England: Finally, The Government Bows To Public Pressure and Introduces A Ban On Wild Animals Used In Circuses.


FANTASTIC NEWS !! – 16/04/13


SAV Comment

Finally, after so many hard years of campaigning, public consultations etc, which always seemed to be ignored despite their overwhelming public support (94%) for a complete ban, we now have a deadline set by the UK government.  Always viewed as taking sides with the circus owners, the UK government has (in our view) now been forced to accept that the British public DO NOT want to see wild animals being used in pathetic circus acts in England.

Despite the end being December 2015, this now gives UK animal welfare organisations plenty of time to ensure that all the animals are re-homed in much better environments, and do not have to spend each and every day of their very sad lives chained and cramped in the back of a circus trailer.

Brilliant news, and we celebrate for the animals !

Well done everyone who worked so hard on this issue for so many years – now we see good triumph over evil.



BBC Link:


Circuses to face wild animal ban

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Circuses in England will be prohibited from using wild animals in their shows from the beginning of December 2015, the government has announced.

Ministers were initially reluctant to bring in a blanket ban – demanded by many MPs and campaigners – in case of legal action by operators.

Agriculture minister David Heath said the two-year “grace period” would allow circus owners to arrange suitable care.

There are currently 20 licensed wild animals working in circuses.

These include camels, zebras and snakes, but not elephants, monkeys, gorillas, chimpanzees or big cats.

‘Common sense’

Under the terms of the draft Wild Animals in Circuses Bill, the ban will cover any creature not normally domesticated in Britain.

The government has already introduced licensing regulations to improve conditions for performing animals until the law is changed.

Conservative MP Mark Pritchard, whose backbench motion in 2011 calling for a ban was passed without a vote in the Commons, said: “I am delighted the government have finally decided to introduce a ban.

“This is a victory for animal welfare and common sense – and proves that politicians who have belief, stick to their principles, and persevere despite hostile opposition, can still shape events.”

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Congratulations to Jan and the crew at ADI (London) who gathered so much harrowing undercover footage over so many years; and who had the vigor to take this campaign all the way until a ban was achieved.





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