Finland: Leading Europe in Fur Farm Animals Abuses – Please Watch Videos and Then Take Action.






SAV Reference Notes on Finland and this issue:

Finland IS a Member of the European Union (EU).

Finnish Government web site link:  

Government Ministry Links:  

Finnish Ministers Block e mail Listing:

Matti,  Risto,  Velipekka,  Antti,  Mari,  Heljä,  Marcus,  Jouni,  Riina Nevamä,  Katariina,  Eeva,  Vesa

Finnish MEP Block Listing:,,  satu.hassi@europarl.europa.euheidi.hautala@europarl.europa.euville.itala@europarl.europa.euliisa.jaako

Video Link:

<object width=”400″ height=”300″><param value=”true” /><param value=”always” /><param value=”;;show_title=1&amp;show_byline=1&amp;show_portrait=0&amp;color=&amp;fullscreen=1&#8243; /><embed src=”;;show_title=1&amp;show_byline=1&amp;show_portrait=0&amp;color=&amp;fullscreen=1&#8243; allowfullscreen=”true” allowscriptaccess=”always” width=”400″ height=”300″></embed></object><p><a href=”″>Suomalaisia turkistarhoja 2009</a> from <a href=”″>Oikeutta Eläimille</a> on <a href=””>Vimeo</a&gt;.</p>


Following a recent shocking undercover investigation into Finland’s fur farms (see below), CAFT-UK will be taking part in an international day of action
this Friday.

International day of action to ban fur farming in Finland Friday this Friday 26th February.

Protest at the Finnish Embassy in London, from 2pm (We may go on to protest at fur shops later)
Embassy of Finland, 38 Chesham Place, London SW1X 8HW

contacts on the day:
07866 879851,
07899 775493 

Contact the embassy to demand an end fur farming in Finland
 Tel. +44-20-7838 6200 E-mail: 

A new fur farm investigation was published in Finland last Wednesday. It
included 30 different fur farms which were visited during the summer and
autumn of 2009. The results show widespread animal abuse, intense suffering
and neglect. Friday 26.02.10 will be an international day of action. We are hoping that as
many countries as possible will do something (demo at embassy, some

The reputation of the country is very important for the Finns,
that’s why it’s very useful if this gets international attention.

In Finland approximately three million animals are killed annually at fur
The footage shows the everyday life of these animals. It’s time to
ban fur farming in Finland and put an end to this suffering.

Look at the videos and pictures and demand the ban!

We launched a new fur campaign Wednesday evening in Finland. A very
respected current news program “A-Studio” did a great, long piece on it,
 showing a lot of footage which a veterinarian commented at the same time.
After that there was a debate between an animal ethicist and a
 spokesperson for the Fur Breeders Association.

 Then on Thursday we did a press conference and since then we have been all
over tv-news, newspapers and media’s websites. We are getting lots of
support and it seems everyone here has seen the pictures and videos.We also held a public discussion in the parliament today where the head of the green party and the head of the left party said they supported a ban (which is our aim of course). 

Yesterday (Thursday) we published pictures of a farm which belongs to the head of the Fur Breeders Association.

This was understandably big news.

The fur farm discussion is suddenly very big here now (less than a week ago
it was non-existent) and it seems that – although they desparately
 try – the fur farmers are not getting a lot of sympathy.

You can watch a short clip here: 


Finnish animal rights organisation Oikeutta Eläimille and Animal Defenders
International have released a joint investigation into Finnish
 fur farms. Investigation included 30 different fur farms which were visited during the
summer and autumn of 2009. The results show widespread animal abuse,
 intense suffering and neglect. Many animals were suffering from
eye-infections, injured limbs, open wounds, bitten off tails, deformed limbs
and ears, mouth diseases and overgrowth of gums among others.

Animals also suffered from stereotypical behavior, fear and apathy. 

Also, the prolonged suffering was proved by visiting some farms many times.
One particularly bad farm was filmed three times, in a period of
 four months. In this farms there was a breeding male fox, whose head was at
a strange angle, eyes and mouth were infected, claws were over grown
 and his ear was withered. 

After four months the animal was still there, and his condition was as awful, if not worse.

The activists also filmed a fur farm, which belongs to the head of the
Finnish Fur Breeder’s Association.
This farm was the worst mink farm of
 the investigation
. He also had foxes in the farm. Mink had eye-infections, open wounds and bitten-off ears. Foxes were very frightened, one fox had an injured ear and some of the cages were dangerously broken so the animals could injure themselves. This shows that these are not individual cases: systematic animal abuse takes place in all Finnish fur farms.

In Finland approximately three million animals are killed annually at fur
farms. The footage shows the everyday life of these animals.

It’s time to ban fur farming in Finland and put an end to this suffering.

Look at the videos and pictures and demand the ban!

 A short video:

The video and photos of the fur farm which was visited three times:

The video and photos of the head of The Fur Breeders’ Association:

 In English (a campaign video etc):

Germany: 22/02/10 Update – Fox ‘Week’ Killings Go On and On for Weeks





Past Weeks and Photo Links:

03/02/10 –

08/02/10 –


The ‘Fox Week’ (???) of mass killing by German hunters just seems to go on for a lot more than just a week; now around 3 weeks since we published out first photographs.

9 new foxes found on 22/02/10 –  Several look mutilated – more than just being hit by a bullet !! 

We hear that it is now claimed that foxes are being killed because they have Mange !! – we know from experience that foxes with mange DO NOT have beautiful tails such as these shown in the pictures.  A bad tail region is always the first sign of a fox with mange.  Mange then spreads over the hind quarters and continues up to the eyes, causing severe eye infections.

This ‘Mange’ talk by the hunters is nothing but lies and another bent reason they have to invent in order to go out and kill perfectly healthy animals.

If you want to see a real fox with real mange, then go to the (Uk) NFWS site – 

Even animals with such a bad mange infection such as shown can be treated over weeks to the situation where they can be released back into the wild, rather than blasted to death as loved by German hunters.

There is NEVER a need to kill foxes with mange; and the German foxes DO NOT HAVE MANGE.

German hunters trying find yet more excuses to justify their blood lust.

The German hunters Blood Lust results for this week (22/02/10) are as follows: