Conversations among friends…

…and we have to be happy that we are not pigs in factory farming

Good night to all, Venus

Italy – hunting ban to fight pandemic! Super!


Italy has introduced a traffic light system in order to better coordinate measures to limit the COVID 19 pandemic on a regional basis.

Songbird hunting is therefore prohibited with immediate effect in the particularly badly affected “red” regions.

In this way, the authorities want to prevent the hundreds of thousands of hobby hunters from unnecessary trips to the district and the subsequent obligatory wine in the bar.

So far the hunting ban has been imposed in Lombardy and Tuscany, Piedmont, Calabria, Campania, and South Tyrol.

The hunters in other regions will soon face the same fate.

It is doubtful whether the traffic light will turn green again before the end of the hunting season on January 31, 2021.

Anyway! Several million migratory birds that would otherwise have been shot – above all skylarks and thrushes – can now fly over the Apennine peninsula undisturbed 😊

Committee against Bird Murder e.V.

And I mean…Actually, songbird hunting should be banned long ago!
From the EU.
But the hunting lobby in Europe is too strong for that, it has the say and not the EU.
Even the German hunters are not ready to call for an end to songbird hunting.

Great message!
We hope that the ban will remain in place, but that Italy needs the Corona for it … is shameful.

My best regards to all, Venus

Psychopaths in our society

Animals United e.V.

❌‼ ️ Hanged – skinned – desecrated: Therapy dog ​​” Maddox” murdered by its own owner!

There are deeply disturbing recordings that we received recently … 👉 (Video will follow TODAY EVENING at 19:00)

In the darkness, between dense branches, contours and outlines emerge that suggest the indescribable … weak, dim light makes the whole horror more or less visible and reveals a hanging animal carcass and its executioner, who is circling its victim in a most disturbing way and repeatedly lifting his head to shake and pat it …

▪️The horror scene: a piece of land in Loxstedt, Germany, Lower Saxony
▪️The perpetrator: A mentally ill man known to the police
▪️The victim: His therapy dog ​​” Maddox”


The 40-year-old has been causing discomfort in his neighborhood for a long time. The animal molester is considered unpredictable – the neighbors fear him.

His therapy dog ​​” Maddox” – a beautiful, imposing animal – was once entrusted to the mentally ill person in order to accompany him on his therapeutically supported recovery path.

The responsible veterinary office (district of Cuxhaven) had already been consulted on several occasions by the neighborhood because various abuses in the keeping and abuse of the good-natured animal by the tormentor to be treated had been heard and observed.

An intervention or even an urgently reported confiscation of the dog by the office, however, never took place.
After all, it is a therapy animal that can endure a lot.

The perpetrator hanged “Maddox” on said afternoon/evening, on November 14, 2020, on a property on a tree, then skinned it and then desecrated its body. It is not known whether the animal was killed by hanging or had been killed before.

The intervention of the police, to which the “violation of animal welfare regulations” had been reported, then took place with the support of the Special Operations Command and ultimately ended with an admission to a psychiatric institution for the animal killer.

On the evening before (November 13th, 2020) the police were deployed for the first time because witnesses observed cruel practices against the dog “Maddox” by its owner.

Overcoming the perpetrator had turned out to be quite risky and ended with a serious cut caused by the abuser against a police officer, which ultimately had to be fixed and treated by means of an emergency operation.

In view of the fact that the psycho-pathologically based aggression potential, as well as the existing unpredictability of the animal murderer, had already become apparent the day before, the inaction of the competent authorities and the dismissal of the dangerous psycho offender should be rated as grossly negligent and irresponsible!

“Maddox” was executed in the most horrific way possible by the hand of his “wards” and could still live today if the responsible veterinary office had consistently followed up on the numerous reports of those witnessing abuse, had acted early, and had withdrawn the tortured animal from its tormentor and executioner!

We at ANIMALS UNITED demand seamless and consistent monitoring and care of such complex human-animal relationships! It cannot and must not be that behaviorally unpredictable people are entrusted uncontrollably with the responsible task of caring for and looking after a living and suffering creature and that their animal protégés are exposed to the pathological disturbance impulses of their sick owners without protection!

We remember the sweet and faithful “Maddox” who was murdered by the hand of that person whose health stability he tried to improve.

