EU Member State Animal ‘Abuse’ Album Series – Part 1 – GREECE

How the EU Protects its Animals:

– or why  there is complete and utter justification for EU legislation to PROTECT Stray and Pet animals.


Atrocities in Greece:

Dog shot in the face with buck shot (euthanized; Nea Efesos);

Dead falcon displayed on car (Katerini);

Dog kept in rabbit cage;

Cat dragged behind a car, burned and hung on a tree (Athens);

Dogs hung on a tree (Crete);

Fox hung up on a road sign (still warm when found; Lesbos);

Dog found near motorway (euthanized; Patros);

Dog initially saved from shooting and poisoning, only to be burned to death with acid (euthanized; Mytilini);

Dog found tied to post to die, unable to move or lie down (Karditsa);

Dog found with leg shot away (survived);

Dog with severe leg injury, possibly shot (unknown if survived; Karditsa);

Dead dog, possibly also shot;

Link to source page:

 Thinking of holidays in ‘civilised’ Greece this year ?

take our advice; dont; boycott and go somewhere else.

And EU; lets see the stray and pet animals legislation.

Watch this space –  More pictures to come soon from another EU member state.

Macedonia: 16/02/10 Update – Still No Change – Your MASSIVE Action and Support Now Needed – Please Read On ….



As you can see from the letter sent to us on 16/02/10, things are not changing in Macedonia, despite the wishes of the public for the authorities to show much more compassion.  The wishes of the people of Macedonia are being ignored by the Macedonian authorities.        


The Mayor of Skopje – Responsible for the Killings

What Can You Do to Help and Support ?


Please support all of our campaigner friends in Macedonia by taking actions as we have published on the following link;  

 This link includes a sample letter to copy and paste, addresses (e mail) of where to send them, and a full list of Macedonian embassies around the world which can also be sent the e mail letter. 

The following is a direct copy of the letter received on 16/02/10 by SAV, from Macedonian campaigners: 

Dear friend of animals,We ask for your help again in order to stop the massive killing of the homeless dogs and the inhuman treatment in Skopje, in the holding facility Vardarishte.  

Despite all efforts to change the condition, nothing has been changed for better, there is no consideration for the reactions by the Macedonian citizens who are disgusted from the principle of massive killings, disgusted from the standards for the dogs stay in the holding facility Vardarishte, disappointed from the functioning of the facility.   


Although as a public institution it is obligated to operate transparently in front of the citizens, it hides public data, it is closed for public and for visits, except for the total 6 hours per week (of which 3h on Friday, from 9-12h when people are at work), there is prohibition of free movement within it, the recording and photographing are the most strictly prohibited in order for the glamorous camp photo of the 21st century not to be seen.  

1. Currently, in the holding facility almost all small puppies are dying from freezing, pneumonia, viruses, because it is very cold and temperatures are below 0, and the holding facility is half closed type of facility, without any possibilities for working in winter!  

And the few dogs that have surgery done / sterilized, die because they are outside, freezing. The dogs lie on frozen water, frozen concrete, with no place to hide or get warm even for a moment. They continue washing the cages with heavy flows of water, without removing the dogs from cages. The dogs stay in the cages and die in tremendous torments!  

Simultaneously continues the practice of massive killing, officially around 70%, unofficially much more.  


2. People who catch dogs are completely incompetent, rude bullies (with the exception of maximum 5 out of 36 dog catchers). Hunting massively, saying that there won’t be any dog on the streets, not even leaving the dogs that are quiet and for whom the people take care of, vaccinated, sterilized….They say that it has been ordered and that every stray dog is to be caught – believe it, there is massacre and genocide, and only in Skopje there are around 10 000 homeless dogs! 


3. The dog-catchers also carry bats while catching, going in 8 teams, in three shifts, with unmark vehicles, massively and roughly catching a part of the dogs, and part of the dogs they don’t even take them to the holding facility but surely kill them in other places – for this we testimonials by citizens whose dogs have been caught and who had gone the same day to look for their dogs.However, the dog-catcher have been telling them that their dogs had not been caught (despite the photographs of the dogs being caught) or that they have been adopted, of course, without giving them information about location!  

4. The latest strategy in the holding facility is that on every cage they put papers on which it is written that the dog is too aggressive – we claim that it is a disgusting lie in almost all cases, because they never want to say who concretely (including name, analysis and evaluation) has put the paper.Believe me, almost all dogs marked like this, even those who are so dear, peaceful, social, with randomly written label – ‘AGGRESSIVE’  to justify the killing, declared without any official document to show, official evaluation by competent person.  




 This is the main excuse for the death of almost 90% of caught dogs, dogs that we didn’t manage to save.

Despite all our reactions, calls, meetings with the authorities, organized protest (under the slogan No to Bloody Skopje), we fail to stop or change anything, we have never succeeded anything because obviously this is a fixed defined “strategy” for solving the problem of excessive dogs population.  

 There is no holding facility on the entire Macedonian territory, where the CNR program should performed! Instead, here rules the system of massive poisoning, dog tournaments, torture, murder with guns.  

Please help us in any way, please start to put pressure once and for all to put an end to the violent and extremely cruel principle – we will do everything for this to be stopped, everything that you think that could and should be done. We ask for your support because without assistance from abroad, the struggle for salvation and life of over 10 000 dogs in Skopje, and many more in other places in Macedonia, is lost in advance. 



Past SAV Posts including many photographs: