EU: Revealed: exported EU animals subject to abuse and illegal conditions.


Read the article here also, which is repeated below.  Access this following link to see many photographs which we have not included – SAV.



Revealed: exported EU animals subject to abuse and illegal conditions


Undercover videos show EU cattle and sheep being beaten, given electric shocks, and inhumanely slaughtered at destinations in Turkey and Middle East.

Animals exported live from EU countries are routinely being subjected to abuse, illegal transportation conditions and inhumane slaughter, an investigation has found.

Dozens of undercover videos and photographs obtained by the Guardian show live cattle and sheep from EU countries being beaten, shocked with electric prods, held for days in overcrowded pens and covered head to toe in faeces as they are transported from Europe to their final destinations in Turkey and the Middle East in conditions that breach European law.

At their destination, at least some of the animals are slaughtered in appalling conditions. The footage shows cattle and sheep from France, Romania and Lithuania kicking and flailing violently as their throats are crudely cut or sawed at repeatedly, often in crowded street markets and run-down abattoirs.

The footage was collected over eight months by campaigners from the Australian animal rights charity Animals International, who worked undercover in Croatia and six Middle Eastern countries to follow animals from their departure at European ports through to destination.

The evidence they collected shows clear breaches of a number of European laws in almost every country the campaigners visited. European legislation maintains that export livestock must receive certain standards of care throughout the entire journey, including any stages that occur entirely in third countries. The standards dictate that animal handlers must carry out their task without violence or any method likely to cause unnecessary fear, injury or suffering; that transport and loading equipment must be designed, maintained and operated so as to avoid injury and suffering, and that transport is carried out without delay and at the minimum possible length.

The Guardian asked Conte & Giacomini, an Italian law firm specialising in animal rights and shipping and transport law, to review the evidence. They responded: “We might deem that the transports shown in the footage are all in breach of the [EU] Regulation EC No 1/2005 [on the protection of animals in transport].

“Moreover, we could also state that, according to the ruling of the European court of justice and to the interpretation of the regulation EC No 1/2005, the competent authorities of the member states of departure shouldn’t even have authorised these transports as they couldn’t ensure that provisions would be met,” they said.

In an EU port in Croatia, the video shows animals from at least five European countries, including Germany, Hungary, Romania, Poland and Slovenia, waiting to be loaded on to a vessel headed to Beirut. Cattle and sheep are seen being kicked, beaten and shocked with electric prods to the anus while being loaded on to the ship. A sheep is shown being picked up by an animal handler and thrown on to the boat; cows slide backwards on to each other while trying to climb steep loading ramps.

At a port in Turkey, footage shows cattle being unloaded from a vessel that has arrived from Ireland after a voyage of almost two weeks. Their hair is thick with faeces from the journey as they are crammed on to a small and open-topped truck to be transported along the next leg of the journey. In Palestine, Romanian cattle travelling unharnessed in the back of an overcrowded truck are shown being thrown violently against the railings, causing clear distress to the animals.

While European legislation covers EU export livestock up until they are unloaded at their final destination, it does not apply to the final stages of the animal’s life. The footage shows repeated instances in multiple countries of animals being brutally slaughtered. In a street market in Jordan, a Romanian sheep spasms violently across the blood-soaked pavement after its throat is cut. In an abattoir in Turkey, French cattle hang by one leg from the ceiling, kicking and twisting violently as their throats are repeatedly cut at.

An Animals Australia investigation in 2011 showed the poor treatment of animals being exported to Indonesia. After a public outcry, a ban was temporarily introduced and new regulations were imposed. They include a responsibility to ensure that both the handling and slaughter of the animals in the importing country complies with the animal welfare recommendations of the World Organisation for Animal Health.

Exports of livestock from the EU to the Middle East have grown rapidly in the past two years, with exports of cattle doubling since 2014 to 650,000 last year, while sheep exports rose by a quarter to 2.5 million, mostly to Libya, Lebanon and Jordan.

The increase in exports coincided with a landmark legal case at the European court of justice in 2015, in which the judge ruled that any transport provider carrying livestock from the EU to third countries must take steps to prove that they have complied with EU legislation throughout all stages of the journey. Transport providers are required to submit a log detailing their journey to the national authorities in the country of departure. It is these national authorities who are responsible for enforcing European regulations.

