Serbia: Another Terrible Case of Suffering Inflicted on A Young, Stray, Street Dog (Archie). His Abuser Must be Found and Punished – Imprisoned In Accordance With Serbian Legislation. When Will The Serbian Authorities Act, We Ask ???

SAV Comment.

We are providing a copy of this post, complete with photographs of Archie, to the world famous Fitzpatrick  referrals in South East England.  We hope that liaison may be able to be mde between Fitzpatrick  referrals and Dr. Sasa Stokic if necessary to provide further advice and help for the treatment of Archie.

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Another case of cruelty to animals in Serbia

Archie’s front and back left side paws brutally hacked off.

Smederevo / Belgrade, 26th August 2011 – Archie, a beautiful one-year old stray dog that used to live near a bus station in the Serbian city Smederevo, became another innocent victim of monstrous crime against animals. An unknown offender has cut off his front and back left paws and left the victim on the street, clearly wanting to make his crime (against stray dogs) known to everyone.

Archie was brought to Dr. Sasa Stokic’s practice in Smederevo, 24 hours after the crime was committed. There was a serious infection and Dr. Stokic had to amputate the lower parts of Archie’s legs in order to save his life. Dr Sasa Stokic is one of the few Serbian veterinarians who is also an activist for animals’ rights. He says that the mutilation was performed professionally, with a sharp object, and that there is no doubt that the dog was crippled deliberately. Archie is stable, but he is going to need time to recover, and he will probably be able to move with the help of special prostheses.

Police conducted an investigation and we are expecting that the public prosecutor will be informed about Archie’s case.  

Experts say that individuals direct their aggression toward animals primarily due to mild penal policies and people’s traditional belief that torture and killing of animals is allowed.

The organisation ‘Humans for Animals’ warns that the crimes against animals must not be tolerated!

The authorities have to find and severely punish the perpetrators of brutal crimes and send the message to the public that every crime against animals is going to be punished and that the laws of the Republic of Serbia must be respected.

‘Humans for Animals’ invite all citizens to report the crimes against animals, because the Criminal Law of the Republic of Serbia says that the torturing and killing of an animal is going to be fined with a one year in jail.

‘Humans for Animals’ would like to thank Dr. Stokic and his wife Dusica Stokic and also Mr Bojan Ristic who helped Archie. They are taking good care of him.

Many times in the past these noble and brave people showed that there are great animal lovers and great people in Serbia that fight every day to make the life of at least some of homeless dogs and cats easier.  

Natasa Vukmirovic, ‘Humans for Animals’, Belgrade.

Dr. Sasa Stokic, Veterinary Chamber of the Republic of Serbia, Small Animals Veterinary Association of the Republic of Serbia, Humans for Animals





One Response

  1. We.should not only respect humans but also animals….even i too love the street dogs of my locality….this guy should be hanged to death or tortured 1000 times greater than he did with this innocent dog #archie….i pray for u plz…be good….fast

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