Serbia: Latest Photos From Backa Topola – All Animals Are Safe and Being Cared For, But They Need to Be Found Permanenet Homes in Mainland Europe. The Government is Doing Nothing to Help ! – Previous Info and Donation Info at End of Photos.


If you are in Europe, or a European Animal Welfare Organsiation who can help to find new homes for these animals, then please contact Zlata at:

 GO NO KILL – Sterilsation of Owned and Stray animals is the way forward.

Continual killing gets you nowhere – sterilisation DOES – It REDUCES ANIMAL NUMBERS !

I am sorry I am running late with the answer.

I have met Mrs. Corine from the Association Mutzika, France, on one occasion. As far as I know, she helps the shelter in Backa Topola for years and she is very dedicated. Corine pays for everything that Mrs. Kristina Paskaljevic does. Mrs. Kristina Paskaljevic took 48 dogs and placed them in ,,Katcha,, so they can be sterilize and foster in France or Germany, Corine finances that.

The main issue with Backa Topola is following: there is plenty of food but the dogs can not stay there forever because the heiress of that land won’t to keep the shelter, also there are no conditions for the further existence of shelter.

The only solution is, that the EU countries make an arrangement and take all those poor dogs.

We took over all of the cats (we hope that we will find the one remaining), and it will be for the best if a number of animal societies from EU would take the dogs so that the shelter could be close down. 

I’m sending pictures of 30th March 2011

I am here for you if you need any kind of informations.

Kind regards,

Help Animals, 

Zlata Korjenic

Help Animals
Zlata Korjenic
“Sterilisi svog ljubimca.
Ne kupuj kucne ljubimce.
Usvajaj ljubimce iz azila ili sa ulice i spasi jedan zivot.”

There is a forum thread in French by the Association Mutzika concerning the dogs taken from Backa Topola here:

(last page today)

There’s lots of pics here:

If you speak French see here:


Some of our previous posts relating to Backa Topola:

Serbia: Backa Topola – New Donation Link to Help the Dogs at the Shelter.




AS WE ARE BASED IN ENGLAND, UK, BANK CHARGES (COSTS) FOR INTERNATIONAL TRANSFERS OFTEN OUTWEIGH THE AMOUNT OF THE DONATION IN THE FIRST PLACE.  We always request that any international donations to be given directly to animal groups in Serbia to avoid these extra transfer costs.

The only info we have is from ‘Help Animals’ in Belgrade, who have taken all but one of the surviving cats from the shelter.  Attempts are being made to find the last cat.

If anyone wishes to provide a donation to ‘Help Animals’, which is for the care of the cats they now have from the shelter, then please use the following link for further details:

The ‘Help Animals’ site can be viewed at:


LATEST ** – 2310hrs GMT 01/04/11:

We hope that a good donation route for the Backa Topola dogs has now been set up.

This is via a ‘Western Union’ transfer system, the details which follow.

The money will go direct to SENKA MANDIC.

A Money Transfer Control Number [MTCN] will be provided (by Western Union) to the individual donating when they do a money transfer to Serbia.  Senka will need to quote this number when she goes to collect the donation in Serbia.

Senka can be e mailed at the following address to inform her of any money transfers.

Please keep the information and your mail short and simple.  Remember that Senka needs only a few basic facts – the amount being sent and the MTCN.  English is NOT Senka’s native language, so only give the basic required information please.

Please include the MTCN in your e mail to Senka so that she knows to quote the details of the specific number when the money is collected by her.   She will provide her identity proof as well as the number (MTCN) when she goes to collect.

Senka e mail address –

Western Union details in Serbia for any transfer are: 


Marsala Tita 42
Backa Topola, 24300



Translated correspondence:

We are already paying one man that is going there, but that is not enough we need someone else as to feed the dogs, give water and to clean all the waste in the shelter and that is a lot of work. I spend there 4 hours every day, and in that time I can achieve very little. If I did not experience this myself I would not believe it.

Municipality gave us 2 man from Kongrad but only for a period of one month. This will be over in a few days. We have to find someone else. This Sunday we will be spending all day in the shelter and someone who is interested in a job will come to met us.

We finance most of this from private pockets we can not get hold of any donations from those accounts at all.

Pictures of the dogs at the shelter are as follows:

Serbia: 01/04/11 – Further Backa Topola Update From Zlata at ‘Help Animals’.

For site SAV


Dear Madams and Sirs,

Our organisation for the protection of animals owes a shelter for abandoned dogs and cats; being active in all areas of animal protection and knowing the situation in Serbia in all aspects and levels perfectly, we are giving our opinion on the shelter „Backa Topola“.

