Australia: Live Exports Again; Now GOAT Exports – PM Gillard, DO What the People Ask – BAN IT !!


URGENT: Live goat exports exposed


Live Goat Export Cruelty Video:

Animals Australia Link:


Few Australians would realise that right now, in rural areas across the country, wild goats are being rounded up, packed in crates, and exported for slaughter. Even fewer have ever seen inside this trade.

Last month, Animals Australia conducted our first ever investigation in Malaysia—Australia’s largest live export market for goats. Once again, we discovered that the new live export ‘rules’ are being blatantly disregarded. And as a result, animals have been left totally exposed to cruel treatment.

Across 6 facilities in Malaysia, goats were filmed being roughly handled; stuffed into bags and car boots; and sold into unapproved facilities—often with their ear tags removed to conceal this clear breach of export regulations.

Like so many animals in the live trade, in their final moments of life, these goats had their throats cut whilst still conscious. You won’t witness such graphic vision in this video, but you will feel their pain, sense their fear and hear their cries.

This week Minister for Agriculture, Joe Ludwig, claimed that “99%” of exported animals are treated “humanely”. This could not be further from the truth. With a government and opposition who unwaveringly defend this trade, with regulations fundamentally failing to protect animals everywhere we look, it would appear that live exporters are getting away with 99% of the cruelty in this trade.

But with your help, we can ensure they can’t get away with it anymore. Every investigation, every email and phone call to a politician—every action you take—brings us a step closer to ending this trade in cruelty.

Please send an urgent message to our political leaders, calling on them to spare animals from such cruelty, by supporting a ban on live export.

Some years ago I had the pleasure of having a goat, Wilma, as part of my ‘animal family’ and can attest to how smart, playful and curious they can be. As companion animals they will show unconditional love and loyalty, just like a dog.

But this is also the face of a lesser-known victim of Australia’s live export trade. Never before has the Australian public seen a glimpse of what these highly intelligent animals face once they leave our shores — until now.

Animals Australia investigators recently returned from Malaysia — the largest export market for live Australian goats — where we documented their ‘journey’ for the very first time. What we witnessed was heartbreaking — but hardly surprising. In this, the 20th live export exposé, exporters were again caught flouting the ‘rules’ and abandoning frightened animals to a cruel and terrifying ordeal.

We’ve ensured that you won’t see any graphic images or slaughter vision in our latest investigation — which means that everyone can watch this important video and help share these animals’ stories. But we can tell you that after our cameras stopped filming, these animals will have shared the same fate that most Australian exported animals endure — their throats were cut while fully conscious.

If that sounds disturbing, consider for a moment that this week, Agriculture Minister Joe Ludwig insisted publicly that “99%” of exported animals are treated “humanely”. This is not only completely at odds with the evidence — it’s completely at odds with the views of most Australians who know that cutting the throat of a fully conscious animal is not an act that will ever be considered “humane”.

Mark, it’s hard to understand why our political leaders are so quick to defend live exports each and every time irrefutable evidence of animal cruelty is exposed — particularly when it is worth so little to the economy. There was a time we thought that presenting the evidence and the case for change would be enough, but increasingly we find ourselves engaged in a PR war against a barrage of lies and industry spin — convenient but false claims that many politicians seem to swallow all too easily. Your voice is the most powerful tool there is to remind our leaders that Australians won’t settle for spin while animals continue to suffer.

Every civilising step in human history has been fought and ridiculed before being accepted as self-evident. This battle wages fiercely because we are closer than ever before to ending live export — so we will continue to calmly rebut every untruth, thoughtfully answer every question, and passionately represent every animal.

This is our promise to them, and this is our commitment to you, our valued friends and cherished allies for animals.

Could you please spare one minute today, to click here and send an instant message on behalf of these animals?

Non Australians can still take part –

  • Under ‘1’ Take Action – ‘State’ – ‘Find my MP’
  • Use the drop down (under ‘State’) to go and select ‘Non Australian’.
  • Then follow the link below to use the International Action page.


Or use this link:

 With gratitude,

Lyn White
Campaign Director

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