‘THE’

Official Document on the Law for Animal Welfare Serbia

Section 14.

Protection of Animal welfare in Zoo’s. sanctuaries or breeding facilities of wild animals

Clause 71.

 The proprietor of zoological park or a mini park, sanctuary or a nursery/ breeding facility for wild animals has an obligation to provide:

1)      Space and equipment for keeping and reproduction of animals in captivity which are adequate for needs of every particular animal breed.


Clause 72.

Person responsible for the protection of animal welfare in zoological park, sanctuary or breeding facility for wild animals must have completed studies on academic level with title – diploma – master in veterinary science (doctor for veterinary medicine ) or biological science (diploma zoologist /biologist – master)  or completed basic studies in the length of minimum of 5 years in the field of veterinary science or minimum of 4 years in the field of biological science.

Persons that are in direct care of the animals must be trained in the welfare field.

Minister, in collaboration and approvals of acting Minister for the environmental protection will provide program for training of persons that are going to provide animal welfare from clause 2 of this section.

Clause 71.

 The proprietor of zoological park or a mini park, sanctuary or a nursery/ breeding facility for wild animalshas obligation to provide:

1)      Space and equipment for keeping and reproduction of animals in captivity which are adequate for needs of every particular animal breed.

Serbia: Jagodina Zoo Park.

ZOO Park ‘Jagodina’, Jagodina, Serbia.

Located in Jagodina in central Serbia. Belongs to the city of Jagodina.

Offcial Web site is:

Serbia: Palic Zoo Park.

Palić zoo park is located in the North of Serbia (Vojvodina).

It is a zoo which belongs to the city of Palić.

Address is: Krfska No. 4, 24413 Palić, Serbia.

The offical Web site can be viewed at:


Extract from ‘THE’  Official Document on the Law for Animal Welfare Serbia


Section 14.  Protection of Animal welfare in Zoo’s. sanctuaries or breeding facilities of wild animals

 Clause 71.

The proprietor of zoological park or a mini park, sanctuary or a nursery/ breeding facility for wild animals has obligation to provide:

 1)      Space and equipment for keeping and reproduction of animals in captivity which are adequate for needs of every particular animal breed

 2)      Adequate  space for animal isolation, quarantine

 3)      Protection of animals from the visitors and visitors from the animals

 4)      Provision of ongoing health care

 5)      Food and water in conjunction with needs for every particular animal breed/ species

 6)      Keeping official record of every individual animal, as well as a record of all sold or exchanged animals, or animals that are given to third parties as a gift

 7)      Program of keeping up the animal collection/assortment with all the species and plan of looking after any new members that have been born in captivity

 8)      Financial means that are necessary for continuous work of the zoo

 9)      Plan for animal safety and re-homing in a case of zoo’s closure of any other unforeseen eventualities like bad weather.

 Conditions about animal welfare that are listed in clause 1 of this document section 14  have to be fulfilled and this has to be formally approved and verified by minister.

 Conditions from clause 2 of this section is final, but can be contested in court of law.

 Minister, in collaboration and approvals of acting minister for the environmental protection will provide detailed conditions/guidelines for clause 1 of this section as well as all other elements necessary for operation of mini zoo facilities – parks.

 Clause 72.

 Person responsible for the protection of animal welfare in zoological park, sanctuary or breeding facility for wild animals must have completed studies on academic level with title – diploma – master in veterinary science (doctor for veterinary medicine ) or biological science (diploma zoologist /biologist – master)  or completed basic studies in the length of minimum of 5 years in the field of veterinary science or minimum of 4 years in the field of biological science.

 Persons that are in direct care of the animals must be trained in the welfare field.

 Minister, in collaboration and approvals of acting Minister for the environmental protection will provide program for training of persons that are going to provide animal welfare from clause 2 of this section.

 Clause 73.

 Movement of wild animals that are under the special regime of animal protection in conjunction with local and international regulations can be carried out only in-between zoological parks, sanctuaries and breeding facilities with approval by minister and acting minister for the environmental protection.


End of clauses 71/72 and 73.








Serbia: We Now Have Serbian Zoo ‘Standards’ Documentation – Is This ‘Legislation’ A Paper Smokescreen For Animal Prisons ?

Following from our recent post about the so-called ‘Zoo’ at Novi Pazar:

We are now moving on further with the campaign to expose all Serbian zoos to the EU Commission.  With the help of Serbian campaigners, a dossier of information is currently being collated which will then be used to produce a detailed report on the conditions at many Serbian zoos.  This report will be submitted to the EU Commission as part of a 21 nation series of ‘zoo condition’ reports currently being compiled by the Born Free Foundation here in the Uk.

A fast track to those individual national reports which are already produced can be seen via the following link-

– simply click on any national report, and once accessed, use the size controls at the top of the report to select text size and to turn each of the pages comprising the report.

As a very necessary piece of data to support this work, with the valuable help of Slavica in Serbia and translations from Tatjana here in England, we now have access to the existing Serbian legislation which is applicable to the keeping of animals in Serbian zoos and wildlife parks.

The Serbian existing version of this legislation can be seen in the following figures:


With the help of Tatjana; we are now able to provide a translation of this Serbian legislation. 

