Serbia: Horse Rescue Shelter – Please Crosspost Facebook Page If Possible Thank You.

We have been contacted by Ana in Serbia; who wrote to us on behalf of her friend who runs a horse shelter in Serbia.  Here is the link to the shelters Facebook page:  

We are trying to currently look into existing Serbia legislation regarding horse welfare, as it not something we have done before.  But we have liaised with Ana and said that even if Serbian horse law existed; in our opinion and experience, the Serbian authorities would ignore it just the same as they ignore legislation for stray dogs and cats.

Ana (being Serbian) is aware that the Serbian government could do a lot better when it comes to all animal welfare, but we are trying to help the horse shelter by giving out its Facebook link:

We will also be putting the link onto SAV Facebook page, where we hope a lot more Serbian campaigners and supporters will become aware of the excellent work being done to give help and support to the equine population.

If you can help in any way with a donation, then it would be greatly appreciated. 

Even if you cannot donate, please just spread the link around so that more people are informed of this horse haven.


Thank you – SAV.