First of all we would like to inform you that we have taken all cats from the shelter „Backa Topola“, except a white male cat who opened the transporter and escaped. All those cats are de-wormed and protected from all kinds of  parasites, and three of them were let sterilised. We made arrangements for the sterilisation of all other cats and it is going to be organised in the next 10-15 days.  We have done all those things without expecting any help, and if somebody helps, we are going to appreciate it. The cats are put into two shelters: “Jessica” in Belgrade and „Felix“ in Voivodina. Cats are going to be fine there for sure. It is 27 cats all together. We are not able to take over dogs, because we have 240 dogs in our shelter.

Europe and Serbia are overwhelmed by appeals to help dogs in „Backa Topola“. None of the NGO did not take the responsibility for organising the rescuing of dogs in the shelter „Backa Topola“ officially, but all of them are asking for help. Mrs Christine Paskaljevic took 48 dogs,for now, and put them to her shelter, and she is going to let them sterilised and let adopted. She works together with a French organisation for the protection of animals that is financing all Mrs Christine Paskaljevic’s actions, but nothing is official and we do not know anything about the destiny of those dogs.

In our estimates, on the spot from 31.March 2011, there are about 300 dogs. They are fed in the morning, and we hope that they are given some water, but they are left alone for the rest of the day. Every time when somebody visits the shelter, there are some dead dogs.  

We have the information that the City of Backa Topola in the cooperation with the Veterinary Directorate of the Republic of Serbia made arrangements for the next week, to mark (chip) the dogs and vaccinate them against rabies starting on the 5th April 2011. The next step is going to be organising of the castration action for dogs. Veterinary inspectors are going to observe it.  

The point is that the destiny of dogs and the shelter in which they live is unknown and that there is no central body like a crisis center that would make an agenda.

We, Help Animals, think that the only real rescuing of those dogs would be a massive adoption abroad, and after that action, the shelter „Backa Topola“ would have no residents any more. It should not be a problem for EU countries to organise the transport and enough vehicles in a short period, to come and take all dogs.  

A lot of Serbian’s dogs already come to EU countries every week and Serbian organisations for the protection of animals get money for those dogs. The dogs from „Backa Topola“ would come for free and it would be a real humanitarian action. Every other plan would mean the sending of huge donations that dogs are not going even to „feel“.

There was a tragic situation in the shelter „Backa Topola“ during the last 1-2 years  and the shelter should have been closed.

Unfortunately, as far as we know, the help is usually offered in situations when dogs and cats are already losing their lives.

There is no preventive help, and in 90% of cases the help is sent to wrong addresses.


Help Animals
Zlata Korjenic









Serbia: Backa Topola Shelter – 01/04/11 Update – Donation Info Is Very Limited Despite Many International Supporters Wishing to Help With Finances.

As of 01/04/11, we are unable to provide any information regarding donations to help the shelter animals -especially the dogs. We do have some info regarding the cats from the shelter.  Despite attempts to follow up and find a suitable donation route all of this week from Serbian campaigners, we have been unable.


AS WE ARE BASED IN ENGLAND, UK, BANK CHARGES (COSTS) FOR INTERNATIONAL TRANSFERS OFTEN OUTWEIGH THE AMOUNT OF THE DONATION IN THE FIRST PLACE.  We always request that any international donations to be given directly to animal groups in Serbia to avoid these extra transfer costs.

The only info we have is from ‘Help Animals’ in Belgrade, who have taken all but one of the surviving cats from the shelter.  Attempts are being made to find the last cat.

If anyone wishes to provide a donation to ‘Help Animals’, which is for the care of the cats they now have from the shelter, then please use the following link for further details:

The ‘Help Animals’ site can be viewed at:

If we do get any info in the future regarding where donations for the dogs can be made, we will be publishing it.  At the moment, despite trying to obtain info for most of this week, we have not been given any accurate information.

We thank everyone who has already attempted / is prepared to make a donation for the animals at Backa Topola.  The situation is very much out of our control and is fully in the hands of organisations who are working directly on site in Serbia.  When they provide us with donation information, we will issue it on this site.