It reads:

Extract from ‘THE’

Official Document on the Law for Animal Welfare Serbia

Section 14.

Protection of Animal welfare in Zoo’s. sanctuaries or breeding facilities of wild animals

Clause 71.

The proprietor of zoological park or a mini park, sanctuary or a nursery/ breeding facility for wild animals has obligation to provide:

1)      Space and equipment for keeping and reproduction of animals in captivity which are adequate for needs of every particular animal breed

2)      Adequate  space for animal isolation, quarantine

3)      Protection of animals from the visitors and visitors from the animals

4)      Provision of ongoing health care

5)      Food and water in conjunction with needs for every particular animal breed/ species

6)      Keeping official record of every individual animal, as well as a record of all sold or exchanged animals, or animals that are given to third parties as a gift

7)      Program of keeping up the animal collection/assortment with all the species and plan of looking after any new members that have been born in captivity

8)      Financial means that are necessary for continuous work of the zoo

9)      Plan for animal safety and re-homing in a case of zoo’s closure of any other unforeseen eventualities like bad weather.

Conditions about animal welfare that are listed in clause 1 of this document section 14  have to be fulfilled and this has to be formally approved and verified by minister.

Conditions from clause 2 of this section is final, but can be contested in court of law.

Minister, in collaboration and approvals of acting minister for the environmental protection will provide detailed conditions/guidelines for clause 1 of this section as well as all other elements necessary for operation of mini zoo facilities – parks.

Clause 72.

Person responsible for the protection of animal welfare in zoological park, sanctuary or breeding facility for wild animals must have completed studies on academic level with title – diploma – master in veterinary science (doctor for veterinary medicine ) or biological science (diploma zoologist /biologist – master)  or completed basic studies in the length of minimum of 5 years in the field of veterinary science or minimum of 4 years in the field of biological science.

Persons that are in direct care of the animals must be trained in the welfare field.

Minister, in collaboration and approvals of acting Minister for the environmental protection will provide program for training of persons that are going to provide animal welfare from clause 2 of this section.

Clause 73.

Movement of wild animals that are under the special regime of animal protection in conjunction with local and international regulations can be carried out only in-between zoological parks, sanctuaries and breeding facilities with approval by minister and acting minister for the environmental protection.

End of clauses 71/72 and 73.


There are many irregularities in this documentation which are of concern to us and which we hope will be of even greater interest to the EU Commission when they are provided with the national report for Serbian zoos.  For obvious reasons we are not going to detail our areas of the (Serbian) legislation that we will especially be concentrating on, but as you can see from the legislation text which has been reproduced above, there may be quite a lot of questions that we need to ask the Ministry regarding their authorisation procedures associated with the keeping of animals in Serbian zoos.

We have special concerns about the space allocations which are provided to animals, and we also question the requirements of Clause 72 – that the “Person responsible for the protection of animal welfare in zoological park, sanctuary or breeding facility for wild animals must have completed studies on academic level with title – diploma – master in veterinary science (doctor for veterinary medicine ) or biological science (diploma zoologist /biologist – master)  or completed basic studies in the length of minimum of 5 years in the field of veterinary science or minimum of 4 years in the field of biological science”.

Investigations into conditions at Novi Pazar zoo appear to show that this facility is very far from what one should expect from a person who hascompleted studies on academic level with title – diploma – master in veterinary science (doctor for veterinary medicine ) or biological science (diploma zoologist /biologist – master)  or completed basic studies in the length of minimum of 5 years in the field of veterinary science or minimum of 4 years in the field of biological science”.

Novi Pazar zoo is nothing more than a series of prison cells for animals.

One could almost say that the information detailed in Clauses 71-73 of the Official Document on the Law for Animal Welfare Serbia – Section 14. – Protection of Animal welfare in Zoo’s. sanctuaries or breeding facilities of wild animals; is nothing more than a paper smokescreen to give the impression that there are strict animal welfare laws for both animals and the persons controlling the facilities, when in fact there would appear to be nothing of the sort.

We are working now to expose this to the EU in the future report.

What do you think ?

Do the following photographs of Novi Pazar zoo show:

  • Space and equipment for keeping and reproduction of animals in captivity which are adequate for needs of every particular animal breed ?
  • Food and water in conjunction with needs for every particular animal breed/ species ?
  • Financial means that are necessary for continuous work of the zoo ?
  • Persons that are in direct care of the animals must be trained in the welfare field ?
  • Ministers who are currently providing animal welfare from clause 2 of this section ?

– We think not !


**EXPOSE** 04/07/11 – Serbian Zoos – A Move To Improvements In Serbian Zoo Animals Living Conditions Using the EU Commission.

Over the weekend of 2/3 July 2011, we at SAV were provided with some very disturbing images by Zlata and Zoran of ‘Help Animals’, Belgrade –

In the South of Serbia, near to the city of Novi Pazar, en route to the Monastery Sopoćani, there is what is advertised as a ‘Zoo Park’.

Looking at the sign near the entrance, showing (painted) animal images; one would be led to think that this facility is a haven for wild creatures.  This could be nothing further from the truth !

