Over 60% of the Worlds Primates Face Extinction Due To Deforestation and Palm Oil Production.

SAV Comment – when your grandchildren ask you why the primates are not around for them to see; and what did YOU actually do to prevent their decline and extinction; lets hope you have a decent answer !


Primate Extinction: ‘We could lose the lungs of the earth’

7 hours ago

Scientists are warning that almost two-thirds of primates, from gorillas to lemurs, are threatened with extinction and three-quarters are suffering declines in numbers.

Anna Nekaris, a professor in Primate Conservation at Oxford Brookes University, tells Today that losing species will have serious consequences for the rainforest and human medicine. She also says zoos are not the answer.


See links and hear the full report at  http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-38674567





Primates ‘sliding towards extinction’, say scientists

18 January 2017 Last updated at 19:00 GMT

The world’s primates face “crisis” with 60% of species now threatened with extinction, according to research.

A global study, involving more than 30 scientists, assessed the conservation status of more than 500 individual species, including apes, monkeys, lemurs and lorises.

The findings are published in the journal Science Advances.

Victoria Gill visited the lemurs at Blackpool Zoo to explain the threat.





Primates like gorillas, orangutans and lemurs are facing an ‘extinction crisis’ according to a new study.

It looked at more than 500 species of primates around the world and found that 60% of them were facing extinction.

When an animal becomes extinct, it means that there are no more left on the planet.

The study also shows that, out of all the primates in the world, three quarters of them are in decline – meaning numbers are going down.


Read more at http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/38674408 


Old posts we have produced on this issue:





































Serbia: Urgent Appeal To Help Starys In Bor – It Is 25 Degrees Below Freezing and They Need Help – People Are Ready But Need Donations Thank You.


This is an urgent appeal to provide protection and help to the strays of Bor.  Temperatures have currently reached minus 25 degrees and it may get worse.  Stray animals desperately need help – people are ready to help them, and currently are, but they need extra donations for food.  Give what you can thank you – SAV.


Unfortunately the winter in Bor, Eastern Serbia, is cruel, icy, as in Siberia.

According to the weather forecast the worst is yet to come, and thus the greatest anguish and dread for stray dogs.  It is estimated that in Bor there are around 1,000 stray dogs from which most of them are helpless: puppies, bitches with puppies, old or injured dogs, and all of them are unprotected during this ´´ice age´´.

Few  good people volunteer and offered to set up dog houses with straw all over the city, the greater the number, the better.

That is why they need YOU good people to help them to realize the idea.

Please donate even a few euros, no amount is little!


Please give anything you can – even a small donation helps the animals.


To donate visithttps://www.youcaring.com/straysinbor-737721

