is that just a question?


Life without meat is hell???


Good night from Venus


Great news: charter airline stops monkey transports!

Updated December 6, 2019:

Following an intense campaign by PETA USA and the help of tens of thousands of supporters, the Air Transport Service Group (ATSG) has now announced that it is completing monkey transports in experimental laboratories.


Image: Animal experiments with primates at the National Institute of Health, USA.

This announcement comes just a week after our US counterparts told Amazon to convince their current business partner – ATSG – to stop these atrocious transports.

For far too long, airlines have been making money on the bloody business of killing monkeys to their deaths. The sensitive animals are taken from countries such as China or from the island state of Mauritius, to laboratories in the United States or to Europe.

The places of origin of the monkeys offer them no protection, so they are often snatched from their homes and their families or bred in horror animal factories.



ATSG and its affiliates – Air Transport International (ATI) and ABX Air – have delivered thousands of monkeys to US research centers where frightened animals await terrible things.

Mostly they are locked in tight cages, in the course of the experiments they are then poisoned with chemicals, mutilated, deprived of food and water intake, infected with some deadly diseases and killed in the end usually emotionally cold.



ATI has repeatedly violated the minimum requirements for such animal transport in the past. The monkeys had to survive these – already stressful – flights without water and food and spend hours in their own excrements.
The United States Department of Agriculture is currently completing the infringement.



We’ve received disturbing reports that Michigan-based airline Kalitta Air has begun shipping monkeys from China to the U.S., where they will be cruelly experimented on in laboratories.

According to multiple credible sources, Kalitta Air reportedly transported crates of live monkeys from China to the U.S. recently. We contacted the airline’s executive team multiple times, but they refused to answer our questions about their policy.

However, one employee did confirm that the company did bring at least one shipment of monkeys to the U.S. for use in laboratories.



Every year, thousands of monkeys are transported from countries such as China, Mauritius, and Vietnam to the U.S. and the European Union to be imprisoned in laboratories and tormented in experiments. Some are bred in captivity on cramped, terror monkey factory farms, while others are abducted from their families in the wild.

The traumatized monkeys are crammed into small wooden crates and transported in the dark and terrifying cargo holds of planes for as long as 30 hours.


During the transport, the monkeys receive no food or water for more than 24 hours – a violation of the Animal Welfare Act. Some of the hungry, thirsty and confused monkeys must also sit in the midst of their own excretions during the unbearably long flight.

Many die a painful death on their long journeys, some of them over 30 hours long.


When they arrive in the U.S., they’re transported to facilities where they’re imprisoned in cramped cages and frequently cut open, poisoned, crippled, addicted to drugs, shocked, and killed.



Kalitta Air joins the long list of airlines—including American Airlines, United Airlines, Air China, China Eastern Airlines, China Southern Airlines, Delta Airlines, El Al Airlines, Philippine Airlines, Hainan Airlines, Vietnam Airlines, and dozens of others—that refuse to participate in this sordid trade.

Air France is the last major airline that continues to enrich this bloody business and kidnap monkeys from Mauritius to Europe.



Please help* and ask Air France to join all the other major airlines worldwide and stop transporting monkeys to their deaths in experimental laboratories!

* (Petition:

My comment: Every year more than 6,000 monkeys in Europe are misused for animal experiments, half of which are imported from Mauritius and flown by Air France to Europe!

Those of the animals surviving the horror journey land on the hands of the practicing Dr.Mengele, in the Dachau laboratories for animals, which are equipped with their own justice, and are supported by corrupt politicians.

The news is good, and we are very pleased that another company stops its flying coffins.

But we want the abolition of the torture of innocent animals justified by the mantle of research.
We are fighting for it, and in recent times we have been able to achieve some positive results (

It has come the time of consistent and hard action; Sinners and criminals should be punished and we have to do that where we can.
Therefore: do not fly with Air France!
Until the company stops the death transports.

