Serbia: Video Exposes Serious Concerns For Both Animal And Human Health.


Video link:—17032017.html


We currently have only a few basic facts relating to this.  They include:

It is in a region called ‘Mosorin’ which is to the North of Belgrade and to the East of the city of Novi Sad.

The location is on a meadow type land; and in the video you can see a 3 metre deep hole / pit down which villagers and farmers are supposed to put (dump) the bodies of dead animals.  Despite this so called ‘disposal facility’; villagers leave dead animals on the surface ground of the meadow area – as you can clearly see.  Dead cattle carcasses are strewn over the whole area.  We are talking mainland Europe here, not a desert region in Africa !!

You can also see in the video campaigners from ‘Animal Rescue Serbia’ going down into the disposal pit area to rescue many dogs which have become trapped there.  We cannot confirm but we have a very strong suspicion that these dogs are strays which have been enticed into the area by the easily available ‘food’’ source which they can get from the dead cattle.  This is an issue which we have been exposing for many years – see a lot more (and almost identical pictures) at

We cannot confirm, but looking at the footage, rather than the use of the disposal hole / pit for the dumping of animal bodies; everything else (including cardboard, cans litter) seems to be thrown down there !  It appears that no cover for the hole / pit exists which could cause very serious injury to both humans and animals especially wandering at night.  Is this how the dogs became initially trapped in the hole / pit we ask ? – did they fall during darkness ?

Live sheep are wandering round the meadow area in this video and can be clearly seen.  We ask if they are not also vulnerable to also falling into the hole at night, just like the dogs which are now being rescued.  Looking at the square access to the ‘hole’ into this pit, there is a lot of dirt on the immediate surface and no visible signs of any cover (in the video) or securing facilities for a cover.  Thus we believe that this pit is open at all times.

We think that the stray dogs which fell into the hole may have survived down there by eating the one dead animal in the hole, which can be seen in the video.  There is no water access.  How did this farm animal get there ? – disposed of as dead or simply fallen whilst alive ?

We understand that the Republic Veterinary Inspection has associated with events here and that they are supposed to be producing a report on this; but we do not hold our breath.  We also question if this facility is formally acceptable; as decomposing animal carcasses in the hole (maybe including dead dogs as well as cattle) would break down / decompose and make their way into the water table which could be used for drinking water by humans in the area.

We question also the fact that Serbia is a ‘Candidate Country’ for membership of the European Union (EU).  Does the EU find facilities such as this acceptable we would ask ? – hence the urgent need for the official report from the Republic Veterinary Inspection to be produced – which we can then forward on to departments at the EU – making them fully aware as necessary.

We hope to be able to provide further updates to this, but we are unsure at present if the Serbian Ministry will actually take it any further or if this will be yet another situation deemed ‘ok’ and which will be swept under the carpet.

SAV – with full help and information from Slavica.


Comment from Venus:

I don`t know if I would see the same pictures in a desert region in Africa as those from the European region of Mosorin in Serbia.

I have never been to Africa. I know, however, that such pictures were given in Europe 500 years ago. When the people themselves lived in pits. But this is not the issue now. I know with certainty that I would not care if a man falls into the pit. The pit has been made by human hand against animal life. Therefore, I would not care whether a one falls, or the criminals of the village drink contaminated water. First of all, I would be interested in the life and safety of animals living in the area.

I would close immediately this hole dangerous for animals. And I would make a video of it. Because I take over the work of the city, the authority, and that must be documented. I would send the video to the responsible ministry with the reference, I also sent it to Jean Claude Juncker, the President of the European Commission. Not because I expected something from the last. But when the Ministry learns this, hope does not put the matter under the carpet. Why the hole is open is secondary.

The main thing is to close it. For the safety of the animals.

There is a nice Japanese saying: ” Fix the problem, not the blame”.