However, EU officials, member states and animal rights groups have repeatedly claimed that enforcement is poor across much of the continent. In November 2016, a paper presented by several member states to the European agriculture council called on the European commission to address the problem. It stated: “The continuing shortcomings in enforcement [of animal welfare in export laws] is simply not acceptable. Since the entry in to force of Regulation 1/2005 [on the protection of animals during transport], there have been numerous examples of infringements and lack of enforcement. Both member states and commission have to intensify their efforts to put an end to transports that are in obvious breach of the regulation”.

Animal rights groups including the Animal Welfare Foundation (AWF) and Tierschutzbund Zürich believe that financial motives drive many export and transport enterprises to breach European animal protection regulations, as it reduces costs and administrative charges. As a result, enterprises are encouraged to operate in member states with poorer enforcement of EU law.

This view appears to be supported by the European commission’s own Animal Welfare Strategy 2012-2015, in which the commission notes that “a diverging interpretation of [protection of animals in transport] rules may result in market distortions which, combined with reduced profit margins and different administrative costs, could put a transport business operator in a difficult situation. Furthermore, a lack of vigour in enforcement may put compliant transporters at disadvantage”.

After watching the footage, MEPs from Germany, France, Lithuania and Finland said they are calling on the European commission for stronger enforcement of existing laws and an extension of legislation to cover the slaughter of European-bred animals in third countries.

Sirpa Pietikäinen, a Finnish MEP and president of the European parliament’s Intergroup on the Welfare and Conservation of Animals, said: “These shocking revelations should be the final frontier for the European commission to take this seriously. We need EU strategy on this issue. Better law enforcement, agreement with supervision on slaughtering practices, with the goal of ending the transportation of living animals for slaughter to third countries.”

The MEPs join a growing movement that is calling for reform of Europe’s animal transport regulations. The Eurogroup for Animals, the EU umbrella group for animal advocacy organisations, has collected more than 700,000 signatures urging the EU to put an end to long distance transport of live animals.


Europe is to all effects exporting massive animal cruelty, which is largely invisible for EU citizens”, says Reineke Hameleers, Eurogroup’s director. “It is crystal clear that the transport regulation is not fit for purpose and that we should move towards a food system where animals are reared and slaughtered as close as possible to the place where they are born. This is not only paramount for animal welfare but also essential for food security, the environment and to protect public health.”

A European commission spokesman told the Guardian “The level of enforcement of existing EU legislation on animal welfare during transport has improved over the last years (SAV Comment – ARSEHOLES!!)  and has been considered one of the key priorities of the directorate general for health and food safety. Although the responsibility for the enforcement lies primarily with the member states, the commission has made considerable efforts to improve the enforcement and provides active assistance to member states.”  


Talk to Mr ‘I can do nothing’ Van Goethem (pictured above) – so he and the Commission have made considerable efforts ???

The spokesman said: “The EU has limited power to enforce the union legislation on animal transport within the territory of non-EU countries. The commission will continue supporting training activities on animal welfare during transport and at slaughter, including for non-EU countries.”

The European commission has failed to respond to pressure on the protection of animals in transport before.

In early 2016, animal rights groups Tierschutzbund Zürich, the AWF and Eyes on Animals presented the commission with a 1,000 page report detailing hundreds of cases of illegal treatment of animals being transported over land between Europe and Turkey in the hot summer months. The NGOs claim the commission ignored all their requests, including an appeal for transport of live animals to Turkey in the hottest summer months to be halted.

Iris Baumgärtner, project manager at AWF, said: “Despite the fact that the commission and the member states have been well informed since 2010 of the suffering of animals transported to Turkey, the situation remains unchanged and the numbers of animals being exported are increasing. The commission and member states are ignoring the core elements of their own regulations.”

The governments of Ireland, France, Germany, Romania, Hungary, Lithuania and Poland did not respond to requests for comment. The Slovenian agriculture ministry said: “Should the Slovenian competent authority receive any information on any non-compliances in live animal consignments aboard any vessels, we would immediately institute an investigation into the problem and, based on investigation results, we would institute the required and prescribed measures for the prevention of any subsequent non-compliances.”

The Croatian agriculture ministry said they saw no truth in the accusations and that necessary procedures and checks in line with the EU regulation are implemented in order to ensure animal welfare. They said competent veterinary authorities were always present “in order to monitor and undertake necessary corrective measures if irregularities are detected”.





