EU: Some Good News Regarding Long Distance Live Animal Transport – and Other Things !

We (in Europe) have had what appears to be some promising progress regarding live animal transport.

I am especially happy with this news as lstopping long distance transport for live animals has been my major campaign work for the last 23 years or so !

Mark – Founder SAV.

Photos: V. Cameron / Bill – KAALE (Uk).

Below – The ‘Joline’ operated by Dutchman J. Onderwater.

Below – Livestock transporters arrive at Ramsgate (England) for Livestock Shipment to Mainland Europe.

Above – Dutch haulier.  Below – Irish haulier.

Above – Hans Snel – Dutch haulier.

Above – The ‘Dodgy Roof regular’, but not acted on by the Authorities !


Link below – This is the Uk Government’s view on the Commission’s proposals on live transport – this was discussed at a recent Ag Council (where the Dutch were the only country objecting to the proposals).   For our non European friends; the Dutch are the largest animal transporters in Europe, as our work in the Uk for years has shown.  So it comes as no surprise to us that the Dutch would be a nation that objects to the new proposals – the only nation to object. 


Interestingly the Uk, whilst supporting the Commission’s proposals on enforcement; have put in for better protection (ie journey times) for calves and horses.  Council agreement is due soon on this so we will have to wait to see what the final Presidency and Council conclusions are.

Calves are still exported from the Uk to mainland Europe, on a vessel (the ‘Joline’) operated by a Dutchman convicted and found guilty in a Uk court of no less than 6 animal welfare offences involving the transport of live farm animals.

Also, some great news from our friends at Compassion In World farming here in the Uk.  It reads:

Dear Mark,

The worst footage we have ever seen.

Last week, Compassion made the difficult decision to release some extremely disturbing footage of horrendous animal suffering at slaughterhouses and in transport. It reveals some of the worst animal cruelty that Compassion has ever seen.

Thousands of you responded to our urgent call for action and immediately put pressure on the OIE, who are responsible for international guidelines on transport and slaughter. Thank you to everyone who spoke out.

Our next step is to meet face-to-face with international policymakers who have the power to end such appalling practices. And, as a result of sharing the footage, we have now secured meetings with representatives of not just the OIE, but also the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation, The World Bank and The European Commission.

By bringing these major bodies together we have a real chance to protect farm animals at the most vulnerable times of their life – such as during transport and at slaughter. Thank you again to everyone who helped us get to this position.

Recently it was reported that Creek Projects, a British company based in Cambridgeshire, had invested millions of pounds in a new foie gras facility in China where over 15 million geese were to be intensively farmed over a five-year period.

Following prompt action from Compassion and our friends at the Humane Society, we are delighted to report that operations at the foie gras factory farm have now been suspended. We will remain vigilant to ensure that this project does not rear its ugly head again – but in the meantime millions of animals are being saved from the horrifying force-feeding synonymous with foie gras production.

Ramsgate (Kent, England Exports) update. See photos Above – all from Ramsgate.

You can visit the website of the organisation which SAV founder Mark is also involved with – Kent Action Against Live Exports (KAALE); by visiting the KAALE website at  – here you will find all the reports oof live farm animal shipments from the Kent port of ramsgate, Uk, to mainland Europe, as operated by convicted operator Mr. Onderwater of the Netherlands.

CIWF say:

Thank you to everyone who came along to the rally in Ramsgate on 20 May to mark the first anniversary of live animal exports through the town’s port. It was a very sad yet motivating day. Inspiring speeches were made by our own Director of Public Affairs, Dil Peeling, the RSPCA, and Thanet District Councillors – and it was wonderful to see so many people joining together to speak out against these cruel journeys.

And we have some good news in the EU campaign for an 8-hour limit on journey times for animals, which could effectively outlaw most live exports. Following the European Parliament’s endorsement of an 8-hour journey limit, EU Commissioner John Dalli agreed that Regulation 1/2005 is not sufficient to guarantee an acceptable level of welfare for animals during transport.

He announced that the Commission will propose a review of EU legislation that will include – among other things – a reduction of transport times. Now, the challenge is to make sure Commissioner Dalli sticks to his word and the review stays on track.

And finally, Positive news for pigs

Thank you so much to everyone who took our latest Project Pig action. You are helping to ensure that, when the EU sow stall ban comes into force on 1 January 2013, millions of pigs will no longer be forced to spend months on end in a cage.

As I write, 11 EU nations are still at risk of violating the ban, and we will not rest in our efforts to persuade farmers and politicians to implement this vital legislation. But the good news is that, with your support, Project Pig is making real progress.

When figures were first released, just seven nations expected to comply with the ban on time. Now, the EU Commission believes sixteen are set to be ready.