Ukraine: EURO 2012 Football and the Associated Animal Killings. The Truth Is Out There – Now We Have It !


Information supplied to SAV from a Russian forum.

Thanks to the person who supplied this information, but who remains nameless:

Now the real evidence is here about the animal killings for EURO 2012 in the Ukraine.

Soon on another post we will publish more and include photos.

In the following we have converted important text to Red type.




“I found this a week or so ago and now it has been updated and translated  and I thought you might be interested in it;  it is a record from 24th May  to date regarding outside help to kill the dogs.  It makes very unpalatable reading but will be interesting to establish where the financial backing came from????”

For those English recipients, this is the translation. 

———————-   English version   ————-

Smell of corpses at homeland – Everybody dares to kill dogs now, no matter who or how. Main thing is, that the streets get empty from strays till the beginning of the EM 2012

I believe this is the first time I am reflecting on a blog entry for such a  long time. Running around in my room, smoking. For two days already. Such a  thing doesn’t exist, such a thing cannot exist. It’s a joke, a fake, a  stupid game. And if it’s true – why? Why?

You would say: “What a horror!”. Or – “How nice!”. You would call them  “murderers” or me a “douche”. It doesn’t matter. And finally, a dispute  between the supporters, antagonists, protectors and protectionists would  start.

You know, what I would say: this is not about dogs. This is not about dogs at all. You can imagine the abbreviation “BS” to stand for cats, birdies, Jews, redheads, people of short stature, gays, Arabians, people with abnormal shapes of noses or ears. Someone doesn’t like something, he takes the gun and shoots. He’s right, he can explain it. He’s accompanied by someone. Intentions aren’t noble, it’s simply for money. The third person does it because an important person ordered him to. The fourth is doing it for fun. He is not a murderer, no, he’s a hunter.

Just because in this country, you can arrange everything with the police.

I found this forum accidentally. This is only one website of dozens, which I looked at during my work. I found it by entering the key word “EURO” (I am planning to make a movie about the sports fans). I read view entries and froze. Due to the level of human cynicism. Due to the simple talks about how to freeze bodily parts best, how to hide from the security cameras, how to smuggle the weapons.

I will not comment on it. The words given below are solely quotations. I devote this to the government of the Ukraine. The ugly system, which bears and educates perverts.

I’m not copying names on purpose, the identities don’t matter to me. And the source can be found easily in the Internet.

Topic: Colleagues! Help is needed, EM 2012

24th May 2012 – 01:53

Just returned to Ukraine from my business trip. One urgently needs to

support our local colleagues. EM 2012 is going to start in 2 weeks and it

emerged that the few organizations which are catching dogs are simply unable

to finalize the cleaning. All eyes are on the municipal services right now.

Hence: all of you, who want to help us, please join us. We were guaranteed

that there would be no problems. The only thing we have to do is: No curs

shall remain on the streets for the EM 2012.


Details via pm (private message). Payment is guaranteed.

24th May 2012 – 02:01

Nice to see you again [in here]. Additional info about Charkow: the “clean

house”, which is responsible for catching the curs receives more than 400

hrywnja per carcass; we will receive 150 but part of the travel expenses

will be recharged.

24th May 2012 – 02:26

How much are 400 hrywnja converted into ruble?

24th May 2012 – 02:26

1600. 50 dollars to put it simply. Money for evidence.

24th May 2012 – 02:26

A carcass or is a body part of the dog sufficient?

A part of the left front.

24th May 2012 – 02:32

Oh lucky one! Do a good job and have fun in a great community! And I have to

work, work and work again…

24th May 2012 – 03:24

You should rather wait one day, they are going to prepare lists, based on

which everybody will come over to me, to Charkow for example (no – no, I

would of course be happy); but our situation is much better than in Kiev,

that’s why they have to split the people on different cities.


24th May 2012 – 03:35

Would you like to shoot or feed this time?

 24th May 2012 – 03:35

Actually, I don’t care. However, I’m shooting more precisely now than in the

past when I had just little practice, therefore, I don’t know. Besides, what

about my airgun, do you know if I can smuggle it across the border?