SAV Comment – so all the evidence gathered is wrong ?

Good job we can rely on the EU to ensure there is full protection for

all animals in transport – re Regulation 1/2005  !!


Go to ore ‘Search’  box at the top right and type in ‘Turkey exports’ to

see all of our past involvement with this campaign.



USA: Things Will Get Hotter, Dirtier and More Pollutive Under The New Emperor.



… but you know what USA; you voted for him !!!



Last night, President Trump made his first speech to the joint session of Congress — a speech in which he pledged to work with both parties to “promote clean air and clean water.”

But talk is cheap. Look at what he’s actually doing. Just hours before the speech, Trump issued a new executive order revoking President Obama’s landmark Clean Water Rule, which protects drinking water sources for 117 million Americans.

And his pledge to protect clean air?

His proposed 25% budget cut to the EPA would cripple the agency’s ability to monitor smog and other dangerous pollutants and enforce bedrock environmental laws.

What’s more, Trump affirmed his commitment to bulldoze ahead with the destructive Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelinesdirty fossil fuel projects we know will jeopardize our clean air and water and drive more climate-wrecking carbon pollution.

NRDC is already fighting back on multiple fronts to defend our environment, our climate and our health. And more than ever, we need you to stand with us. Slashing critical funding for the EPA could force the agency to cut 1 in 5 of its employees and make it virtually impossible for the agency to do its job of standing up to industrial polluters, cutting climate pollution and enforcing fundamental laws that protect our air, water and health.

And it’s Trump’s new EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt — a climate denier who filed 14 different lawsuits to undermine the very agency he is now leadingwho’s in charge of our environmental future.

Vital EPA functions could be eliminated by Trump’s and Pruitt’s promised budget cuts, including:

  • Cleaning up oil spills

  • Monitoring and limiting climate-wrecking pollution from power plants and cars and trucks, smog and other air pollutants that threaten our health

  • Implementing energy efficiency programs for appliances, computers and other products

  • Ensuring the safety of chemicals in consumer products and pesticides in our food

  • Protecting our clean air and drinking water, lakes, rivers, streams and wetlands — programs which comprise some 40% of the EPA’s total budget

That’s why it’s up to people like you, me and our 2.6 million NRDC members and activists around the country and around the world to defend our planet and future generations of Americans. Support NRDC as a Monthly Partner and you become the backbone of our grassroots team. Every monthly gift you make is tax-deductible and goes directly toward helping NRDC fight the Trump administration’s anti-environment assault and defend our environment on all fronts.

Nobody voted in November for dirty water, polluted air, and climate chaos.

With your help, we’ll fight as hard as we can to protect our clean air and water, our climate and our health — in the courtroom, in Washington, and in town hall meetings, rallies and local government offices across the country. Please stand with us.

Thank you for your support.


Rhea Suh President, NRDC









Japan: Taiji Dolphin Hunt Season Now Ended. 569 Dolphins Slaughtered; 235 Taken Captive.



Dear Mark,

TAIJI – Officials have confirmed the end of the 2016/2017 drive season in Taiji, Japan.

For six months, our Cove Monitors have stood on the shores of the cove to observe and report the hunts, while you have been by our side in unity. Together we have seen dolphins manhandled, injured, captured and slaughtered. Pods have been decimated, all in the interest of profit.

This season, a total of 34 drives took place, involving six species of dolphins. We estimate approximately 569 dolphins were slaughtered, while 235 were taken captive. Many more may have died as a result of the drives themselves, their numbers never recorded.



Those taken captive now face a lifetime of suffering, trapped in tanks and forced to entertain in exchange for dead fish. While the hunts have technically ended, the aftermath of misery continues for those held prisoner in Taiji’s pens and for the ones shipped to marine parks around the world.

Dolphin Project extends a huge “THANK YOU” to those who watched our broadcasts, shared this information and took the pledge NOT to visit a dolphin show, or participate in swim-with programs. We are grateful to each of you who lent your voices in support. We vow to continue our efforts to protect dolphins from abuse and slaughter, and hope you will continue to stand by our side.

Read our full recap here.



Watch the London Taiji demo (with music by the brilliant David Bowie) which took place on Saturday – 16/1/16 by clicking on the following:



