USA: Keystone Pipeline Exempt From “Buy American” Order.





Smug for broken pre election promises ?





Bee Defenders and Bee Killers Have Now Finished In Court – Now We Wait For The Verdict By Judges.



Mark, thank you.

Last month, thanks to your donation, the Bee Defenders Alliance were at the European Court of Justice standing up for the bees.

Your donation meant this small group of independent scientists and beekeepers were able to take on the world biggest pesticides companies – Bayer, Syngenta and BASF. The team were all so grateful for your support.

The hearings have now finished and right now the judges are considering the case.


There were some outrageous claims made during the hearings, Syngenta’s corporate lawyers told the court they’re the ones trying to protect the bees – saying the idea they would market a product that harmed bees is “absurd”. They even said their neonic pesticides are so safe you can drink them!*

Thanks to your generosity the Bee Defenders Alliance lawyers were there to call out all of their lies for what they were. They made it clear that neonic pesticides are bad news for bees – and for all of us! This would not have been possible without you, so thank you.

As well as raising money to support the case we delivered over 57,000 messages of support from SumOfUs members to the Bee Defenders Alliance — they were hugely grateful to know there were so many people standing with them.



Here are just a few of the messages:

– “
You’re not just beekeepers, you’re the keepers of our collective future.
– “You have the support of thousands. We are right with you.
– “Thank you for your amazing work and dedication to bees, nature, and our future.
– “Thank you for caring enough for our planet and insects to fight on their behalf. Our future generations owe a debt of gratitude to you.

We’ll get back to you (hopefully with good news!) when the verdict is delivered.

In the meantime thank you for standing up for the bees
Tricia, Wiebke, Liz and the team at SumOfUs

P.s. This was only possible thanks to your support. But there are still battles we need to fight to save the bees. Chip in so that we can keep standing up to the corporate giants putting profit before the environment.

* Please don’t drink pesticide! Drinking even a very small amount can cause significant harm to humans.


Working for Bees – Denise and Mark in front of their ‘Bee Hotel’ (made from drilled logs and individual bamboo canes) which has thousands of individual chambers for bees to lay eggs for new generations.





3/3/17 – Today is World Wildlife Day.


3/3/17 – Today is World Wildlife Day.

Today’s World Wildlife Day theme is “Listen to the young voices.”. Those voices often say: “I want my world to be full of wildlife and wild spaces.”

It’s within our power – yours and mine – to make their dream come true. But Africa’s most iconic species is rocketing toward extinction as poaching, habitat loss, human-wildlife conflict and climate change accelerate. Join us as a monthly donor to safeguard wildlife against these threats.

Our children shouldn’t have to settle for a handful of species surviving only in zoos when once they roamed across Africa. Keep their dreams a reality. Give monthly.

Thank you,

Patrick Bergin, Ph.D
Chief Executive Officer


I can’t imagine it, can you? Africa… without its iconic giraffes?

The fact is, this elegant and graceful species is in serious trouble.

The giraffes’ status was recently downgraded from “least concern” to “vulnerable to extinction.” Habitat loss is the giraffe’s greatest threat. But human-wildlife conflict also reduces their numbers.

Sadly, the tallest species in the world is rarer than scientists previously understood, with numbers plummeting as much as 40 percent in the last 30 years.

There is hope. In Niger, we trained wildlife guides and authorities to increase monitoring, plant seedlings, adjust land use and educate local communities. This helped the critically endangered West African Giraffe build up its population from 200 to 450.

Wildlife protection strategies like this are at work to save beloved species like elephants, lions and gorillas throughout Africa. But we need your help to expand.

Mark, if you’ve been looking for a truly meaningful goal, reach toward this one. Africa’s wildlife is in real danger. But with you at our side each month, we can save giraffes and other iconic species.







Serbia: 5 Beautiful Dogs Looking For A Forever Home.


Five beautiful dogs ready for adoption, looking for a home.

Please share.

Contact Gordana-Doda Steti…




UK: Almost 500 Animals Dead At UK Zoo – In The UK, How Do Authorities Allow This To Happen ?


Inspectors find suffering and unnecessary deaths at South Lakes Safari Zoo


Controversy surrounding South Lakes Safari Zoo in Cumbria has been going on for years. Of course, many of us will remember the tragic death of Sarah McClay who died when attacked by a Sumatran tiger who had managed to escape through an unlocked gate. Aside from these obvious health and safety concerns which the owner was eventually prosecuted for, concerns about the animals were raised with us by members of the public. This led to us closely monitoring the zoo, as we do with many zoos around the country.

