Have A Positive and Great Year Campaigning in 2020 – From Mark and Venus.

Well here we are again drawing this time to the end of another decade – and despite all the bad issues that we have shown on the site; after all, that is what we exist for; to inform people about the bad stuff; with the hope of change; looking back it has also been a very productive year in 2019 for the welfare of animals.

Looking back; the recent disaster at Midia which took the lives of so many innocent sheep is one issue that I cannot forget. The authorities want us to, but after many years involved with live export; it is an issue very much engrained in my ‘system’; I hate it and will forever fight to stop it; all the way to the grave.

Animal Aid Unlimited in India are an organisation that I have so much respect for. Where do you start with them ?

23,550 calls requesting help for sick or injured animals in Udaipur. Each year more and more people in the city are becoming aware that they can do something when they see an injured animal, by a simple call for help, they are making their first step into becoming an animal protector.

9,384 animals were admitted in Animal Aid’s hospital to receive life-saving medical treatments for serious injuries and illnesses. About 26 new patients were taken in each day. We attempt to cover many of the stories here on WAV; just type in ‘Animal Aid Unlimited’ into the search box to get links to all the past videos.

In addition to the work back at base, AAU also provided 1,092 street treatments for animals who did not require full hospitalization. 1,317 dogs were spayed and neutered once they healed from their injuries. 3,728 incredible volunteers and visitors enriched the lives of animals, many of whom served the animals more than 2 weeks!

AAU also vaccinated 8,266 dogs against rabies both in their hospital and also directly on the street. Finally, 40 animal activists from across India have learned first aid principles and techniques from the intensive AAU First Aid Training Program.

Now that is something to be proud of, and we wish Erika and all the crew there an even better 2020 with their work.

Also, 2019 can be viewed as the year in England when the Hunting Act of 2004 was given long term protection and we will never legally return to the old days of wild animals being hunted to death by those with nothing more than a blood lust.

We must never forget Jill and the team at ‘Animals Asia; – it is probably best that we give their link as so many positives are covered. https://www.animalsasia.org/uk/our-work/ – with the young and a new positive view on how animals should be treated, we look forward to the day when bear bile farming and the dog meat trade in the Far East are confined as atrocities carried out in past times – rightly in history books where they belong.

The destruction of the Environment is a massive concern for every one of us. The deaths and suffering that is going on in Australia at this very moment, combined with recent events in Amazonia largely to increase space for cattle grazing at the cost of the indigenous peoples only shows that those in power there have one thing on their mind, and nothing else; and that is called ‘money’.

Circuses and sea life centres are really being shunned by the educated public now; and we very much welcome that. It is fantastic to see that some dolphins are even being returned to purpose built sanctuaries for them; where they can once again return to the type of lives that were cruelly taken from them in the past.

Turning to Serbia; it has been a positive year with regard the fur industry. We personally worked with the team at ‘Respect for Animals’ http://www.respectforanimals.org/ in England, and with Slavica and Serbian activists, supplying lots of information and undertaking lots of research which led to getting the fur farming ban introduced at the start of 2019; saving tens of thousands of Chinchilla in the process – http://www.respectforanimals.org/serbian-fur-farming-ban-comes-into-force/

In the United States, there have been some really positive moves; and we thank all our US visitors for the work they have done behind the scenes. California has become the first US state to ban the sale of animal fur products http://www.respectforanimals.org/history-made-as-california-fur-ban-becomes-law/ The new legislation, AB44, bans the manufacture and sale of new fur products across the state and is already considered to be the most ground-breaking moment for the anti-fur campaign for many years. We hope and look forward to other states following the example of California.

Staying in the USA, we have seen a lot of positives with regard ‘killing contests’ – where animals are deliberately killed for prizes etc. In recent months we have seen bans introduced in Massachusetts, Arizona, as well as Coyote killing contests in New Mexico.