 24th May 2012 – 03:49

If you can’t smuggle it, I’ll give you one out of our arsenal: Remington

Vantage or Diana52, there is a large choice. We also have 2 modified


 24th May 2012 – 03:55

Yes, smuggling in the guns can be done, however, the details need to be

clarified with Grischa. And the best way would be to have everything

organized by the coordinators. Less mindfucking for everyone…

 24th May 2012 – 04:37

Who knows how to smuggle an airgun best?


24th May 2012 – 05:00

I can only suppose the best way would be by car, in the middle of the

luggage bag and to cross the border in Belgorod during the weekend.

 24th May 2012 – 05:07

Vitaminka, don’t worry. It’s all been been done, now we just have to file

the lists at the point of entry.

24th May 2012 – 05:23

We can also pay the flight, fellow, no problem. Because the “old stagers”

have to train the young blood… We still have enough time before the Olympic

Games, but the EM is just around the corner.

24th May 2012 – 05:54

Shall we call the dipshits in? We have a large budget this time, therefore

money won’t cause a problem. That way we can help those people and slightly

reduce the number of flea carriers.

24th May 2012 – 05:57

You want to pay the dipshits? They would also accept to be paid in kind.

Fresh meat etc. Moreover, a paw is proof enough.

24th May 2012 – 06:03

By the way, fellows, you can also pass the hind paw off as front paw.

However, only if the outer toe is still there. That way, you could earn

twice as much from one body.

24th May 2012 – 06:33

Unfortunately, people are not allowed to work without ID. More precisely,

their work is not rewarded. That’s all I know in connection with the


 24th May 2012 – 06:42

Grischka, I don’t know anything about the situation in the Ukraine, but here

in Moscow, there are lots of dipshits with IDs. That’s why I wouldn’t

totally exclude this possibility. By the way, they should also assist with

raising; they won’t obtain guns and Isoniazid of course, but they carry the

elimination off quite well anyway (according to the despicable topics in PiK

[obviously a forum]). For them we are fixing a lower price in order to not

upset the sponsors: 10 hrywnja for an adult BS and 5 for a puppy should be

enough acc. to my opinion. Otherwise, they waste “our” 150 on drinking and

then, they won’t give a shit about the job.

24th May 2012 – 11:52

I can be of assistance regarding the transportation of people / goods across

the border. However, there are two small hitches. Only 5 people fit in the

car per trip (7 – 8 trips can be performed per day). Secondly, one trip will

cost approx. 150 hrywnja; there’s no other choice, the border guards also

want to eat [this refers to bribe money for the officers at the border].

24th May 2012 – 15:12

Hamlet, today I got in touch with those people, whom you gave me the contact

details from. We agreed on everything. Up to 200 hrywnja were promised for

some curs, we were sent to L’wow. We discussed the travel grants and

arranged things with the police: I already received the corresponding

documents. I was also told the locations, where one shall shoot or poison.

Only use air gun 4,5mm. I’ll start on Sunday.

24th May 2012 – 19:30

If the guns don’t work out, I have 600 milliliters MSO-9 [probably some kind

of poison]. I can’t order 500 for such an operation. I need all the rest for

myself, sorry. I have my sights on 5 large packs.

24th May 2012 – 20:02

Aw fellow, your great! My sincere respect to the organizers! So you’re not

planning to stop by here in Odessa by any chance?

24th May 2012 – 20:02

Unfortunately not, we were told that it is of top priority to prepare the EM


25th May 2012 – 14:06

Regarding drugs, please contact me via pm, so that you don’t attract

attention at the pharmacies. Everything has been bought in sufficient

quantities, sufficient for all. I have to instruct everybody on occupational


25 May 2012 – 23:15

For the cleaning in preparation of the EM 2012 …..hier sind noch

kyrillische(?) Schriftzeichen??? I have obtained 12 little jars of

Isoniazid, each contains approx. 100 pills; these are the tickets to rainbow

for roughly 120 flea carriers.

26th May 2012 – 03:13

Half of the BS in Kiev are wearing those self-made collars. But from today

on they should rather be wearing protective vests.

26th May 2012 – 14:33

Charkow welcomes us with chilly weather!

