England: Other Investigations Have Stopped Our Womens Day Posts.


We are aware that today is International Women’s Day, and we intended to do a post relating to that.


But well into this evening we have been doing Serbian pig farm investigation work which has taken all our time – as we feel that the EU need to see the video footage we have obtained.


We will possibly share the footage sometime in the future when we hopefully have more info on the evidence we have obtained.


Mark – SAV.

So sadly, no Women’s Day post today – but we celebrate anyway !




South Korea: Actions and News To Stop The Dog Meat Trade – Olympics Actions Here !



Click HERE to see this newsletter from our homepage.​

To the Sponsors of PyeongChang 2018 Winter Olympics in South Korea:
please help bring an end to the dog and cat meat trades in South Korea!

Please sign our petition and send email and postal letters to the Sponsors of PyeongChang 2018 Winter Olympics.



Click HERE to take action.




Pyeongchang’s project to hide the Dog Meat Restaurants
from Olympic visitors!

Please contact your country’s news media to write about this.

Now we have translations in Spanish, Greek, Russian,
​Japanese and Swedish and more to come.

The PyeongChang 2018 Winter Olympics is less than a year away. On our “Boycott PyeongChang 2018 Action Center” we have a list of actions you can take to protest South Korea’s horrific cruelty of its dog and cat meat industry.

Below is a translation of Korea Animal Rights Advocates’ (KARA) commentary regarding PyeongChang’s plan to dodge criticism of Korea’s dog meat cruelty. Please read and share. Click HERE to read from our homepage.

Gangwon Province is currently making preparations to welcome guests to the Winter Olympics, which will be held in February 2018. To alleviate the shortage of lodging accommodations and restaurants, and to create income for agricultural households, support will be provided to the hospitality industry to strengthen the spirit of service as well as networking with the local agricultural community to introduce Korean culture to the visitors. In addition, certain restaurants that may evoke negative emotions from foreign visitors will undergo renovations, including new signage, in order to conceal the underlying cause of the controversy and avert debate.

What is the underlying cause of the expected negative emotions from the Winter Olympics guests? 18 dog meat restaurants in Gangwon Province around Pyeongchang and Gangneung. The government will subsidize up to 10,000,000 won for each restaurant to change their signs (3,000,000) and renovate their facilities (7,000,000). 50% of the cost for this project will be paid by the Province and 50% by the city.



Click below to take more action:


New Friendship City Campaigns – Gyeongsan and Yeosu

Please take action to give a voice to the poor Korean dogs and cats.

Friendship City Campaign – Yeosu, South Korea – Seward, Alaska

Friendship City Campaign – Gyeongsan, South Korea – San Bernadino, California


The mayor of Long Beach, California responds ​with support for our campaign against the South Korean dog and cat meat industry.

We have received a response from Mr. Mark Taylor, Chief of Staff for the Mayor Robert Garcia, in Long Beach, California regarding our campaign, asking them to take action over the dog-meat trade in Pohang in South Korea. We are grateful to the Mayor and his office for responding to our concern so quickly, and especially appreciate the Mayor for supporting animal rights and opposing cruelty in the South Korea’s dog and cat meat trade.

Click HERE to learn more


SAV – Finally, there may be some good news for the future – read our good news post by clicking here:


We hope for better for the dogs of South Korea !





Serbia: Terrible Animal Suffering On Farm – But Serbian Agricultural Ministry Say ‘All Is Ok’ !!!

This new footage of a farm in Serbia has been forwarded to us.


Here is the video link to the new footage:




Once again; we are informed that the Serbian Ministry – the Chief of Veterinary Inspections at the Ministry of Agriculture have informed journalists and newspapers that ‘everything is ok’ !!


We would argue that the footage shown in the video does NOT show that everything is ok; quite the opposite.  But once again we have a Serbian government ministry living on a different planet to everyone else.  They appear to be able to see everything through rose coloured spectacles when everyone else sees only helplessness and misery for animals involved.


We have been in similar circumstances before; and guess what; when we questioned the terrible conditions in which cattle was kept in the past; the same Ministry replied with the very same comment – that everything is ok.


Here are the links to our old posts; which show the disgusting conditions in which cattle was being kept.  But as we say, all ‘ok’ in the eyes of the government Ministry Chief Veterinary Inspector.







We have provided the footage to our friends and colleagues at CIWF here in London – https://www.ciwf.org.uk/  – and they in turn have put both their Polish and Czech Republic office / campaigners onto this.


We are sending the footage to the EU Enlargement Commission who are responsible for monitoring Serbia’s application to become a member state of the EU.  This is not satisfactory animal welfare – the keeping of animals – especially if they are destined to end up in the human food (meat) chain.  The EU needs to take action and get Serbia to clean up its act in ALL areas of animal welfare.


We have worked with CIWF on this issue and have also asked that they provide evidence to the EU regarding in this instance what is an obvious abuse of farm animals / possible animals entering the human food chain.  We hope that the EU will make representations on this issue to the Serbian Veterinary Ministry, but as with most EU / animal welfare issues and the EU association with Serbia; we do not expect much !


If there is any further news regarding this issue we will naturally bring it to you – SAV.