My best regards to all, Venus


Indonesian Province Pledges ‘Zero Tolerance’ for Dog Meat.



Indonesian Province Pledges ‘Zero Tolerance’ for Dog Meat

Indonesian Province Pledges ‘Zero Tolerance’ for Dog Meat

Progress toward ending the dog meat trade in Indonesia! This week, Governor Ganjar Pranowo called for a ban on the consumption of dog meat throughout Central Java.

Every month around 13,000 dogs are slaughtered for consumption in the region. Governor Ganjar Pranowo met with representatives from Dog Meat Free Indonesia on Tuesday, which was followed by his announcement.

He proclaimed, “We must push the Surakarta administration to issue a strict regulation that prohibits people from consuming or selling dog meat.”

Further legal support for this ban comes from a law passed in 2012 stating that dogs are not defined as food since they do not come from forests or farms. According to the Jakarta Post, Ganjar said, “The law clearly prohibits it. Once a regency issues a ban, every other region will follow suit. Agency heads will convene to discuss such a regulation.”

Many concerns surround the health and safety of the dog meat trade. The transportation of the dogs sent to slaughter increase the likelihood of the spread of disease such as rabies, and for the dogs the rampant abuse within the industry drew sympathy.

It is also a barbaric and inhumane business. Dogs are often beaten to death in front of onlookers, and some are blow torched while still alive.

While dog meat is easily found in the stalls of street vendors, only a small percentage of the population consumes dog meat. However, it is still a lucrative trade.

We applaud Governor Ganjar Pranowo for his call to help put an end this brutal practice, and urge other provinces to follow suit.

Indonesia: Sign for Justice – Critically Endangered Sumatran Elephants Head Hacked off by Ivory Poachers. Get the Government to Act !

SIGN: Justice for Sumatran Elephant Brutally Decapitated, Tusks Hacked Off By Poachers


SIGN: Justice for Sumatran Elephant Brutally Decapitated, Tusks Hacked Off By Poachers

Posted by Ashley Locke | December 5, 2019


Petition Link:

Poachers left the corpse of a 40-year-old Sumatran elephant to rot on an Indonesian plantation after hacking off the majestic animal’s head.

“The elephant’s head had been cut off and its severed trunk was found a metre away from the body,” said Suharyono, head of a local conservation agency, in a statement. “We suspect the elephant was hunted and killed, and then its head was cut off to remove the tusks.”

The Sumatran elephant is listed as “critically endangered.” According to the World Wildlife Fund, “nearly 70 percent of [their] habitat has been destroyed in one generation.

Poaching has also skewed the breeding rates for these magnificent creatures, making it even more difficult for the species to survive.

Asian Species Expert Dr. Barney Long notes, “we could possibly see the Sumatran elephant be restricted to just a few remote populations within our lifetimes.”

Sign this petition today to urge the Indonesian government to do everything in their power to bring these poachers to justice, and work to protect the remaining animals. The Sumatran elephants must be protected before all hope is lost.

Australia: black christmas fires like 2001


Sydney disappears in the smog – triggered by bushfires that have been raging in Australia for months. Today at the news it said, the fire is out of control, the fire department can do nothing!



Sydney disappears in the smog – triggered by bushfires that have been raging in Australia for months. Today at the news it said, the fire is out of control, the fire department can do nothing!

It is the longest period of air pollution Sydney has ever experienced and there is no sign of recovery.
With a total area of ​​300,000 hectares in flames, the fire department could do nothing more to extinguish the fires, said New Rogers Deputy Fire Commissioner Rob Rogers.

“They will burn until conditions improve, then we will do our best to get them under control.”


Sydney, about an hour’s drive from the fire, is again enveloped in a toxic cloud of smoke.
Many people in the state capital of New South Wales only use masks to hit the streets. The New South Wales Department of Health warns against inhaling the harmful smoke!

Many people even fear that things will get worse, like the Black Christmas fires of 2001!

