Animal transports in summer: hell for animals



While we humans can cool off in the summer heat, the animals suffer all the more on the long transports. There is no cool summer evening waiting for them, no cold shower and all too often not even fresh water. The EU, as always, only discusses about it extensively, and during this time the transport continues unhindered in this weather.
Some countries want to expose certain routes, but that’s not enough!

Again this summer millions of animals will have to suffer miserably under the heat on the transports.


Is it even allowed to transport animals in the summer over long distances?

Yes, as long as the temperature in the vehicles does not exceed 30 ° C (with 5 ° C tolerance upwards). This is stipulated by EU Regulation EC 01/2005 for animal transports over 8 hours. The vehicles must also be equipped with fans that – regardless of whether the vehicle is driving or standing – can ensure these limits.

Is the provision implemented in practice?

Usually not. For more than 20 years, Animals’ Angels has documented that the competent veterinary offices also release animal transports in the summer months when temperatures above the limit values ​​are to be expected on the way. Especially in the south of Europe and on the long export routes to Asia and Africa, we regularly document transports at temperatures above 35 ° C.

In short Video: animal transports at high temperatures (with English subtitles)


What are the consequences for the animals?

Transports at high temperatures inevitably mean stress and suffering for the animals. Thirst and dehydration often come along. In the worst case, the animals suffer serious health damage or even die during transport.


For more…at:


My comment: The Gandhi quote is often mentioned: “The size and moral progress of a nation can be measured by how it treats the animals”.

How big can a nation be that declares living beings to be “commodities”?

What is the size of a nation that identifies sentient beings as goods, such as grain, wood, chemicals, or machines just because they belong to another species?

The inscription “attention, live animals” on the containers replaces the words “attention, fragile” on boxes.
The welfare of the animal (Article 13 of the Lisbon Contact) is not taken into account in a transport where the animal functions as a “commodity”.

And the export of living beings from the EU is flourishing, with our tax money, do not forget. Each year, EU countries deliver millions of live animals (breeding and slaughter animals) to Turkey, the Middle East or North Africa, where they are brutally slaughtered according to religious rules.

All are sentient, intelligent and thinking beings with their own interests, physical, mental and social needs. All have the right to freedom and physical integrity.


There was a black era imprisoned by the millions of slaves from Africa who were squeezed together as human cargo in the lower decks of the ships to carry them off to North America and other parts of the world.

They, too, were beaten if they did not cooperate and were thrown overboard if they became ill or died.

The survivors were exploited, “bred” and resold. Their traders earned a fortune with it. Fortunately, this type of exploitation is abolished.

But a similar one, the exploitation of non-human animals, remained and is even intensified.

We will fight with all our might to stop animal suffering, to stop live animal transports and, in the long term, the abolition of mass animal husbandry.

My best regards to all, Venus