Worth a Look – Petitions and Video.












Romania: Neanderthals in horse markets


Peport of PETA

Every weekend in Romania local markets take place, where horses are shown and sold with punches, brute force and brutality. Frequently, these horses are then stretched before carriages after their sale and must work hard until the end of their forces for humans.


In addition, the largest horse dealers in some communities once a year organize large, nationwide well-known markets selling hundreds of horses.
Since there are usually no official controls on these markets, extreme brutality and cruelty prevail there.
Raw violence is used to demonstrate the strength of the animals and thus to achieve the highest possible profit by selling the horses. In order to prove the strength of the horses, various cruel methods are used.



Almost every horse has thick welts or open wounds on the body. Whipping hunts, straining against tree trunks, boulders or carriages with their brakes on or tied wheels, some animals simply collapse.

To gather evidence against the traders and markets, we had to document the suffering of the animals.



Again and again the horses were beaten with whips. The men roared at the horses, who were trying hard to take a step forward. The sharp, rusty pieces pulled on the pines of the animals. With mouth wide open and puffy nostrils, they tried to move forward.

Some fell, but the whip forced them to get up and pull harder.

Teenagers and men waited around the cruel spectacle until it was their turn to whip the horses. Some sat on the tree trunks to further increase the draw weight.

Please sign and share the petition: https://www.peta.de/pferdemarkt-rumaenien


For more…at: https://worldanimalsvoice.com/2019/11/13/romania-neanderthals-in-horse-markets/


My comment: There are many such countries, such as Romania, in the EU, who dreamed of big money when they joined the EU.
They were given subsidies; actually, to adapt their laws and facilities for farm animals to EU “standards”, among others.

But the EU does not control any of its colonies; it claims that animal welfare is a national matter. And in practice also a paper thing!

And that is why the “stone age sadism” of many countries continues to flourish, as in the present case of Romania, which is not a symptom of the poor economy of the country, but a cultural disease of the people, which also with economic aid (subsidies) rather worse than cured would have been..

To the question … “and why may such countries stay in the EU” … we can simply answer:
Because almost every EU country has a big or small cultural defect.

-Germany is the worst country in Europe in Chapter “Animal Experiments”!

-Spain has demonstrably the worst entertainment industry in Europe with the bloody bullfighting.

-Denmark with its archipelago Faroe Islands, brutally slaughters a thousand whales, which is also considered a masculinity demonstration.

The list is long and the perpetrators are all member- servants of an oligarchy, the EU, which owes its existence just to such cultural defects.

The prevailing morality towards animals is, throughout Europe, a Neanderthal morality.

My best regards to all, Venus