Serbia: A Special Appeal To Help An Old Couple Cover Costs For Caring For Many Ex Street Animals.


Update 27/3 – Come on folks, get your dosh out !!

(an English term for giving money).

Anything please – even a few dollars will help us to reach the target.

We need to do this as soon as possible – please help – Thank you. – SAV.

Update 25/3 – well done to those who have donated; a good result for a short time.

But we really need to do this please – so give anything you can, no matter how small or large the donation – it all adds up.

Thank you – with hope – SAV.

We are putting out this special appeal to help our friend Susann in Germany.

You can read the story below – but basically it is a request to help an old couple in Serbia with food for all the homeless cats and dogs that they help; often going without themselves to do it.

Please give anything that you can – any little helps and it all soon mounts up.

Please dig deep and give what you can – Thank You – SAV.

Urgent: help for old Serbian couple and their 60+ strays


Please look at the following link to see many more pictures of the animals:


Donation Link –

The Story

61 cats, 7 dogs and an elderly couple need urgent help.

Jelka and Branko live in Pancevo, a town close to the Serbian capital Belgrade. They’re both 65+ and not very well off, sometimes not having enough food for themselves, they go without in order to ensure the animals are fed in order to give them a better life than the one they had on the streets of Pancevo.

Luckily the very kind soul and animal rescuer Slavica happened upon them and is now helping them with the animals. Feeding them, heating the house in winter in order to keep them all warm as Serbia has extreme temperatures in the winter, spaying & neutering and getting the animals vaccinated or to the vets if they are sick is very time and money consuming. Especially because no one has a car and it is 4 bus rides away.

A small facebook group ( is helping Slavica, Jelka and Branko with a bit of money monthly but it is not enough to cover everything that is needed.

Things seem to get worse instead of getting better. Branko had a stroke and it is still unsure if he will survive. A new law requires all cats to be chipped and vaccinated incurring more costs, the fence is broken, etc… Slavica, Jelka and Branko need you to help them and would be forever grateful for any donations.

Donation Link –








England: Sheep.



Seal Slaughter / Dog Stomped To Death – Take Action Here.


You know who doesn’t wear seal fur? Just about everyone.

No caring person wants Canada’s commercial seal slaughter to continue—which is why 35 countries around the world have already banned imports of seal-derived products and Canadian citizens continue to speak out against the barbaric practice of shooting and clubbing tens of thousands of baby seals to death every year.

Canada is about to turn 150 years old, and to celebrate, we’re calling on its prime minister, Justin Trudeau, to stop using Canadian tax dollars to support the mass murder of baby seals.


Tell Canada’s prime minister to stand up for seal pups!




Dog Found Bound and Stomped to Death

Demand Justice

Target: David Leyton, Prosecuting Attorney for Genesee County, Michigan

Goal: Seek maximum penalties for those allegedly responsible for binding a dog with tape and beating the poor animal to death.

The remains of a Shih Tzu mixed-breed dog were found days after the animal had been tortured, stomped to death, and left by the roadside. Photos of this shocking discovery appeared on social media after local Sheriff Robert Pickell urged residents to speak up, and called for tougher penalties for animal abusers. Within days, a tip was received, which led to the arrests of a couple living near where the dog had been found. The tip had come from the mother of one of the alleged abusers, who was concerned for the well-being of her grandchildren after learning what had happened to the 7-year-old dog.

Allegedly, one of the abusers, Nathan McCue, had gotten enraged after the dog, Dakota, had urinated on his clothes. What happened next is unthinkable. According to police, it is suspected that both McCue and his girlfriend Jessica Brown proceeded to bind the dog’s feet and face with electrical tape and tied him to a tree. They then reportedly stomped on the dog’s neck and back until he died.

This couple has allegedly committed a disgusting crime against this innocent animal and must be punished, if found guilty. The fact that they had small children in the home is troubling, considering the fact that if a dog’s misbehavior could prompt such malice, one wonders what could have happened to a child who had done similarly. McCue has a prior history of violence, which means he should be considered particularly dangerous if found guilty of this crime.

Too many dogs have suffered in Michigan with too little done in response. Just earlier this month in the same county, a man received a paltry $375 fine after he plead no contest to charges that he had beat and starved his three dogs. This level of leniency is inexcusable, and should not be applied to this case or any other cases of abuse going forward. Please sign this petition to demand that this case be taken seriously and that these alleged abusers get served the maximum penalties, should they be found guilty.

Dog Found Bound and Stomped to Death

Demand Justice


Dear Prosecuting Attorney Leyton,

Shocking photos of a dog lying dead and bound with electrical tape that were posted by a Genesee County Sheriff are heartbreaking and difficult to view. The dog in the photos, a 7-year-old Shih Tzu mix named Dakota, had his feet and head bound before he was stomped to death. The reason for this shocking act of cruelty? The dog had apparently urinated on his owner’s clothing.

This inexcusable behavior cannot be tolerated. If the two suspects are found guilty, they must not be allowed to remain free and able to cause more harm to other animals or to their children. If such malicice could be carried out against a helpless animal, one wonders what they are capable for doing to another human being, particularly one reliant on their care.

More must be done to prosecute and punish those who abuse animals in Genesee County. Earlier this month, a man named Lavelle Gulette pleaded no contest to charges he had beaten his dogs and starved them, and was given only a $375 fee.

We cannot allow these two alleged criminals to get off so easily should they be found guilty. I urge you to do all you can to seek justice for this dog so that his death will not be in vain.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Sheriff Robert Pickell





England: Farm Worker Charged With Cruelty To Cows and Calves Under The Animal Welfare Act – Result !!

You may remember a few post which we did at the end of last year regarding abuses on a dairy farm in Somerset, England:


Well now we can share an update to this – and we are really pleased to say that one of the dairy workers has now been formally changed following the investigation.

Dear Mark

As a valued Animal Equality supporter, I wanted you to be one of the first to know that – as a result of footage captured by Animal Equality investigators – a worker on Pyrland dairy farm in Somerset has been charged with two counts of cruelty to cows and calves under the Animal Welfare Act.

The scenes of this young farm worker violently kicking cows and throwing calves against the wall were truly horrifying, and thanks to your support he will be prosecuted for these terrible acts. A court date has not yet been set, but we will keep you updated when we know more.

In case you haven’t see the footage which we released at the end of December, you can watch it here:

Please share it widely and help alert others to the suffering of mother cows and their calves in the dairy industry. Encourage them to sign our LoveVeg pledge for FREE advice and recipes for dairy-free eating.

Thank you for helping to bring perpetrators of such unthinkable cruelty to justice.


Toni Shephard

Exec Director – AE UK.