USA: Tillerson May Sucker To Trump, But ExxonMobil Needs To Come Clean About Climate Change. Action Link Below.

‘Clean’ ?  – ExxonMobil Billings Refinery


Tell ExxonMobil to follow through on its promise to provide details on how climate change risks will impact its business.

ExxonMobil is Feeling the Pressure

ExxonMobil is feeling the pressure from the public and shareholders to stop supporting climate deception and begin planning for a low-carbon future—let’s keep the pressure going!

Tell ExxonMobil it’s time to plan for climate change.

You’ve helped us shine a light on ExxonMobil’s funding of anti-climate lobbying groups like the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), and the message is getting through. When ALEC drafted a resolution last month calling on the Environmental Protection Agency to withdraw its science-based finding that global warming emissions are endangering the planet, Exxon opposed the resolution, distancing itself publicly from ALEC’s anti-climate stance. The resolution was eventually dropped.

Days later, in response to a shareholder-approved resolution that called on the company to report on how it is aligning its business with global climate action, ExxonMobil announced that its board will provide shareholders details on climate change risks and impacts to its business.

Unfortunately, ExxonMobil’s announcement to disclose climate risks is short on details. ExxonMobil should develop a business plan that takes climate science and the risks of fossil fuel investment seriously. And, while ExxonMobil called out ALEC on this instance of climate science disinformation, the company continues to fund them—despite ALEC’s track record of climate change denial. Additionally, just this week, ExxonMobil took the first steps toward suing state and local governments who are moving to hold energy companies accountable for the impacts of climate change.

ExxonMobil needs to know that we’re still watching, and that lip service isn’t enough.

Tell ExxonMobil to walk the talk on climate change and truly align their business with climate action.

One critical first step is to follow through on its promise to provide details on how climate change will impact its business.

Yours sincerely,
Ortal Ullman
Outreach Coordinator
Climate & Energy Program
Union of Concerned Scientists



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