26th May 2012 – 16:47

I’m so jealous!!!

It’s 2115km to Kiev and I have no opportunity to leave work. Good luck! If

possible, please report briefly about the number of good deeds on Ukrainian


26th May 2012 – 22:43

We’ll also leave for the night service. In Charkow though. Oh my God! I

never thought one could gorge that much and that yummy!

27th May 2012 – 23:38

PW, enjoy your meal, good luck!

27 May 2012 – 00:00

Great how you shot them, one has even pissed itself before the ride to


27th May 2012 – 00:59

Nasten’ka trembles already in anticipation of the zoophile (?) like a fish

out of water. Keep it up!

 May 27th 2012-01:07

Everything is all right. Paul is on board. Eating a roll and says Hi to


May 27th 2012- 02:08

Good hunting, anti B6, I congratulate you also to the day of the town Kiev.

May 27th 2012-03:53

Apropos SMO (9) who would be in doubt. Tried it today. 1 milligram is

enough. Done in 40 seconds.

May 27th 2012-03:54

taking a break. A few hours ago we found hidden doghouses, and decontaminate

them by pouring a solution of foam and gasoline with the subsequently

application of an open fire source. All in all and at the beginning of the

night we got rid of 11″ fleahaulers”, now we burn the rest of the bio trash.

May 27th 2012-04:51

Dear honoree , a loyal greeting and thank you for your ungrateful job from

the first and ( intellectual) capital of the Ukraine. For the fights, that

are in my city, I leave behind a interesting address. At the corner of

Belgorodskogo Str., Akademika Proskuri Str. und Chkalowa Str. На углу

Белгородского шоссе, Академика Проскуры и Чкалова sails a herd full of ”

crocodiles” with about 5-8 tails . Really big individuals were not seen. The

biggest and sassiest was about 50 centimeters. I don’t want no rumor in my

university that a scientist is destroying the innocent. And good luck with

the cleaning! Neither tails nor collars!

May 27th 2012-15:59

Please caution with rifles during the day.

27th May 2012-15:59

no one will engage in such nonsense . And yes. the dirtbags from the 300 (

likely to be a street or block) can wait a long time for the presence of the

police so they can take care of strays on the street with a weapon , at

least not in Charkow.

27th of May-16:15

And my airgun doesn’t even sound like jumping cracker. In a cheered up crowd

it sounds like a pack of cigarettes fell to the ground.

May 27th 2012-18:03

A personal request! If you find puppies in this color during your cleaning

(picture is shown of the puppies) bring it to me to Moscow , at least a few

of them. I will try on them the right dose of the new agent Number 4 . The

journey and whiskas I will pay . And for the hunter: your own cognac or

tequila of your choosing .

May 27th 2012-20:54

Take every part with you, if not possible , hide it good, but then take it

with you. When there are no fleabags then there is no reason for zoophiles

to bother the police.


May 27th 2012-22:21

And I am already in the train, internet connection isn’t working here and

there and tomorrow I arrive in L’wow, meet there with me!. I will have rifle

bag with me that looks like a guitar case and a bag that will have the color

that we will agree on. The ones that want to meet with me send me a PM.

May 27th 2012-22:26

Now all L’wow’s zoophiles are going to wait for you at the train station and

all citizens that have a guitarcase they will shout to: ” There he is! There

HE is! Call the police!

May 27th 2012-22:32

One should not forget that the employer is the state, and police is one of

the first that is informed about it.


May 28th 2012-18:46

Writing from PDA, that is why it will be short. I already worked enough,

billed for 14 heads, received money to the price agreed upon. A police man

came up to me and said that a crazy person came in his police station and

demanded not to go through with the firing ….:)))) Till the evening I will

probably still take a few heads down. What I realized is that there are lots

of wandering dogs, the ones that are not living in a specific location. Were

not able with the poisoning , all of them successfully dropped from the


 May 28th 2012-22:54

My first day is over. All together 19 heads. Money was pretty good, got

everything that was being promised. I worked near Zelenaja Str. und

Pasichnaja Str. I am currently in my shelter, get dressed right away and

then go celebrate tonight in L’wow. To my luck I have enough now to go out

and celebrate…)


May 29th 2012 — 00:08

“Colleague, I repeat: Do not leave the packages of the medication  behind,

but return everything to the Coordinators, so it’s possible to  subsequently

determine how much has been used, how much is used on  average, and how much

will still have to be delivered.”

