USA: President Trump – “Making America Cough More Again” !

SAV Comment – Sensible nations like the UK and France already have major daily taxes on polluting vehicles that have to drive into cities such as Paris and London.  £11-50p a DAY in London


So Trump is going to build more polluting cars !  – but we ask; where is he going to sell them all ? – Europe certainly will not buy – they are trying to reduce pollution in their nations, not create more.  Free gas mask with every flight to the USA !

Above USA air pollution map


Today in Detroit, President Trump took another giant step backwards in our fight against climate change. He just directed the EPA to start dismantling critical clean car standards.

With this announcement, Trump and climate-denying EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt are caving to pressure from car companies and the oil industry — and sending one more undeniable message that they will continue escalating their assault on our environmental laws and years of climate progress.

Will you speak out now against this giveaway to big polluters and show Donald Trump and Scott Pruitt that you and thousands of others across the country won’t back down from this full-blown fight for our environment?

DENOUNCE THEIR ACTIONS: Tell Trump and Pruitt you’re committed to fighting their dangerous anti-environment agenda every step of the way.

Keeping these clean car standards in place would cut in half dangerous carbon pollution from cars and trucks, save us billions of dollars a year on gas and reduce our dependence on climate-wrecking fossil fuels. Dirty tailpipe pollution from transportation now rivals power plants as the largest source of carbon pollution in the U.S.

This attack on the clean car standards is just the latest salvo in President Trump’s assault on our climate progress and the EPA.

Trump and Pruitt are also poised to slash the EPA’s budget by 24% and cut one of every five EPA staff members. And they’re filling top-ranking EPA positions with like-minded climate change deniers and friends of the fossil fuel industry.

NRDC is escalating our rapid response operation to stop them: Mobilizing public opposition … preparing to challenge the administration in court … and prevailing on our allies in Congress to stand up and strongly oppose any attacks on our environment, our climate and our health.

We’re counting on NRDC supporters like you to help us generate a nationwide outcry that Trump and Pruitt will be unable to ignore.

If Trump and Pruitt succeed in forcing through their reckless, pro-polluter agenda, the impacts on our environment and our climate could be nothing short of catastrophic.

More smog … more severe storms and skyrocketing temperatures … more poisonous chemicals dumped into our drinking water … and no end to the toxic sea of pesticides killing our bees and other pollinators — putting our food supply in grave jeopardy.

I’ve got news for them: We won’t be silent. We won’t be complacent. We fought hard for the victories we’ve achieved — and we’ll fight even harder to protect them now. Are you with me?

We’re putting Trump and Pruitt on notice. Add your name to our petition today, and tell them you’re standing strong against their brazen attempts to roll back our climate progress and fundamental environmental protections.

Thanks for all that you do to protect our air, water and health. I’ll be in touch soon with more ways that you can get involved.


Rhea Suh
President, NRDC


The Center for Biological Diversity released a groundbreaking report this week identifying the top 15 members of Congress trying to seize, destroy, dismantle and privatize America’s public lands. These “Public Lands Enemies” are part of a growing movement to industrialize public lands for profit — increased exploitation for oil and gas drilling, fracking, logging, mining and development.

The Center’s report analyzed 132 anti-public-lands bills that were introduced in the past three congressional sessions and the lawmakers who authored and cosponsored those bills.

These 15 members of Congress are trying to turn America’s public lands into an open cash register for corporations,” said Randi Spivak, the Center’s public lands director. “Everyone who cares about our national forests, wildlife refuges, national parks and monuments need to watch these elected officials very closely — and oppose them at every step.”

Check out our new Public Lands Enemies website, where you can download shareable “Wanted” posters and find out if your congressional rep is on our list.

Black bear resting in a tree

Grim Toll: Wildlife Services Killed 2.7 Million Animals in 2016

The latest numbers are out on the deadly toll on animals taken by Wildlife Services’ killing program. Last year this secretive arm of the U.S. Department of Agriculture wiped out more than 2.7 million animals, including 415 gray wolves, 76,963 adult coyotes, 407 black bears, 334 mountain lions, 997 bobcats, 21,184 beavers and 3,791 foxes.

The Center has worked for years to reform this rogue program, whose killing — with traps, poisons, guns and gases — is mostly done as a misguided favor for agriculture.

“Despite mounting public outcry to reform these barbaric, outdated tactics, Wildlife Services continues its taxpayer-funded slaughter of America’s wildlife,” said the Center’s Collette Adkins. “These cruel practices not only fail to effectively manage targeted wildlife but also pose ongoing threats to other animals, including endangered species and pets.”

Earth2Trump banner



The Earth2Trump Roadshow of Resistance Is Back — Join Us

More than 5,000 people turned out to our first round of Earth2Trump shows in January; we’re launching another tour in April along the East Coast, and we hope you can join us.

Conservationists and indigenous groups are uniting to stop Trump’s dangerous agenda. This is a new, powerful opportunity to join a growing movement of resistance and oppose all new policies hurting wildlife, undermining Native American sovereignty, poisoning our air and water, destroying our climate, or promoting bigotry in any form.

The free shows will feature music by singer-songwriter Casey Neill and Diné and Cheyenne hip-hop artist Lyla June. They’ll also include speeches by Cheryl Angel, a Lakota elder fighting the Dakota Access and Keystone XL pipelines, and the Center’s Brytnee Laurette.

Learn more and RSVP to a show near you.