And I mean…In the USA the psychopath would have been shot on his feet and thus rendered harmless.

Why should “therapy animals” even give?
Who ordered that a mentally and psychologically disturbed may have a dog for “therapy”?
That’s where it starts!

With technically incompetent Psychologists who want to re-socialize the dangerous mentally ill through wrong treatments, diagnoses, “therapies”.

And last but not least, the weak, incompetent neighbors are to blame, everyone who noticed everything and did not interfere.

Interfered, not just with reports to incompetent officials.

5 or 6 people armed with sticks would have managed to save the dog from the violence of the psychopath.

I will not post the promised video.
That doesn’t help the victim.
And those who filmed it should next try to prevent a murder through civic courage, not clicktivism.

My best regards to all, Venus

EU: EC study find outs the livestock sector is responsible for 81-86% of the agricultural greenhouse gas emission.

EC study find outs the livestock sector is responsible for 81-86% of the agricultural greenhouse gas emission

October 2020

In mid October 2020, the European Commission published a report examining the environmental, economic and social consequences of EU livestock production and how this sector can contribute to sustainable agriculture.

While recognising the important economic role played by livestock production in the EU economy, the report stresses the significant environmental impacts associated with industrial animal production. Such impacts can affect biodiversity, human health, and the functioning of ecosystems.

In particular, by including in calculations the environmental impacts of the production, processing, and transport of feed, the report concludes that the livestock sector is responsible for 86-88% of the EU’s agricultural GHG emissions. Additionally, more than 80% of nitrogen of agricultural origin present in all EU aquatic environments is linked to livestock farming, and livestock farms are the main sources of ammonia.

On animal welfare, the report recalls the results of the last special Eurobarometer on animal welfare showing that 94% of European citizens attach importance to animal welfare, with 82% agreeing that farm animals should be better protected. Three key areas need to be addressed to respond to citizens expectations, and namely the intensification of farming, transportation of animals and slaughter. 

The report notes that the specialisation and intensification of livestock farming systems has had negative implications for animal welfare, leading to stress and pain due to artificial living conditions in industrial type buildings, damage to animal integrity (e.g., painful husbandry procedures), separation from familiar conspecifics and unnatural levels of mixing. Citizens expect animals to be spared fear and anxiety and to be offered the possibility to experience positive emotions. Such an approach can also have positive knock-on effects on the reduction in the use of antimicrobials in farmed animals, which should be halved by 2030 compared to current levels according to the Farm to Fork strategy. 

Read more at source

Publications Office of the EU

Denmark: Inhumane mink killing shocks Dyrenes Beskyttelse (Animal Protection Denmark).

Inhumane mink killing shocks Dyrenes Beskyttelse (Animal Protection Denmark)

13 November 2020

Dyrenes Beskyttelse

Dyrenes Beskyttelse reports the cruel killing of minks to police in Denmark, as shown in a viral video circulating social media. They call on authorities to ensure that minks are killed in a humane way.

A video that circulated heavily on social media last week, shows how the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration’s employees fail in their attempt to kill minks.

Subsequently, they try to fix this by killing the minks with incorrect and brutal methods. The result is nothing less than animal cruelty. Eurogroup for Animals member Dyrenes Beskyttelse condemns the methods used, as they are in violation of the Animal Welfare Act, and has therefore reported the case to the police.

Yvonne Johansen, head of animal welfare at Dyrenes Beskyttelse, says: “The scenes we are witnessing here are completely unacceptable. It’s heart-breaking, and it simply cannot happen. The Animal Welfare Act states that anyone who wants to kill an animal must ensure that the animal is killed as quickly and as painlessly as possible. That’s not what I see here. I am deeply shaken”. She also emphasizes that despite the many killings that need to happen in Denmark now in a short time, consideration for the individual animal must never step into the background. “To the individual animal, it does not matter whether it is killed by corona or to become a fur coat. But it does matter how it happens, even when authorities are occupied with reaching the goal of the killings.”

The minks are killed by gassing, just as they normally would have been if the animals had been furred. But with the way this method works, it takes time to kill the minks and this cannot be rushed, Dyrenes Beskyttelse points out. “If you hurry through the process, you end up with mink that are not dead, as we see in the pictures.

