India: Animal Aid Unlimited – Making A Huge Difference – Educational Presentations and Inspiring Videos – Please Support This Work.



Dear Mark

Saving lives through school and community outreach 


During the past month, our Compassion Education Team has given 10 presentations to 500 people, from primary school students to senior citizens, about how to help injured street animals, what are “animal rights,” reasons to go vegan, and what to do if you see cruelty.


Above – Rajkishor inspires 7th graders,
Neha motivates Udaipur animal lovers, and students pet dogs for the first time!

In addition to video and power-point presentations we brought 60 students from a local school on a field-trip to Animal Aid where they pet dogs, donkeys and even cows, and for many, it was for the first time in their lives. It’s harder to be compassionate when you are afraid, so by helping children overcome their fear of animals we are helping them to connect and understand the feelings of animals so that they will help them.


We held our 13th Sunday colony meeting where we’ve so far talked to over 300 Udaipur animal lovers who are regular callers on our emergency helpline. The objective of our colony meetings is to grow Udaipur’s animal protection movement from a grass-roots level, by encouraging animal lovers to take part in our first-aid training program, educating them on how to use the law to protect animals from abuse, and motivating them to use their voice to speak for those who cannot.

Donate to support our vital education program.



Major Sahib’s crisis turns into the happiest ending…

We found him lying in anguish on the side of the street, gravely wounded and broken.

The side of his head was being eaten by maggots and his body had given up all hope. We could tell that he had been lying in the same place for many hours if not days, and we believe that if we hadn’t rescued him right when we did, that this is where he would have died.

We named him Major Sahib for a good reason-this old boy was a soldier for LIFE.

He may have been tottering on the edge, but he definitely wasn’t ready to say goodbye.


Too injured to move, but still wagging his tail…

When we first got the call to rescue this young street dog, we thought he only had the injury we could see above his eye.

But as soon as we came in close, we were shocked. There were deep lacerations across his inner thigh and belly that were covered in blood. We were told he had been hit by a vehicle.

Unable to stand when we found him, this little braveheart still wagged his tail when our rescuer Nandu lifted him into our ambulance.

Just watch this video to see his overflowing joy after making a full recovery.


Donate to support our vital education program.





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