Spain: Pig Farm Guilty Of Terrible Abuses In 2012 Is Now Exposed Again In 2018. So Much For EU Animal Welfare Enforcement !

All photos AE.

Back in 2012 we exposed work undertaken by Animal Equality regarding a pig farming facility in Murcia, Spain.  The animals are bred for the food company El
Pozo (the second largest pig meat producers in Spain).

The undercover footage that was obtained at the time (2012) showed:

  • Workers hitting pigs on their heads with iron bars, jumping on top of

    them, kicking them, and posing in front of a camera with the pigs

  • Workers attacking and killing pigs with metre length swords


  • The hitting of a pregnant pig with a bar before cutting her abdomen and

    uterus with a knife whilst she’s still conscious, then pulling of piglets

    out of her uterus and killing her because she isn’t fit for the



  • This pig, tied and immobilised, unsuccessfully tries to escape while the

    workers for several minutes pulls out the piglets. They remove her

    intestines, liver and other internal organs while she suffers terribly.

    The animal is left in agony with internal organs spread over the ground

    until she dies several minutes later.



You can see stills from the 2012 investigation here:



Video links:



Original SAV posts from 2012:


After the investigation, and as you can read in the Animal Equality PR of 2012, the manager of the farm was arrested:



And so; it was very disturbing, but not surprising, that on 5/2/18; some 6 years later; we hear of yet further abuses at the same facility; via Animal Equality and Venus.

Here is the translation sent to us by Venus:

Video link:

Animal Equality investigators documented extreme animal distress in a pig farm in Alhama de Murcia, Spain.

This Company-Farma, supplies the Spanish meat producer El Pozo, whose products are also available in Germany via Amazon and the supermarket chains Edeka and Rewe.

The cruel conditions in the factory have shocked even the veteran investigator team at Animal Equality.


–  Cut-off ears with marks are reminiscent of the tortured animals.

–  Many of the pigs show some serious injuries and unhealed fractures.

–  Dying and dead animals lie between the living conspecifics.
–  Countless animals are deformed by gigantic abscesses.
–  Some animals suffer from severe cases of intestinal breakage.


These conditions are an animal welfare scandaland also a health risk to the public.

If parts of the animals in the slaughterhouse are classified as “edible”, they end up in El Pozo products on the supermarket shelf.

We have reported these conditions to the relevant authorities and are calling for the closure of the facility.

In addition, we demand from El Pozo to take all necessary measures to prevent such animal suffering in the future.

Help us increase the pressure on El Pozo by asking Amazon, Edeka and Rewe to ban El Pozo products.

Please sign this petition of animal equality!

AE Link including same video footage and a Petition:


Best regards from Venus


This further expose; some 6 years on from the first; just goes to show how ineffective the whole meat producing industry is in ensuring the welfare of animals in its system.  We have exposed this so many times.  There is a meat Mafia which ensures that regardless of what is found; industry supportive politicians will do anything to overturn the evidence and to get the finances for the industry rolling back in.

Is not the Live Exports ban by Brazil a typical example of this ?


“On the 5th of February we are told that the courts have introduced a ban on live exports:

The Federal Court in Brazil has just used evidence of his abuse to suspend live animal exports from the country — determining that live export does not reflect Brazil’s animal protection laws or its societal values, nor does it satisfy international standards to which Brazil is a signatory”.


SAV Link:

Yet within a few hours of the ban being enforced by the courts; we are then informed that the injunction halting live exports from Brazil has been LIFTED !

This just shows what can be done with friends in high places – and how the meat mafia is closely linked with some politicians to ensure that, regardless of the evidence of cruelty presented, ‘their’ industry will continue as it is, turning blind eyes to animal abuse and at the same time attempting to present a squeaky clean image to the public – the consumer of their products.

The pig farm abuses shown above happened in Spain.  Spain is a member state of the EU.  Once again as we have said so many times before, the EU likes to have so many rules and regulations written down on paper; but the main problem is that it continues by never enforcing them in the way of prosecutions.

You have to ask what the whole MEP / EU Commission system is about when heads are turned in opposite directions to the obvious cruelties which are being presented.

Please check out the AE website for any immediate news on this incident.

We will continue to keep you informed when we have updated news.  SAV.


Why pay money into an EU ‘club’ which allows this to happen again some 6 years on ?

The EU did not sort it then; they most probably wont now.

Why is the EU Commission not taking severe action against Spain ???



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