With the help of ‘Help Animals’,  will attempt to outline the current situation:

“Help Animals” in Belgrade sends the following information:

“On the other hand, cats were in the worst situation in Backa Topola. Much more then dogs, so I decided to take all of them. Around 30 cats got killed by fire some time ago! Yesterday we found 3 more dead cats killed by dogs, and we took 18 cats. Before that we have already taken
9 cats. Totally that is 27 cats! “

Partly they are right now in shelter Jessica, Belgrade (Help Animals) and shelter”Felix”Vojvodina, but we have to provide them food and veterinarian. There is just one he-cat left in
Backa Topola. All of that action overtaking cats was watched by a vet. inspector and
soon we will get official report”.
“As we know there is one French Animal protection Association which
provides food and also pay people from Backa Topola to deliver it to the
animals. I’ll let you know contact with French Association. And the best way
is to send them donations, because they come to Serbia and they already have
contact in Serbia”.

Yesterday we saw on site the dogs have a plenty of food. In the morning
people come and deliver food to them and leave. The animals are alone all
day long. During the next week the French Association will come to talk with
Mayer of Backa Topola. Right now, there are a lot of Serbian protection
animal associations gathered around the shelter in Backa Topola. They want
to gather donations, food and money, but there is not any organization and
there is, I have to say, chaos”.

We can take help and donations for those cats because they are right now
with us. We also have around 400 animals, dogs and cats as well in our
shelter “Riska”.

Best regards,

Zlata Korjenic,

Help Animals


The Society  – ‘Freedom for Animals’, has prepared a letter to the minister that will go to all media. 

Link and translation:


Prenosimo poruku koju smo dobili iz Backe Topole…

Postovana gospodo,

Obraćam vam se kao najuticajnijoj organizaciji u Srbiji i retkoj koja sme, hoće i može da izazove reakciju i promene.

Nakon napisa o tragediji u azilu za životinje kod Bačke Topole, moji studenti i ja smo sakupili hranu za životinje i danas se zaputili do azila da je predamo. Nakon umirujućih izjava rukovodstva Bačke Topole o preuzetoj brizi nad azilom i donacije Pokrajine, očekivali smo da ćemo imati kome da je predamo.

Umesto toga, sačekao nas je stravičan prizor. U azilu, niti bilo gde u njegovoj blizini, nije bilo nikoga ko bi brinuo o stotinama napuštenih životinja., odraslih i sasvim malenih kučića, koji su, kroz žičanu ogradu pokušavali da sisaju prste na ruci.

Sem kiše koja je napunila nekoliko lokvi u blatnjavom dvorištu, životinje uopšte nisu imale vode.

Jedan prilaz azilu je nedavno preoran, pa smo par kilometara vozili preko strnjišta kukuruzišta.

Nikakvih znakova da je neko dolazio da o njima brine nije bilo.

Dvorište je ispregrađivano žicom, hranu smo im davali preko žičane ograde i kroz nju. Do kučića zatvorenih u žicu u unutrašnjem delu dvorišta nismo mogli niti dobaciti.

Sva je prilika da su ostavljeni tamo da umru, dovoljno udaljeni od bilo koga ko bi ih čuo kako umiru dugo, bolno i cvileći, grizući jedni druge.

Dobronamernim ljudima je teško do tamo stići, zbog preoranog prtenog puta (neko je požurio da spoji dve njive).

Oni su sami i polako umiru usred njiva.

U prilogu vam saljem fotografije i snimak, snimljene mobilnim telefonom danas.

U ime čovečnosti, molim vas da ovo objavite.

Sa poštovanjem,

Prof Dr Tamara Galonja Coghill

Prof biologije, Fakultet za biofarming, Bačka Topola


English Translation:

Dear Sir/Madam,

I address you as members of the most influential organization in Serbia and the one that can influence action and initiate change.

After publicity about tragedy that has happened in shelter near Backa Topola, my students and I prepared food for the animals and today we went there with intention to donate it to the people who are looking after them. After calming words from Municipality officials from Backa Topola about care for the shelter and funds from the council that are made available for the cause, we were expecting that we will be able to meet someone and deliver the food.

Instead, we were witnesses of the most disturbing experience. In the shelter or anywhere near in its vicinity there was no one to take care of hundreds neglected animals, older dogs and very small puppies, which were so hungry that they have tried to use our fingers as replacement for mother. Apart from few naturally formed shallow and muddy ponds filled with rain water, there was no water for the animals.

One access road that leads to shelter was destroyed so we had to go around the fields to get there. There was no sign that someone was there of looking after them at all.

All of the court was separated with wire, so we had to feed them above  or through it. We could not reach the dogs in the centre of the courtyard.

The way this looks as if they have been left to die there purposly, far away from anyone to hear their cries, they are in pain and fighting each other.