‘Welcome to the Zoo’ – What You Will See

As can be seen from the very recent photographs below, this alleged ‘zoo’ is nothing but a living hell for all the animals which exist there – they do not live, they simply exists.

The ‘zoo’ has the following wild animals under its ‘care’ in the most disgusting conditions:

    • 2 adult wolves in one cage around 8 meters square
    • 2 adult lions and 1 lioness
    • 1 young tiger
    • 1 adult bear
    • 1 fox
    • 1 dog in a very small cage
    • A few rabbits












Alarmed by the photographs, we at SAV today, 04/07/11, immediately contacted the ‘Born Free Foundation (BFF)’ who are also here in England, Uk, like us.  BFF were supplied with copies of some of the photographs (7 initially) supplied to us (SAV) by Zlata / Zoran.

BFF operate a special section in their organization – called ‘Zoo Check’, a section who keep information on all zoos across Europe.  At the moment, BFF is preparing a large report for the EU Commission on zoo conditions and legislation right across Europe (EU) in its series of investigative reports called ‘EU Zoo Enquiry 2011’.


The ‘EU Zoo Enqury 2011’ is an independent study, which has not been instigated by the European Commission.  However, the (EU) Commission is fully aware of the investigation and its objectives, and officials have expressed an interest to carefully examine the study’s outcomes, which we understand will be completed during 2011.

After discussions with BFF, SAV were informed that as Serbia is currently NOT a member state of the EU, information on Serbian zoos was not being included.  But we had pleasure in being informed by BFF that if any information on Serbian zoos could be provided to them, they (BFF) would include a ‘Serbian’ section in addition to their 21 nation reports of zoos throughout the European Union.

Serbia is not currently an existing EU member state; but accession (membership) should be granted to Serbia in the near future.  And so after discussions with BFF, it was felt that as a potential (EU) member state in the near future, the state of Serbian zoos should be included as part of the overall series of European nation zoo reports being prepared for presentation to the EU Commission.

The aim of the BFF ‘EU Zoo Inquiry 2011’ is to evaluate the implementation and enforcement of the EC Directive 1999/22 (relating to the keeping of wild animals in zoos), its transposition into national law, national enforcement of that law and the status and performance of zoos in compliance with their legal requirements.

In order to ensure a constructive approach and to seek solutions for any failings identified by the investigation, the Born Free Foundation and ENDCAP Member NGOs are keen to open dialogue with the respective national government, before information is provided to the European Commission.

Access to the current investigation (individual country) comprehensive reports produced by BFF can be viewed via the following link.  Note this is only a small percentage of those scheduled to be completed as the overall presentation:

After today’s discussions with BFF, both SAV and Serbian animal welfare organisations will now commence work to try and give BFF as much information as we possibly can about the situation in existing Serbian zoos, in order that a specialist ‘Serbian’ report can also be produced and included as part of the country ‘package’ being prepared for the EU Commission. 

We feel that by doing this, we can exert pressure on the Serbian authorities in the following ways:

  • By fully exposing the current situation of Serbian zoos to the EU Commission at the exact time when Serbia is wishing to gain EU membership,
  • By making the Serbian authorities work much more with the EU zoo standards as defined in (EU) EC Directive 1999/22
  • By making Serbian authorities work harder to ensure that Serbian zoo laws are nationally enforced
  • By naming those in authority who are failing Serbian zoo animals.

When Serbia becomes an EU member state; if we find that these EU regulations are not being enforced and adhered to by national authorities, then we will have no hesitation in taking the issues and our evidence further to the EU Commission and the legal affairs departments of the EU.

Information for the ‘Serbian zoos’ section of this EU Commission report which we are now aiming to provide to BFF with, will then give an opportunity for the Competent Authority in the Member State (ie. Serbia) to identify actions, or to develop a work plan that will address the identified shortfalls.

Please remember – these reports of all EU member nation zoos will not be completed yet as there is still work to be done throughout this year; but it is an important factor that we have now agreed with BFF that information on Serbian zoos will be reported on and provided to the EU Commission in the near future. BFF are looking at using the information for each nation to then assist national authorities to ensure that each nations national zoo legislation is being implemented. 

Existing EU legislation – Zoos are defined as ‘all permanent establishments where animals of wild species are kept for exhibition to the public for 7 or more days a year’. (Council Directive 1999/22/EC of 29 March 1999 relating to the keeping of wild animals in zoos)

This will even include looking and making recommendations to the EU Commission if it is considered that a zoo should be closed down and the animals re-homed. 

And so now we are working in cooperation with some Serbian animal welfare organizations to further investigate national zoo legislation and to obtain as much evidence relating to non-compliance with any legislation that we can.  Things have only just started to move for Serbian zoo animals, but we are determined to try and prevent scenes such as those in the photographs above from becoming the ‘norm’ in Serbia once it has become an EU member state.

Finally, the man responsible for the enforcement of legislation in Serbian zoos is one Oliver Dulich – Minister in the Serbian government since July 2008 for Environment and Spatial Planning.  Information on him can be found at:

SAV would like to thank ‘Help Animals’ Belgrade for providing essential evidence in this investigation.