The mink is an animal that naturally lives in and by water; it even has webbed feet. This also means that it is really good at holding its breath. Therefore, killing minks by gassing them is already problematic, and it only becomes more disconcerting by rushing the process” says Yvonne Johansen.

Since the circulation of the video, Dyrenes Beskyttelse received many inquiries from concerned citizens who also reported the video to the police. Dyrenes Beskyttelse is now contacting the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration to ensure that the rules on humane killing are complied with.

Read more at source

Dyrenes Beskyttelse

Check out all of our (WAV) posts on the Danish mink by visiting us at:

New Zealand: Justice Has Been Served – Update From SAFE.

Kia ora Mark   Justice has been served.

    Our partners at the New Zealand Animal Law Association have been reviewing the High Court judgment and considering the impact such a landmark ruling will have. We have certainly won the biggest and most important challenge for mother pigs – however the battle for justice is not over yet.
When we received the judgment on Friday, we also heard that our opposition in this case – the Minister for Agriculture, Hon Damien O’Connor and the National Animal Welfare Advisory Committee (NAWAC) – would have 20 days to appeal the ruling.   The Code of Welfare for pigs must now be amended – this is a crucial piece of legislation that determines how pigs are treated. The amendment of the Code of Welfare cannot be rushed.

Lastly, as with battery cages, farrowing crates will likely be subject to a phaseout period to allow farmers to transition to new farming systems or to leave pig farming altogether. The phaseout of farrowing crates will not happen overnight.     From the beginning of this campaign, we have promised not to give up on mother pigs, and we meant it – with your help we will keep the pressure on the Minister of Agriculture and NAWAC to amend the Code of Welfare and to implement a fair phaseout plan to end the use of farrowing crates for good.
Justice has been served, and we will be watching closely to make sure our Government follows through.
I will keep you updated as I receive more information.
Until then – for the pigs,  
Debra Ashton

Chief Executive Officer

ADI urges WHO to cut animal tests to tackle COVID-19.

ADI = Animal Defenders International

ADI urges WHO to cut animal tests to tackle COVID-19

16 November 2020

An open letter, spearheaded by ADI, is calling for the use of non-animal research methods in the search for a vaccine for COVID-19. Although animal testing is not required, and often unreliable, it is still taking place globally.

Animal Defenders International (ADI), a member of Eurogroup for Animals, has prompted an open letter directed to the World Health Organisation concerning animal tests. The letter calls for advanced non-animal research methods to be prioritised in order to accelerate the discovery and use of effective vaccines and treatments for COVID-19, and has been signed by nearly 100 experts, academics, and other concerned parties. It states that “significant funding and precious time is being spent on animal research…. despite the known species differences which make the results from such data unreliable when translated to humans.”

Usually, vaccine research and development takes up to 15-20 years, but thanks to international collaboration, a vaccine for the SARS-COV-2 virus might be available as soon as next year. Animal research is a major part of this process. The International Coalition of Medicines Regulatory Authorities (ICMRA) has now stated that efficacy tests using animals are not required before proceeding to human clinical trials. Despite this, these tests are still taking place, even alongside clinical trials in some cases.

Safety testing on animals, however, is still required. For these tests, animals are typically force-fed or injected with a substance while restrained, and suffer debilitating, even fatal, side effects. In all this, animal testing remains an unreliable way to predict the effects of drugs in humans due to species differences. More than 90% of drugs that prove promising in animal trials fail in humans, either due to lack of effectiveness or safety concerns.  Even though this issue is widely recognized, laboratories around the world continue to use animals to test possible vaccines for COVID-19. Jan Creamer, ADI President, states: “There is an urgent need to tackle and treat COVID-19 and other human disease with better, faster science. To provide safer, more effective treatments to help people, we need to move away from unreliable animal research and use advanced scientific methods, more relevant to humans.”

Dr Aryan Tavakkoli MRCP FRACP, a respiratory physician, mentions that the respiratory systems of animals used for COVID-19 research are known to be different from ours physiologically, so it is only logical that human-based methods be prioritised and used for testing treatments and vaccines. He also claims that with incredibly sophisticated methods such as human lung models that are now available, it is vital that resources and time are directed toward these to find treatments and a vaccine for this life-threatening virus.

Besides the open letter, ADI has also launched a petition to cut animal testing in the search of a COVID-19 vaccine. To help out, you can sign the petition here.

Read more at source