When the Zoo License for the zoo was up for renewal in July 2016, the council chose not to renew it, a strong action from the council which indicated major problems at the zoo.  On a visit we carried out at the zoo later that month, our investigators filmed and photographed animals with health or welfare concerns on display to the public like those shown below. On one of the hottest days of the year, the penguins were a sad sight to see with no water in their pool for them to swim in. There were no signs explaining why and no keepers to be seen.

Read more at:

Major and local newspapers across the UK reported on the story today, including the Guardian, The Times and the BBC.

A keeper at the zoo informed inspectors that she was told by the management ‘if there were any further deaths, she was to just dispose of the bodies and not to tell anyone.’

Inspectors have quite clearly stated that the blame falls to David Gill, the licence holder, for the suffering and some of the deaths of the animals. They concluded in a report to the council ‘The conditions that theses animals are being held in, is quite frankly appalling, and has led directly to the death of a number of them.’ They advised the council to prosecute David Gill under Section 4 of the Animal Welfare Act for allowing the animals to suffer.

SAV Comment – It all looks very impressive on their website; but does reality show another truth ?


A statement from our friends at the Captive Animals Protection Society (CAPS)



We submitted all of our findings to the local council who have welcomed us to join their committee meeting NEXT Monday, 6th March.

Here they will discuss and decide on the latest application to renew the zoo licence.

Our Campaigns Director, Nicola O’Brien and I will be there to represent you and the animals, to push for the application to be rejected and for the zoo to be closed down for good. 





South Korea: New Presedential Leader Brings Hope For Animals. USA Governor Puts Economics Before Animal Welfare – Very Trump !



Soon, there will be a Presidential election in South Korea, 60 days after the final ruling by the Constitutional Court, impeaching their current president, Geun-Hye Park (the first female president in Korea) who is accused of corruption.

Even if the court rules in her favor, Park’s term will come to an end in just one year.

Right now in Korea, the presidential hopefuls’ campaigns are in full swing. The unchallenged frontrunner in the poll is Mr. Moon Jae-In and he is the most likely candidate to strengthen the Animal Protection Law and help the animals in Korea.



We support him and his pledge to lead his nation into a more ethical and compassionate society by improving the welfare of animals.

He has posted a story about a stray dog who came into his life and what he had learned from that experience.

Click HERE to read and please share.



Moon Jae-In responds to animal friends:

I was happy because I had companions like Jjingjjing and Maru.
They gave me much comfort and joy.
Now, it’s my turn to help them.

I will strengthen the Animal Protection Laws and Animal Administration.
There will be no more cruel slaughter or burying alive of animals.
In order to stop the animals being killed in laboratory testing, I will ban all animal testing in the cosmetic industry and I will invest in researching the alternatives.

I will try to improve the lives of abandoned and stray animals.

You must be happy before we can be happy.
Now together, we may dream of happiness.






Please join us to speak out against the South Korean dog and cat meat cruelty.

Join our Thunderclap campaign to say “Boycott PyeongChang 2018 Olympics in South Korea”!


Click HERE to join TODAY.
Click HERE for more Thunderclap Campaigns you can join.



Putting Economics Before Animal Welfare  – Michigan Governor’s Office replies, but declines to take action.


We received a response from the offices of Governor Rick Snyder, in Michigan, regarding our campaign asking them to take action over the dog-meat trade in Gyeonggi Province in South Korea, who they have business-related agreements with.

And, whilst we are grateful for a response from Governor Snyder’s Office (on so many occasions we fail to get any sort of response from the many people and offices contacted across the globe), we are disappointed to hear that all they advise is for us to contact ‘the entities in question directly’ in South Korea.

The Governor’s representative also states that Michigan does not have a friendship agreement with South Korea, only various agreements for the benefit of economic growth etc., from which we infer that they feel unable to address the dog-meat issue with their counterparts.

We feel that they could have taken simple action, like many Mayors have done, but they declined to do so and have chosen to look the other way, putting their economic interests first and ignoring the immense suffering and terrible injustice inflicted on these animals.

Click HERE to learn more.

Click HERE for up to date status of our Sister City Campaigns.



Friendship State Campaign – This time it’s Jeollanam Province.

Jeollanam Province has 3 Friendship States in US – Virginia, Arizona and Maryland.

Please take action urging these states to speak out for the Korean animals.

Friends don’t let friends kill dogs.

Friendship State Campaign – Jeollanam Province, South Korea – Virginia

Friendship State Campaign – Jeollanam Province, South Korea – Arizona

Friendship State Campaign – Jeollanam Province, South Korea – Maryland

Friendship City Campaign – Jeonju, South Korea – Honolulu, Hawaii