Urban Decay Has Announced That It WON’T Sell Its Products In CHINA … Until NON ANIMAL Testing Methods Are ACCEPTED There.

From our friends and fellow campaigners at LAAR:


Great news! 

Urban Decay has announced that it won’t sell its products in China until non-animal testing methods are accepted there.

The Coalition for Consumer Information on Cosmetics’ (CCIC) Leaping Bunny Program announced that it has recertified Urban Decay as cruelty-free after the company made the decision to cancel plans to sell its products in China, a country that requires animal testing.

“We are very happy with Urban Decay’s decision and appreciate that they came through with what we needed for recertification,” said CCIC Chair Sue Leary.

The CCIC removed Urban Decay from its list of cruelty-free companies in early June when the company informed them of its intent to enter the Chinese market. Responding to an outpouring of extreme disappointment from compassionate consumers, Urban Decay has reversed its decision and recommitted to the Leaping Bunny Program’s Corporate Standard of Compassion for Animals. The company stated that it has no intention of selling products in China until it can do so without the need for animal test data.

“We’ve decided not to start selling Urban Decay products in China because we did not feel we could comply with current regulations in China and remain true to our core principles,” said Urban Decay Cofounder, Wende Zomnir. “Our hope remains that the adoption of alternatives to animal testing worldwide will enable us to offer Urban Decay products in the future to anyone, including many progressive consumers in China, who value cruelty-free cosmetics.”

Leary added, “This wouldn’t have happened without all the compassionate consumers who protested the company’s move into China. Clearly, there is a substantial market segment that makes buying decisions based on a company’s position on animal testing. Companies ignore that at their peril.”

The Leaping Bunny Program offers the most up-to-date list of companies that have committed to no new animal testing throughout their manufacturing process, from ingredients to finished products. The Leaping Bunny Logo is consistently ranked by third parties as the cruelty-free logo that can be trusted the most.

Since 1996, the Coalition for Consumer Information on Cosmetics (CCIC) has been connecting compassionate consumers with cruelty-free companies. The CCIC is made up of the following organizations: American Anti-Vivisection Society; Animal Alliance of Canada; Beauty Without Cruelty, USA; Doris Day Animal League; Humane Society of Canada; The Humane Society of the United States; and the New England Anti-Vivisection Society. CCIC’s international partner is the European Coalition to End Animal Experiments. 





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