It has been made very difficult to reach the site for the people that wish toi help – as if somebody was in rush to join two agricultural parcels for private gain.

They are alone and they are dying slowly in the middle of the fields.

I attach photographs and video taken with the mobile phone.

In a name of humanity I plead that you publish this.

Yours Sincerely


Prof Dr Tamara Galonja Coghill

Prof biologije, Fakultet za biofarming, Bačka Topola

Sloboda za zivotinje Udruzenje “Sloboda za zivotinje” je spremilo otvoreno pismo za Ministra poljoprivrede, koje ce ici i svim medijima:


Serbia: International Appeal to Find New, Forever Home For Blind Dog ‘Okica’.

This is the New update about Okica from vet ambulace (veterinarska ambulanta)

and this is a new thread: 

******** TASHA is the one who is giving us the info: *************

this is her email address:

Tasha M. Sipka last update 29.03., Dr med vet Dragan Pudja:”Okica is great, eat, and of course walk around without help, slowly but surely!! It appears his cuddly barking! Wonderful! Greetings from us and Okica.” The vet Pudja with a big heart and his staff painted the most beautiful colors Okica’s world. 

PS: “okica” in Serbian means someone with a beautiful eyes… Now look at her eyes..

laila afsoon


Dear friends,

we need your help to find a home for this poor blind girl (she just lost her eyes)

Chrissy Phillips just suggested us to contact you if you can help us adopt/rescue this sweetheart who was injured and whom vet just removed eyes…

this is the thread with the picture and all the info about this poor baby: 

vet bills are paid only HOME is NEEDED for HER… ♥

Tasha M. Sipka March 28 at 12:34pm

Okica was lucky that the accident was taken under the protection of my friend Snezana, a professor at the Veterinary Faculty in Bgd, she asked her former student veterinarians Pudja to take care of, he was operated on, wept over her sad destiny and decided to keep with you the outpatient clinic in Backa Palanka and personal care of her until she will be OK. All went well, it feels good, is recovering, but to us is hard work, to find her a good home and someone who will love it though totally blind and take care of her, and collect money and takes up the wonderful vets for their sacrifice. Injuries he received Okica her intentionally inflicted, not due to hit by a car.

This is a clinic where she was operated: Veterinarska Ambulanta 

Yes, we need just home for this angel Okica, all cost about treatment we will pay, it’s not problem. Okica is good, responds when called. Good recovering.


Serbia: Update – Save Etelas Dogs  

Ksenija Stankovic

Rezime danasnjeg dana je za plakanje – sto nam je i doslo da radimo u jednom momentu. Vecina stenaca je poumirala. Ostalima je data terapija, ali kako ce se sa tim nastaviti, to cemo videti. Zaklani psi, uginuli psi, opet. Spakovali smo ponovo odredjen broj pasa i tri mace za Beograd, ali smo po njihovom stanju mogli bez problema jos 

50 hitnih slucajeva da nadjemo. Na zalost i nasi resursi su ograniceni. Tamo ima toliko posla…Odredjen broj pasa je dobio terapiju protiv demodikoze. Ima nekoliko skotnih kuja koje nisu uhvacene, po cenu i kojeg ujeda. Poslednju turu pasa smo nosili na rukama jer se cak i dzip zaglavio u blatu. Ostalo su sve rekli autori stranice. Samo da pozdravim vet.inspektora koji je i ovaj put dosao i ostavio nas da sami sprovedemo u delo akciju, sa samo molbom da mu sutra javimo sta smo odradili. Sve u svemu, jako tuzan dan, i otici i ostaviti ih potpuno same dok je mrak padao je bilo bas srceparajuce…

By Ksenija Stankovic

Résumé of today’s day is for crying – which we have done in one moment. Most of the puppies have died. Others received the therapy. There are few pregnant dogs which we could not catch, although we tried and paid the price, ended up with few bites. Last group of dogs we carried in our hands because jeep got stuck in the mud. Everything else is as reported on

Spasimo Eteline Pse – Save Etelas dogs 

Danka’s Animals made a CHIP-IN: 


500 DOGS &100 CATS from Serbia need 2be RESCUED/ADOPTED Worldwide

We send our regards to vet inspector which turned up this time and left us on our own to do all the work, with a request to inform him about our progress. All in all, very sad day, and to go and to leave them all on their own in the dark was hearth breaking.


Serbia: ‘Help Animals’ – Belgrade. Can You Help Them ?