Food has been a big issue in America; with many major food chains now providing plant based options as part of the menu. This is great news and reflects the huge amount of people that have decided to change to a plant based diet, thus contributing to cutting down on global warming which is an intrinsic part of the meat production system; and which is very much responsible for some of the huge fires that we have witnessed this year in Amazonia due to forest clearance to make more grazing area for meat cattle. Many of America’s largest food chains have now moved to producing Vegan foods for consumers as part of their range – https://worldanimalsvoice.com/2019/03/20/usa-americas-biggest-food-companies-are-moving-to-meatless/ .


We thank Stacey at Our Compass https://our-compass.org/ for working with us, and giving links to many issues and videos associated with a meat free Vegan diet. Thanks Stacey; and keep up the great work !

We also say “thank” to our companion commentator under the name “eparslavicaepar”, (Slavica – we know her) for the faithful accompaniment (almost) for each article. Comments are a strengthening of our work, even if they are critical!

Whizzing over to South Korea, we wants to give thanks and credit to Korean Dogs.org https://koreandogs.org/ for all their tireless work aimed at stopping the live dog and cat meat trade. On the site given, you can find endless ways to give your support to their work, and we encourage you strongly to do that.

Back here in England, we need to highlight the huge amount of work being done by CIWF all over the world on so many different farm animal issues;   https://www.ciwf.org.uk/our-campaigns/ from the ban the cages campaign in Europe, through to helping pig producers in China to be more animal welfare considerate and change (improve) their methods of farm animal husbandry.

All in all; we have just skimmed the surface of what has been a very positive and productive year (in 2019) aiming at helping animals across the world. We cannot cover everything as it would take far too long, but we know that you, our friends and supporters are able to investigate a lot more about specific issues that may be of concern to you.

To try and give you a little assistance, we have provided on our site an A to Z listing of major animal welfare organisations, complete with their web site links, in order that you can hopefully find out a bit more much easier. Here is the link to this section:


We wish you all a great year in 2020 campaigning for the rights of, and being a voice for animals all over the world. You usually find that animal rights people often have a big interest in human rights also; and we try to do a little here as well. Check out one of our links associated with the Amazon forest peoples https://worldanimalsvoice.com/2019/08/27/indigenous-ecuadorian-women-speak-out-to-support-the-brazilian-amazon-rainforest-people/

… and for me (Mark), I especially wish to give support to free Tibet from the current rule of China which is covered so fantastically by London based ‘Free Tibet’ – https://www.freetibet.org/

Be a voice and fight the fight – results are never immediate and campaigns can take a long time to win – just look at the League Against Cruel Sports (London) – formed in 1924; but it was not until 2004 that they managed to get Hunting with dogs stopped for wild animals – https://www.league.org.uk/about-us

Happy New Year for 2020 – Regards Mark and Venus.

We never lose the hope!

Dear readers, followers and animal rights activists,

The German dramatist Heiner Müller once said: “Optimism is a lack of information”!
Is that correct?
Is our hope of eliminating animal suffering based on a lack of information?

I would not say that!
We who fight for animal rights are better informed than ever before.
And everyone has access to information.

Today we have the Internet, the various animal welfare blogs that primarily seek objective and global information.
We report where there is new and old animal suffering, we clarify, we mobilize, we call for actions and demos, we always try to be on the side of the animals.

But we never lose hope because that’s what drives us, not optimism.
Because we believe in our mission: a better world for animals without concentration camps and places of mass destruction.

Our struggle is a struggle against a fascist exploitation system supported by billions of followers because this system has legalized the ruling human race.

We are fighting for the abolition of slavery by “others”, a form of rule based on the principle of power and not on justice.

As with any struggle for the rights of the weaker, this struggle for animal rights is a political struggle, it is the continuation of the struggle for human rights that has been achieved even after a long, hard struggle.



The animal holocaust is the worst capital crime in history.
Do we seriously want to abolish it?

Then let’s go to the new year with fight, power and hope !!

My best regards  and wishes to all,
