England: Government To Introduce Regulatory CCTV In All Slaughterhouses During 2018.

We have some great news – even though it is associated with the places of death – slaughterhouses.

The UK government has now announced that it will be going ahead with plans to make CCTV mandatory for all slaughterhouses in England.


The announcement follows a public consultation process.  There were opver 3,800 responses to the consultation from the general public; with just 5 opposing the proposals.  Thus a staggering majority of more than 99% of those consulted were IN FAVOUR of mandatory CCTV in slaughterhouses.

The new law associated with this is hoped to come into force during Spring 2018.  Slaughterhouses will be given 6 months to comply with the new requirements.

Efforts are now being increased in the rest of the UK.  (For overseas visitors, the UK is literally a ‘United Kingdom’ which comprises of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.  Each member of the UK has its own independent Parliament and makes legislation for its own nation.  Ie. laws in Scotland do not automatically apply in England – independent parliaments decide what each nation will do).

In Scotland, there is a lot of work being taken to make CCTV compulsory here also – and a win soon is expected.  Wales and N. Ireland are a bit further away from intoduction; but with England now making CCTV compulsory by law, it is hoped they will soon follow.


We abhor slaughterhouses and everything involved in animal slaughter.  But we also accept that some people wish to continue eating meat, and all the time this is the case we have to accept it.  We will continue to push for a veggie / vegan diet policy which removes the need for killing of animals for food.

Whilst the new English government plans will allow slaughterhouse vets (compulsory) to have unrestricted access to all CCTV footage; Animal Aid will be pushing for an independent body that could undertake spot checks.





Yet another example of something that the EU should be introducing as standard.  They do not really seem to care.  With Brexit the UK is taking back control of its own laws.  This is yet another example of what Brexit allows for animals, and why the UK wants to be EU regulation (or no EU regulation) free.



International: 8/3/18 – Happy International Women’s Day Ladies !


International Women’s Day (IWD) is celebrated on March 8 every year.

It commemorates the movement for women’s rights.

While the first observance of a Women’s Day was held on February 28, 1909 in New York, March 8 was suggested by the 1910 International Woman’s Conference to become an “International Woman’s Day.” After women gained suffrage in Soviet Russia in 1917, March 8 became a national holiday there. The day was then predominantly celebrated by the socialist movement and communist countries until it was adopted in 1975 by the United Nations.

Read more at  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Women%27s_Day