Dear Friends,

we are the members of “Help Animals” Association from Belgrade, in Serbia. First of all, we have to point out that we are dedicated to help all kind of animals where ever we can! Because of big problem with abandoned dogs and cats in Belgrade, right now we are spending almost all our time helping them. We are running two legal Shelters – for dogs “Riska” and cats “Jessica”. Please read the stories about them. Unfortunately, at this moment we are in very bad economical situation, because we are non-profit organization and the donations we have are far from enough. We need all help you can provide, if you like. Please read about that in: “How to help”.

Thank you very much, for everything you do for animals, worldwide.

Association for providing aid to abandoned animals “Help Animals” was founded on October 8th 1992. in Belgrade, under 357/212-1-207/92, as a non-governmental and non-profit association of citizens for the Republic of Serbia.

The first our shelter was located at No.50 Ovčanski put Street, and our main activity, from 1992. until spring of 1999. was taking care of the dogs in the shelter.

By financial means from a donation received from Germany in 1998. the Association bought much bigger plot of land in place Batajnica, a suburb of Belgrade and opened a new shelter there. Unluckily for these 70 dogs, residents of the shelter, bombing of Yugoslavia started in March 1999.,whereas Batajnica turned out to be one of the main target areas.

Luckily, members of the Association managed to save all the dogs, but unfortunately the Association suspended all its activities.

Intensive activities were again continued in June 2000. when members of “Help animals” saved 430 dogs and 16 cats from Sheltes on hill Avala near the Belgrade.  

If you want to find out more, please read about it at Shelter “Riska”, and also at  Shelter “Jessica”.



Gallery –

Adopted –

In Memoriam –


Gallery –

Adopted –

In Memoriam –

Postovani ljubitelji macaka, sve ves na kolenimo molimo da zajednicki pomognemo macakama koje su ostale u ,nazovi, azilu Backa Toplola vlasnistvo pokojne Etele Merk. I psi i macke u tom azilu su u jako losem stanju. Na zalost macaka , vecina ljubitelja zivotinja i Drustava za zastitu zivotinja se angazovala oko pasa.To je i u redu jer ima oko 250 pasa a macaka je ostalo oko 15-25 (ne mogu se izbrojati jer se nalaze na otvorenom prostoru). Predpostavlja se da je macaka bilo oko 60 i da je najmanje 35-40 izgorelo u pozaru. U pozaru nije stradao ni jedan pas.

Bas zbog tako strasnog stradanja, tako strasne smrti i jako loseg zivota u azilu ostatak macaka je zasluzio da im nadjemo neki smestaj. Zasluzili su i zbog toga, a to se odnosi i na pse, sto su gradjani Srbije, prvenstveno gradjani Beograda nemilice nosili pse i macke u taj azil i ostavljali ih Eteli Merk da se potpuno sama o njima brine.

Na samim slikama mozete videti i uslove za zivot tih nesrecnih pasa i macaka. Mi necemo ulaziti sad u razloga postojanja takvih azila u Srbiji (90% su na zalost takvi) vec apelujemo na savest ljubitelja macaka da po jednu macku spasu. Mi cemo organizovati transport, nakon izvesnog vremena sterlizacije  i sa svima koji budu preuzeli macku bicemo u redovnom kontaktu za bilo koju vrstu pomoci koju, u granicama nasih mogucnosti, mozemo pruziti.

Mi ne mozemo ici po svaku macku posebno vec cemo cekati da se nadje  nekoliko novih vlasnika pa da ih zajedno dovezemo. Na sebe preuzimamo i obavezu da Vam macku do kuce dovezemo.

Koliko smo mi na osnovu slika videli najugrozeniji je Beli macaka Andjeo koji je vidno u losem stanju.

Jos uvek nisu sve macke slikane i nadamo se da cemo dobiti jos slika ali kada su ovakve tragedije u pitanju ne treba po slici birati macku vec samo doneti odluku koliki broj macaka zelite spasiti.

Tragediju uvecava i cinjenica da se uslovi za boravak ostatka  macaka u azilu Backa Topola nece poboljsati niti se tako nesto planira. Kuca u kojoj su macke spavale je izgorela a drugog objekta nema.

Mi smo, pored nasih 118 macaka vec preuzeli 4 macke i bukvalno nemamo gde vise niti jednu macku smestiti.


Kontaktiraje nas hitno:

Unapred hvala u ime macaka Backe Topole

Help Animals
Zlata Korjenic
“Sterilisi svog ljubimca.
Ne kupuj kucne ljubimce.
Usvajaj ljubimce iz azila ili sa ulice i spasi jedan zivot.”

