The last journey



We wish you a nice time wherever you are now.
We wish you never again to experience suffering.
We wish you that you can finally experience love.
We wish you that you can see your family again.
We wish you warm touches of affection.
We wish you that someone tells you that everything will be fine.

Sleep well in a nicer place than this one.
One day, hopefully, we never have to write those lines again, because then we humans have realized that a short treat on the palate never be worth losing your life ❤️.

(from the blog of Martin Balluch)

My best regards, Venus


Lebanon: mass murder of migratory birds



New committee video shows night hunting for migratory birds: During our bird protection camp in Lebanon, committee staff documented the extent of illegal night hunting for migratory birds.

The video can be found here:



Lebanon – At Danniyeh dozens of hunters have been spotted hunting electronic owls and powerful searchlights for sheltered owls, goiters, corncraps and many other migratory bird species.

Our new committee video shows for the first time this shocking footage.
We hope that the publication will pay more attention to the public and to the authorities for this little-noticed form of environmental crime.

Especially nowadays, when people in Lebanon take to the streets every day against corruption and for more democracy, environmental issues are also increasingly perceived.

But there are also happy events in this sad and very dangerous job, and that is the rescue of a small, pretty owl in Cyprus.



Little Owl Saved: A team from the Committee Against Birds slaughter  (CABS) has found an active trap tomorrow morning near the small town of Vrysoulles in Cyprus.



They were just in time, because on one of the brutal adhesive traps had caught a little owl. The little owl was quickly released again into freedom.

Our team should not have arrived much later, because a short time later the poacher appeared to control his traps. It would undoubtedly have killed the owl.



The hunting supervisor, who was informed by us, was able to put the offender on his property two hours later – for the 77 lime rods he has to pay a fine of only € 250!

He will hardly be impressed by that – we will have to keep an eye on his garden.

My comment:There are always these perverse lust killers among us…

People have divided the earth among themselves as property and go so far as to deny the animals on their property the right to live – that is why animals are killed.

Of the many comments that appear in Facebook, you realize that many come up with an extensive anger and there are many who also ask why the Komitte still acts non-violently.

Well, yes! if all these commentators realize that these psychopaths have Kalashnikov, then a non-violent behavior remains the only option.

And the few know that the EU allows the shooting of 53 million wild birds (many strictly protected) just for fun!

Wars, torture, persecution, rape, violence, killing and execution as power instruments for the control of fellow human beings are no longer accepted in our cultural circles.

Only in hunting this power may be lived out.
Because in this bloody and mighty war it is the defenseless animals which are delivered as victims.

The hunters lead this war against the wild animals. We will be able to speak of peace in a civilized society when the pointless bloodshed has come to an end.


My best regards to all, Venus