 May 29th 2012 — 00:47

Yesterday’s night mission: snatched 19 BS (WAS IST DAS?), 12 of them

puppies, many of them being in care (by volonteers who look after stray

dogs). Gained 3 grown-up flea-carriers at Truchanowskij. Gathered 1  puppy

on the way to my quarters, north of M. Dorogozhitschi, at the  crossing of

Teligi and Ol’zhitscha, early morning. Minus 23  flea-carriers overall.


May 29th 2012 — 13:40

Back  from Kiew yesterday. Had been working there mostly in the suburbs, in

the forests; also dropped by Darnitsa and Academics City. I’m not

experienced with shotguns, so the cleansing was performed with pet  cookies.

Got vitamins and sausage, and prepared that “ammunition”  myself. About 60

to 70 BS were fed, but only found 38 enemies – despite  me really wasting a

lot of time on the search. And compensation only  takes place based on

actual performance. Had I known before that such an  operation would take

place – I would have bought myself a good shotgun  and would have learned to

shoot. Purchase would have been worthwhile in  any case.

29th May 2012 — 17:01

By the way, folks,  could you give me some advice on how I can make sure the

severed item of  proof (?) the left paw will last a while. It is warm,

right, and  there is a noticable smell of death.


29th May 2012 — 20:18

Part of the glove box is close to the main cooling vent; when the air  con

blows right into your face, you’ll have quite a useable refrigerator  in


29th May 2012 — 20:33

Then, the old method: freeze two plastic bottles of water (one day in  the

freezer is quite enough), put them in a bag together with the body  parts,

and put something thick (blanked/old duvet jacket/Isolon) around  it all.

This way it will last till the next morning.

 29th May 2012 — 20:46

What about handing in not the whole paw, but just the skin? For the

company, it shouldn’t be a matter of principle, and it would be much  easier

to store. And, not insignificantly, one would not have to waste  time

cutting the fibres – and without an axe one would cause less  attention.

29th May 2012 — 21:05

The skin is not enough for them. They want a limb. In my opinion, a tail

would be enough.

29th May 2012 — 22:22

Charkow, everything’s alright, everything will be handed in the same day,

payment takes place immediately.

29th May 2012 — 22:29

Only 18 heads today. But Maradus got some practice on the air rifle, and he

liked it!

29th May 2012 — 22:30

The number of mutts on Trojeschina is incredible. Many puppies of  different

age groups. Two mobile groups were called in as backup. Shot  all night and

all morning, till we were exhausted. Together we offed 87  enemies (so 14 –

15 per shooter, on average), while the remaining “BS”  flew. This includes

the wounded (we hope the number of kills will still  rise, at their


 Sent yesterday, 01:32

Collected 9  shot items off Trojeschina. Additionally, 17 flea-carriers were

finished off during this mission, and we found a litter of blind puppies  –

also done. After all, minus 31 BS after this night and morning  action, the

agreed-upon parts having been handed in already, as  evidence. Everybody

from our group does away with 15 BS per gun / per  mission.

 Sent yesterday, 12:58

This morning, I missed the target somewhat … didn’t hit the ear from 40

meters distance; man, did  he whimper! Had to shoot his musculoskeletal

system, needed two shots  extra. That mutt was large as a shepherd dog!

 Sent yesterday, 20:09

I am back in the accommodation, was welcomed, now I gorge the streaky

Ukrainian bacon.

 Sent today, 01:04

All Safaris in Charkow were most successful. We worked like slaves:  shot

them, used pet cookies on them (and not only that). Well, and we got

some relaxation as well, one has to say.

But, what really bothered us was having to collect the cadavers and pack

them into bags –  that really takes a lot of time. On the other hand, this

way our team  has left not traces: not even a tail was left behind after our

missions.  The 300 can relax now

And I got some shooting practice. While, before, I might have reached 3.0 in

target accuracy, nowadays it will surely be 1.5.