The Sydney area is now drier than it was before the Black Christmas fires of 2001.

These were the most terrible fires Australia had experienced so far.

On December 24, 2001, the bush fires began and lasted 23 days. The fires started in the Cessnock, Blue Mountains, Hawkesbury and Penrith areas, destroying almost 800,000 hectares.
During this time extreme weather conditions prevailed in all affected areas.

These included temperatures up to 45 ° C, wind speeds of 90 km / h and a very low humidity, which led to a very high risk of fire.
More than 11,000 people had to be evacuated from their homes.

But what Australia 2019 experienced, will far exceed the ‘Black Christmas’ fires “, because the real summer is yet to come. The water is running out. Sometimes some places have no water at all, not even for showers, because they have to be economical with what they have left.


Protest on November 8, 2019 in Sydney – due to water scarcity…


While the people in New South Wales are losing everything, even their health, the NSW government has provided mining companies with $ 2019 million in October to “harvest” raw materials just where it is burning, like lithium!

From the Walkabout Wildlife Park, as a precaution, 300 animals have been brought to safety, including lizards, peacocks, marsupials and Australian wild dogs.

Pandas are burning while sitting in the trees

In addition, thousands of animals have been killed since the end of October. The numbers on the koala population are alarming.

In the Lake Innes Nature Reserve alone in New South Wales, the Koala Conservation Agency estimated that 350 out of a total of approximately 600 animals were killed in the Hell of the Flames.


Association President Sue Ashton told the “Sydney Morning Herald” on Monday, “We believe that most of the animals are burned – it’s a huge cremation, like in a crematorium. They are burning in the trees. “

Biologists fear that some populations of Koalas will not recover from it.

“Many just do not want to believe that humans are responsible for this development, says Lesley Hughes, climate expert.


sheep mired in drainage canals at Lake Cawndilla.CREDIT:NICK MOIR


Up to the highest government circles, it is small talk or completely denied. “Climate change is merely sold as a newfangled invention”.

The coal industry is booming and is being defended by the conservative head of government.

A few days ago Prime Minister Scott Morrison dodged the question of whether climate change and the current bushfires are related. “I’m now taking care of people’s needs. The bluster of a few pure, enlightened and awakened big-city ecosets is inappropriate,” he said curtly.

 On November 08, 2019 at 3 pm in Port Macquarie, New South Wales. Locals say they have never seen such a thing so early and are afraid of the upcoming bushfire summer. Photo by Marc Dodd

My comment: The welcome media spectacle Greta Thunberg is arrived in Madrid to take part in the UN Climate Change Conference, and announces in big words: “Today we write history”.


Meanwhile, the forests in Amazon, in Australia, in Indonesia burn for the meat the participant of the conference.
They also write history, in the negative sense. And with our help.

Because billions of human animals can be manipulated by the brainwashing of economic fascism and contribute to climate change, environmental degradation, global warming and animal suffering with their meat and milk consumption.

For climate catastrophe, the cause number 1 is factory farming, but about that the meat mafia silences, Greta too.
The world produces 40 billion tons of CO₂ each year. 51% of all greenhouse gases emitted worldwide are caused by livestock.

If mass livestock farming continues, all livestock will consume about 80 percent of the world’s greenhouse gas budget by 2050.

And the greatest sinners are:

JBS, the largest meat company in the world, from Brazil
Tyson Foods, a meat company from the USA
Cargill, a meat company from the USA
Dairy Farmers, a milk producer from the USA
Fonterra, a dairy producer from New Zealand

Can Greta talk to them directly?
That would be more effective, because until now, her actions have eradicated nothing more than a climate hysteria, while the world dictatorship of the mega corporations destroyed climate, nature and animals.

If we want to prevent a world catastrophe with media spectacle then we write no history but we only expire to panem et circenses ( (bread and circuses) as in ancient Rome.

My best regards to all, Venus